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Date Posted: 07:14:30 06/10/24 Mon
Author: P.J. McCafferty, ADCRG
Subject: Dear Southern Region Colleague

Dear Southern Region Colleague,

The financial crisis at CLRG is very serious. It is very real.

I urge you to vote to accept the new registration fee and the new entry fees. CLRG needs income now. It needs the promise of income in the future to secure financing to cover the period of operational reform. These increases are an investment in a CLRG better prepared to serve you in the future.

The effort to reform CLRG continues. Please remember changes already accomplished:

A change in leadership.
Independent CLRG organizational study.
Registrant voting for All Ireland and Worlds adjudicators.
Recruiting Professional Management for CLRG.
Improved Office management and efficiency.
Continued work on other projects to improve CLRG.

Change is slow because it is hard. However, the Members who are persistently promoting the necessary changes have been effective. They are dedicated to improving CLRG.

Please note that there is a countermotion in opposition to raising the registration fees. By custom and practice in CLRG, the countermotion will be voted on first. If the countermotion passes, the original motion will not be voted on, it is considered defeated by the countermotion. The countermotion leaves the CLRG Registration Fees the same as they were last year. It assesses every registrant a one-time amount of money to pay for:

1.a €348,334 ($376,894) the 2023 Gibney Communications public relations expenses.
1.b. 2024 Gibney expenses unknown. Gibney is working on a project pricing basis.
2. €156,992 ($169,759) the cost of the SIA Organizational Review
3. Managing Director, Communications and Marketing Director costs unknown as
of yet.

On April 15 there were 2,078 Registrants. The known onetime assessment in the
countermotion is approximately $250 at today’s currency exchange rate, without other currency-related fees. The motion is unclear as to 2024 expenses and which of the MD and COMS expenses would be assessed to Registrants.

Please follow this link to complete a poll on the items scheduled on the agenda of the 6/14 EGM. Polling will end at 11:59 PM EDT, Wednesday June 12th .

P.J. McCafferty, ADCRG
Regional Director
IDTANA-Southern Region

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