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Date Posted: 21:48:38 06/09/03 Mon
Author: "The Sentinel" Gabriel Blade
Subject: Getting Some Things off my Chest

(Scene opens with a shot of a small ring, surely that of some indy federation or another, inside of an arena not much bigger than a high school auditorium. A few hundred people fill the seats, seeming quite into it and entertained. A pair of wrestlers in bright tights slowly walk down the aisle and through the entrance curtain, and a man in a plain black T-shirt and black jeans climbs into the ring with a mic.)

Announcer- And now, a special attraction, on loan to us from the UWS, being accompanied by his manager, Kevin O'Reilly, he is "the Sentinel" Gabriel Blade!

(Blade's music hits over very poor PA speakers as he and O'Reilly come through the curtain. O'Reilly, in his dapper suit, is all smiles as he makes his way down to the ring. Blade, on the other hand, wearing the OWF title around his waist, looks serious and determined, but takes the time to nod to cheering fans and slap a few hands before climbing into the ring. O'Reilly points to the mic and says "may I?" and the announcer gladly gives it to him.)

O'Reilly- (very enthusiastically) Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you the number one contender for the UWS title, the reigning OWF champion, and your next UWS Unified Champion, "the Sentinel" Gabriel Blade!

(The fans once again cheer hardily as O'Reilly gets them going, motioning for more cheers, then pointing to Blade and applauding.)

O'Reilly- Now, in addition to having a Unified title match in the future to prepare for, the Sentinel is getting ready for a HUGE 8 man elimination match this Friday, June 13th live from the Calgary Sports arena in Calgary... (dramatic pause) Alberta, Canada and live on TV on UWS Blackened. And to prepare for that match, a must see for every wrestling fan, he has decided to come here and wrestle for each and every one of you!

(He pauses again, allowing for the cheers to rise and gradually subside.)

O'Reilly- But before he does, he's got some words to say in regards to his upcoming match up, so please, give him your undivided attention.

(O'Reilly hands Gabe the mic, who holds it up and opens his mouth to speak, but then pauses and turns to the crowd as they chant "SEN-TI-NEL!!! SEN-TI-NEL!!! SEN-TI-NEL!!!")

Gabe- You know, it's fans like you that make me love being here so much!

(Blade pauses for renewed cheers.)

Gabe- And in just a few minutes, I will be granted the Honor of testing my skill as a Warrior against your great Champion in a none title match. But before I do, there's some business regarding the UWS that I have to take care of. I will be facing 4 men this Friday at Blackened, but amongst those 4 there's someone I want to address in particular now, and that someone is "the Punisher" Scott Lenoir.

(Blade pauses again, allowing for the boos that arise at the mention of Lenoir.)

Gabe- Now, I don't normally say things like this, but Scott, please, for everyone's sake, (slowly and deliberately) shut up. (This brings a few more cheers.) Seriously, every time you open your mouth, I cringe. You talk your trash in your promos, and it doesn't help you, and it doesn't help anyone else. You came into this federation, and I didn't know you from Adam, but you made sure to make quite a first impression. And believe me, it wasn't a good one. You walked in, jumped some people, took advantage of the element of surprise and the numbers game, and felt like a big man. (slight pause) Then you opened your mouth, and I had such a hard time sifting through the profanities and the references to other wrestlers' supposed homosexuality that I very nearly couldn't figure out what you were trying to say at all. I've kept my eye on you ever since then, Lenoir, and I've been forced to come to once conclusion: You're pathetic, and you don't deserve to be in the UWS.

(Gabe pauses as O'Reilly applauds and says "That's right, the Punisher doesn't belong in the same ring as Gabriel Blade!")

Gabe- And After your glorious start in our federation, what do you do? You win the tag team titles, good for you, congratulations, but you win them by cheating. Great job, you've proven to us all that you can do what anyone else can, win at something by not following the rules. I hope you feel all warm and toasty inside. Then you go right back to talking trash, and you run your mouth to Lee about our elimination match. You warn Lee that the rest of us would never challenge him, and that we'll seize this as our only opportunity. Well, slick, I don't know if you've been watching UWS shows for the past few months, but I for one have challenged Lee on more than one occassion, and have always settled my differences with him in the middle of the ring, man to man.

(Remembering the great matches between Lee and Blade, the fans cheer loudly.)

