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Subject: Re: (!) Any Stories and Pictures of Waverly or suggestions greatly appreciated

Tera Ewing
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Date Posted: 12:48:46 10/26/03 Sun
In reply to: Laura 's message, "(!) Any Stories and Pictures of Waverly or suggestions greatly appreciated" on 14:37:45 10/27/02 Sun

>This is a website dedicated to Waverly Hills TB
>Sanatorium. We have gathered alot of information
>through the internet and personal experience. We got
>some of the pictures off the websites listed on the
>links at the bottom of the first page. They are great
>Waverly sites. If anyone has stories or information,
>or just suggestions for the site please subm

Hi, my name is Tera Ewing. I am now 25 years old, but in my teenage years, my friends and I had a mild obsession with the Waverly Hospital. As does every teenager that lives around here, it is just a right of passage round here. I have visited durning the day, and in the night. I truely believe you have to respect that hospital and everything about it if u really want to explore it. I found it absolutely facsinating. I would love to go again. Once at night, myself and about 5 friends had planned to take a trip to visit the hospital. We stopped at a gas station to get flashlights, and batteries. Once up the hill, we were approaching the entrance, when all of the flashlights went out and quit working. They had all worked before, but they went out, and we never got them to come back on. That freaked more than one of my friends out, so we left without entering. Once at the bottom of the hill, and back in the car, our flashlights once again worked.
Just thought I would share my lil story...thanks T Ewing

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Subject Author Date
TB HOSPITALDonnie15:01:28 11/09/03 Sun
    Re: TB HOSPITALTN07:20:32 11/26/03 Wed
    Re: TB HOSPITALsean08:22:47 12/02/03 Tue
    Re: TB HOSPITALChris19:44:34 01/20/04 Tue

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