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Subject: Re: YOR FICTION AND YOU KNOW IT BEYATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Date Posted: 18:09:47 03/04/12 Sun
In reply to: SSPACECORPSE 's message, "YOR FICTION AND YOU KNOW IT BEYATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" on 21:02:21 03/02/12 Fri

>>>The truth about Market Troll.
>>>His legal name is Anthony Arthur Tyborowski. Goes by
>>>Tony. The Tyborowski family disowned him more than a
>>>decade ago!
>>>Spacecorpse already noted that Karen was just
>>>Tony impersonated from Neil Wiger's old Kreator
>>> She made a post asking about Kreator & Tony decided
>>>to impersonate her! Then went as far as pretending
>>>they were married! All the while TOny also pretended
>>>to be into metal when he really listens to rap! Yep
>>>he's the webmaster of the Canadian Ice Cube site!
>>>Remember when he claimed he & Karen met Arch Enemy?
>>>That was too funny!
>>>But yep Tony really is a faggot!
>>>His name is not Tom or Tomasz or Tameusz. IT'S
>>>ARTHUR TYBOROWSKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>So fuck you Tony!!!!!!!!!!
>>ok tom im bringing neil in here. youre mad and youre
>>not plotting anything about me, koray as well.
wow, why do you even bother tom, its a well known fact all over the net i existed. there was no tony tyborowski. toms mother was raped in a backalley by a jamacian and tittle tommy was born. he has no life and is commonliy called a "tool" when he comes up. i could say more, but im going to drop it. goood nite yall from tamoas own karen r tyborowski, oh and in my life, it says a karen and tom tyborowski lived in a house in largo in 99. thats us guy. stop trying to fake it out. it happened. its DONE.

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