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Subject: ANTHONY ARTHUR YOR SO DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!

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Date Posted: 18:55:40 06/26/12 Tue
In reply to: Karen Regina Tyborowski 's message, "Blow up doll, huh? Nice way of puttingitKare" on 14:21:51 06/25/12 Mon

>i did write this post, i am admitting to writing them.
>im sorry i was so ignorant, hovever i felt threatened
>and made it up to him by going to his level. Its
>wrong. Now i wonder did he meet my boyfriends ex wife
>online? Because she was doing it, or maybe it was tom
>doing it, thing is, I dont know whats up or down. and
>i saw that they have a scammed number list. my dad s
>num is on it as is james. im calling all of them to
>inform them. every single person may be innocent. i
>called a man i didnt kniow he thankked me. He told me
>i was a Godsend. all I ask is for these ppl t be
>brought to justice and to prevent economic disaster
>for many innocent ppl. I love my family, country and
>its my duty to inform. Well too bad your weaponm of
>mass destruction woke up and has morals. Please ppl
>take your lives back. Its robbong others that is
>ruining the world. Vote Obama. Hes a gpood man.


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