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Date Posted: 11:56:21 01/31/10 Sun
Author: Michael
Subject: Short Kike with Big Nose Makes Fun Of "REDNECKS"

This is a complaint against the attorney Jerome Jerry Fishkin.

Mr. Fishkin is an "ethics" lawyer who represents lawyers in front of the State Bar Court. He also serves as an expert witness in legal malpractice claims. Mr. Fishkin is a partner in the office of Fishkin & Slatter which is based in Walnut Creek, CA. It is a 2 lawyer law-firm which includes Fishkin, and his wife, Ms. Slatter.

He is from a Jewish heritage and politically, is a liberal. His son married a monkey. Basically a born Obama voter from San Francisco who planted himself in Walnut Creek. This was after his ancestors planted themselves in the U.S. after they were ejected from Europe.

The problem with Fishkin is that, like many other liberal Jews, he likes to make fun of the people of this country. He feels excluded and ashamed of himself, so his way of expressing his inferiority complex is by being condescending to white Christians and their values. The ones who welcomed his ancestors when they were ejected from Europe. Usually, such an individual (not necessarily Fishkin) will refer to White Christians as Hicks, Rednecks, and White Trash. Also, such an individual will pretend to like Art, Classical Music, make grandiose gestures of charitable contributions, and will artificially scream at every opportunity when the slightest ridicule of minorities is displayed.
On his Facebook page, he posts offensive and inappropriate materials, which usually ridicule White Christians and their conservative values. The last picture, which is included, makes fun of "REDNECKS".
From the dictionary: Redneck is a disparaging term that refers to a person who is stereotypically Caucasian and of lower social-economic status in the United States, particularly referring to those living in rural areas. Originally limited to the Southern United States, and then to Appalachia, the term has become widely used throughout North America.

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