Gabe- But that's a concept that would appear to be alien to you. And what was that "old saying" you said to Lee? "What your enemies close but what your friends closer?" Gee, I hadn't heard that one. I'd heard the old saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but gosh, your old saying seems to have completely passed me by. But then you kept running your mouth and you told Lee that you're better than he is, that you're every bit his equal, and that you're going to take his World title. Now, I'm no Lee Todd fan, and Lee Todd and I aren't exactly the best of friends for that matter, but I do know the man pretty well, and let me tell you right now, you are no Lee F'n' Todd, and if you try to take his world title one on one, he'll show you exactly why he's held onto it for so long. You can take off your shirt and show off your scars all you want, but all they prove is that you're a fool who's willing to get himself hurt pulling stunts that don't mean anything. Taking a 40 foot dive onto a table wrapped in barbed wire might be awfully stunning and get a crowd to scream...

(Some members of the audience cheer and scream, proving his point. He nods at them to acknowledge them.)

Gabe- ...but it doesn't say a thing about being a wrestler and wrestling in the ring... it doesn't say a thing about being a true Warrior and fighting in Honorable combat. You talk about not selling out and fighting for your style, the hardcore style, and I'll tell you what, there are some amazing hardcore wrestlers capable of doing amazing things. But the vast majority of people who get into "hardcore" do so because they want a ticket to get cheap pops and cheers from crowds without having to have any talent. So forgive me if the next time you disrobe and brag that I'm not all that impressed. But you brag about beds of nails and thumbtacks, and you dis Lee, you say he doesn't have the balls to do what you do, you insult his Honor. Now, listen to me when I tell you, Scott, that you need to learn what real courage is all about. (clearly meaning what he says wholeheartedly) Courage isn't throwing yourself off of balconies and bleeding just to bleed. Courage is standing up and facing your enemies, settling your problems straight up in an Honorable fight. Courage is not resorting to cheap tactics and 2, 3, or 4 on 1 assaults. Courage is living the life you've been given the best you can, and not resorting to drugs, alcohol, and bashing others to make yourself feel better. Then you talk about seeing the UK Crew, Curtis Slamm, and Gabriel Blade when you think of sin, and how we've greedily held on to all the gold for so long. Now, granted, Lee and Tumbler have had quite a run, but tell me, is Curtis Slamm holding on to all the gold for so long when he has yet to hold gold in the UWS? Or am I for having the OWF title less than 3 months? You know, you're absolutely right, how greedy of us. You talk about the 4 of us having lost our edge, well I say that you should face any one of us in the ring one on one and see how sharp our edges are.

(This elicits a some cheers and shouts like "Yeah, Sentinel, kick his ass!" and "Show him what a REAL wrestler is!")

Gabe- Oh, and then you get upset at Lee for calling you an ECW wannabe and ripping off Raven. I've got a tip for you, Scott, when someone points out that you seem to be a bit of a rip off of Raven, the best way to argue your point isn't to immediately start to act more like Raven. It just doesn't have quite the effect you're looking for. Oh, and while I'm giving out advice, if you hate Lee so much and everything about him, I'd shy away from using eminem songs so creatively and entertainingly in your promos, because that little number is one Lee brought to the UWS a long time ago. Now, you say that you demand our respect, and that after Blackened everyone will respect you. You talk about everything being a joke to Lee and him not taking anything seriously, and you know what? You're right, Lee does joke about just about everything, and Lee does seem to not take anything seriously, but you're underestimating him if you think he doesn't realize exactly how much of a threat you really are, and you're a fool if you think the way you're acting is the way to demand respect of him. And, Scott, I try my best to respect every man who steps into the ring, I honestly do... Now, you come around and you demand my respect, but I'm not giving it. Oh sure, you may be a pretty good wrestler, you may be able to get things done in the ring. But when it comes to being a man, you are sourly lacking. Wait, wait, let me guess what your response to that is. You're probably already taking off your shirt and pointing to this scar or that and telling how much of a man that makes you, but just like you need to learn about courage, you need to learn what being a man really is. A real man doesn't mock those unfortunate souls who have no homes as he walks down the street. A real man doesn't sneak off to the bathroom of some dive bar and do some cocaine because he can't get through the day without it. And a real man doesn't talk down to the people he envies just because he secretly fears he won't really be able to compete. But I guess you, Mr. Lenoir, are not a real man... and the sad thing is you probably never will be.

