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Date Posted: 18:06:48 02/25/12 Sat
In reply to: Karen 's message, "Re: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" on 19:45:15 06/19/08 Thu

>>>>>>>>>>>>This board is dead!!!!!Ha Ha!!!I SMEAR
>>>>>>>>>>>>Creepts butt with a red hot poker!!!Fuck you
>>>>>>>>>>>I could break yur neck with little to no
>>>>>>>>>>>VERMIN. Come to toronto, I'll give you my
>>>>>>>>>>Cool man,I'll book the plane tickets
>>>>>>>>>>...What is your address?
>>>>>>>>>163 Sorauren Ave., Toronto Ontario
>>>>>>>He gave his address!!Haha..I will have to post
>>>>>>>address up at some gay personals sites.The ad
>>>>>>>Mentally ill Ice Cube fan seeks meetings with
>>>>>>>Toronto gays,interests include Anal(being
>>>>>>>fucked),Oral(sucking) and "close encounters of
>>>>>>>turd kind" while his lesbian girlfriend sits in a
>>>>>>>chair masturbating with an oversized
>>>>>>>anytime at 163 Sorauren Ave., Toronto
>>>>>>>sex awaits!!..
>>>>>>See you ARE a coward, won't even show up cause
>>>>>>lose yur dish washing job.
>>>>>What you propositioned was stupid,and I wanted to
>>>>>if you were stupid enough to post your personal
>>>>>details all over the internet.
>>He lied. Tamasz Jozef Tyborowski lives at 183
>>Sorauren Avenue, toronto, Ontario, M6r 2E7 and his
>>phone number is 416-530-0332.
>>I love the gay add idea, but I'm sure MT's done that
>>himself already.
>>What a pussy, he said 163 instead of 183 so he could
>>watch his neighbours get in some shit.
>>This is Karen MT's ex wife and I desire very much to
>>expose him for the gay, jewish, half nigger that he
>>is!...he lied to me about it all, and then created
>>forums like this and his "Darkwoods of the abyss"
>>where he could let his secrets be known. IT sickens
>>me I ever went to imusic and even met him! He will
>>off himself soon, we can only hope!
>God, i cant believe hed put his neighbors address he
>could have gotten them killed, hes such a sociopath!
>He wanted to be close enough to see it! Man he is
>scary and I'm soooo glad he isnt allowed into the
>states!!! OMMG, i married a psycho.

So you all but admit you married yourself Tony? Wait till your parents see this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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