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Subject: Zombie terror. Attacked by a brain-eating monster

Christopher Anton (Creased with laughter and horror.)
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Date Posted: 08:42:03 03/06/13 Wed

An encounter with a brain-eating zombie is one of the most terrifying and often lethal experiences anyone can expect to endure. The process of having the top of the head bitten off and the “grey matter” chewed on by one of these revolting un-dead is not something that any sane person would relish.
That is exactly the fate that was planned for United States President Barack Obama and his fragrant wife Michelle, during their state visit to the United Kingdom last year. The creature that attacked them had been hiding in their rooms at Buckingham Palace. Of all the trials suffered by this international statesman, this must surely have been the worst. Debating with Mitt Romney would be a picnic compared with this life and sanity threatening encounter.
So, you may ask how the President and First Lady came to be the intended dinner for the brain-eater in the first place and did the zombie succeed in chomping at the hippocampus of the chief executive. (Some say it’s obvious that he did). The answer can be found in the very funny political satire “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” by that master of the comic grotesque, Christopher Antony Meade.
I won’t give away any more info on the comic delights of this very funny book. I can guarantee, however, that you will never look at the world the same way again after reading it.
Read the complete reviews and
Sample the hilarious first chapters FREE on AMAZON.
United States.
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You can also buy it from many other online retailers. Priced at less than the cost of a packet of ten cigarettes.

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