(Blade pauses slightly as he begins another line of reasoning.)

Gabe- But then again, I guess you think I'm the sad one, don't you? I sound like I should be in a comic book? I'm no superhero, this is no fantasy world, and I should just cut the crap and get in touch with reality, right? And you, of coure, are not impressed. In fact, I'm so boring you can't image why any fan would ever want to cheer me. Well, shoot, I guess I should find some way to be more entertaining, like you. Well, let's see here... (mockingly)"Curse, curse, curse, I'm hardcore. Curse, curse, curse, my opponent are all gay. Curse, curse, curse, no one has the balls to do what I do, just look at all my scars. Curse, curse, curse, don't you call me a Raven wannabe!"

(Blade pauses and does the trademark crucifix position.)

Gabe- "Curse, curse, curse, I'm better than everyone else. Curse, curse, curse, I'm gonna drink some beer and do some coke."

(Gabe pauses and the audience laughs at his somewhat uncharacteristic mocking of Lenoir, especially the Raven reference and crucifix position.)

Gabe- Was that more to your liking, Scott? Because I think it was pretty horrible. But, no, I shouldn't make fun, because you're right, I'm no superhero. I'm just a man who does what he can to try and make the world a better place. I don't have super strength or X-ray vision, I can't leap tall building in a single bound or bend steel bars with my bare hands. But what I can do is take care of people like you. I may be no superhero, but you're no supervillain. You're just a sad little man who strives to look like the greatest, but who doesn't even know what real Honor is. So come on, Scott, let's see what you've got. Come on, step in the ring, I'll be waiting. I'll be waiting this Blackened in the elimination match, and since you're so fond of talking smack about taking world titles...

(Blade unstraps his OWF belt and holds it in the air)

Gabe- I'll be waiting with mine if you think you're man enough to take it one on one. But please, until then, either grow up, or keep your mouth shut. Will all be a lot happier that way.

(Gabe pauses again, pacing around the ring, clearly agitated.)

Gabe- You know, I really don't like to cut promos like this, it really isn't my style to bash another wrestler this way. But something about you, it just sets me off, Lenoir, and I can't help it. You get to me in a way almost no one else has. I've angry with a lot of wrestlers before, I've been angry at evil men for their evil deeds, I've been angry with vain men for their lack of Honor and respect, and I'll admit I've even been a little frustrated when I couldn't beat someone as quickly as I thought I should. But almost no one has been able to make me as flat out angry as you have with the way you act in the arena and the garbage you call promos. I look at Sin, and as much of a monster as he is, I see that he really believes the things he says. I look at Eric Manson and I see a man twisted by his suffering into believing what he says. But when I look at you, I just don't think you believe. (as if it's a ridiculous notion) You don't think you were sent by God to save the world from sinners. You don't think that you're one of the chosen few who is saved. You're a liar, a cheater, a drunk, and drug addict. And you just want to be bad and beat people down because that's what you get off on, so you jumped on the band wagon when Sin and Manson and Hellfire came along, and figured it was a great way to get some back up. That makes you even worse than they are. Atleast an evil man with evil beliefs has them to hang on to. You're just an evil man who's talking big and doing whatever he can to get where he wants to be, and that is truly pathetic. You're just an immature little punk who doesn't know what it means to be a wrestler or a Warrior, who has no Honor, and who desperately tries to convince everyone that he's a man, including himself. (slight pause) You know what, I take back one of the things I said before. When it comes to you, Lenoir, I am a superhero. I'm Superman, and you're a two bit thug who's going to pay for his crimes. Judgement Day is Coming for you, Scott, and soon. Prepare To Be Judged!

(Gabe drops the mic and stands seething at all that angers him about Lenoir and resolute that the punisher will get what's coming to him as the crowd cheers, O'Reilly applauds and climbs out of the ring, and his opponent for the night is announced. Almost no one has ever gotten to Blade to the extent to draw this kind of reaction from the Sentinel. It takes a lot to get him to come out and openly rage on why he thinks someone is unfit to be in the ring, and that puts Scott Lenoir on a very short list of competitors. Unfortunately for Mr. Lenoir, being on that list is anything but a good thing. For those who manage to so thoroughly rub the Sentinel the wrong way and push him that far, Judgement Day is Coming indeed.)

(Fade To Black.)

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