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Date Posted: 11:01:52 04/05/24 Fri
Author: Have a nice day✌🏻
Subject: You are correct about 1 thing, I am morally superior to you
In reply to: Penis=man 's message, "It’s futile to talk facts to people enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance." on 09:47:14 04/05/24 Fri

And the reason is I am not trash-talking a child, and you are! You have not stated a single "fact" and I am not ignorent, I have informed myself on the SCIENCE (very important word there, look it up) of both sides of this argument. The best you have come up with is man=penis 🤣 you are very fixated on that word, I'd get help for that if I was you! I'm signing off now because I actually have a life, but I'll leave you with this..... I think you Trumpers are parasites; all you have is grievance, whining, discrimination, and hate! Sooo hard done by, everyone is taking something from you, everyone is out to get you, horrible libtards taking your country and giving it to "others" , poor poor poor you! I started this by calling you a pig because of the language you used against a CHILD, not because of the beliefs you hold. Your beliefs are redundant, tired and predictable, but it would have been nice if you could have had second thoughts about how you talk about a child on a public message board.So, it's been amusing, and I wish you well with your whole boycotting thing .

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