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Subject: Re: Hello Again

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Date Posted: 13:34:36 03/31/03 Mon
In reply to: EvilSpee 's message, "Re: Hello Again" on 17:15:24 03/29/03 Sat

>>>>>>I thought you said you were a fed, maybe when I
>>>>>>it up I was thinking of something else, the rebel
>>>>>>doesn't do much anyways. I don't realy know of a
>>>>>>site for plug-in development I just use ResEdit...
>>>>>>>>>>Hey there every1,
>>>>>>>>>>I have been away for quite some time now and
>>>>>>>>>>to be back. NEway does ne1 know a good ev plug
>>>>>>>>>>and KC3 did ya get my thingee ok? i trashed
>>>>>>>>>>Outlook Express so i cant send you any more
>>>>>>>>>>but I cant make good ones neway. Your new plug
>>>>>>>>>>good but Im not going to ask for the password
>>>>>>>>>>like the confederates just the way they are
>>>>>>>>>>$%^&ing brats) Sorry i should'nt have said
>>>>>>>>>I would also like to add that confederate ppl
>>>>>>>>>go to heaven (no im not a confederate wuss) coz
>>>>>>>>>are gay people who are to happy and to wussy to
>>>>>>>>>We on the other hand are rebels who dont obey
>>>>>>>>>rules so we should go to hell and fight the
>>>>>>>>>That way WE could torture THEM.
>>>>>>>>You dissapoint me, I assumed you were a rebel,
>>>>>>>>I wasn't able to upload the plug because my Mac
>>>>>>>>working but I emulated one of my computers to
>>>>>>>>Mac so I'll get it up soon.
>>>>>>>Why do I dossapoint you kc3? I am a rebel what
>>>>>>>you think im not? If its coz i dont want your
>>>>>>>thats because i doubt it would work with EV MAGMA
>>>>>>>I dont particularly want to get rid of magma. Do
>>>>>>>know the site for a good plug-making application?
>>>>>I never said i was a fed but we all make mistakes.
>>>>>Anyway I was wondering what ship you use Kc3?
>>>>>I have an upgraded Corvette that is incredibly
>>>>>powerful (No Cheats) I think I will get a Kestrel
>>>>>coz those lightnings look handy.
>>>>I like the Rebel Cruiser and Kestrel, the Lightnings
>>>>are handy but if you don't need them you can make an
>>>>extreme fortune capturing lightnings and selling
>>>>P.S I tried to check out your plug but when I did it
>>>>wouldn't work for some stupid reason.
>>>What plug? the one I made a while ago or MAGMA?
>>>I do have a large amount of cash and have decided to
>>>buy that Kestrel. I dont know of any lightnings that
>>>arent Militia or Pirates. And pirates dont come near
>>>me very often now.
>>>P.S Come to think of it the plug only changes the
>>>Government. The descriptions still say stuff like:"
>>>Every Schoolkid knows that earth...blah blah blah and
>>>the smae ships still come up so you should just get
>>>rifd of it really.
>>The plug I said I was going to upload, I've only seen
>>militia defenders not lightnings but go to Cyndonia
>>and Lethe they have a lot of lightnings to capture.
>Whateva, Can I have the password for the new plug? me
>email is jspee@munnoparaps.sa.edu.au (Thats my bro's
>thingee) Coz hotmail one is filled with junk (muwt
>make new one)

I'll just give it to you here anyone who knows the password can use it, they have my permission, lol. The password is rebpower, don't think you'll be impressed by the plug I just made it to make fun of the feds...

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Subject Author Date
Re: Hello AgainDemois (EvilSpee's New Nickname)18:46:55 04/04/03 Fri

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