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Date Posted: 08:17:00 07/29/03 Tue
Author: "The Dark Jester" Christopher Blackheart
Subject: I Like To Hurt People

::The scene opens in a dimly lit room. The only light comes from a dying candle in the corner. The room appears to be small. One cannot see much in this poor light. A sound echoes from the room, and the camera swivels to see what it was. It is a rocking chair, rocking back and forth. Apparently someone is sitting in it. But we cannot see who. A wolf's shrill howl pierces the timid silence, echoing and rebounding into the night. As if on cue, when the howl dies down, a full moon comes from behind the clouds, illuminating the room with pale, silver light. The man is now visible by our standards. Approximately 6'3", but we could be wrong, given the light fix. He has brown hair, or is it black? Not quite sure. It's short, though. Something like a buzzcut. One cannot tell, for he is facing the other way. His head is down. Suddenly, he speaks.::

Tranquil, this is, isn't it? Yes, when you've been in an asylum for 12 years, you tend to appreciate the silence.

::The man stands up, and turns around. His cold, bright blue eyes send a shiver down your spine. He has a thin scar running down from one side of his eye to the corner of his mouth. He stares at the camera intently. He is not what you would call the prettiest of appearances. As if knowing your discomfort, he lowers his head again.::

I understand.....you need not say anything. I'll take it from here.

Where was I? Oh yes. This is my quiet place. I come here when I have thinking to do. You could say it is my lair of solitude, and the latter. At any rate, I am aware that my opponent, Lee Todd, has been replaced with the unbelievable Dr. Karate. I feel bad for Dr. Karate. The match hasn't even started and he's already lost.

What drives a man to the brink of insanity? What are you, Dr. Karate, a pink belt? You may laugh at me now, and by all means, go ahead. Continue to laugh at me. Everyone laugh at me. For the people you laugh at, like me, become the people who eventually kill the people like you. Don't you watch the news these days? Don't laugh at people who are different. They just might get pissed off and blow a hole through your fucking head. But that is not me. I am civilized.

Sooo......How are things, Dr. Karate? How is your ticker ticking? I wish only the best, because I want to demolish you whilst you are in top form. And you know I've "got my game on", and no, it isn't because I'm wearing my K-Swiss. I'm actually wearing soft-soled shoes.

I'm going to shut up now.

::He remains quiet for several moments, his head in his hands. He looks up again, with a bright and cheerful face.::

That's it! It's perfect! Dr. Karate, I wish you the best of luck. But be careful. You could "lose an ear" in this business.
::He begins laughing like a madman for about 30 seconds, in a fit of hysterics, before regaining his composure. He wipes a tear from his eye.::

So sorry, folks....Won't happen again. Just.....an inside joke between myself and some friends of mine.......Very nice people, too. You meet some of your best friends in this business....Yes. We've arranged a little something. Oh, something so good. Almost as good as when I ate that man's liver with some fava beans, and a nice Kianti.

::He draws in a whispery breath.::

Okay, I admit I never did that, but doesn't that just sound tantalizing? Oh, I can taste it. And actually, I can. But back to Dr. Karate.

Dr. Karate. What is up with you? Your butler dresses like a backup dancer at a Prince concert. How distasteful. At least clothe him in something becoming.

I've been following your press tabs. I have heard you wish to ruin my debut? My dear Dr. Karate, that is not possible. The only way to ruin my debut is to kill me. For even if you defeat me, you STILL won't beat me.

You are what I would describe as "blissfully unaware" of how ignorant you truly are. Your words mean nothing to me. You are simply waving red in front of a bull, and when our match starts, you best watch out for the horns.

I can make you scream. I can make you bleed. I can make a drinking cup of your skull. Or I can be your best friend.

I can be......but chances are, I won't.

I can't explain it.....sometimes I just feel this urge to rip, tear....lacerate......KILL. And it's not at bad feeling, not at all. I welcome this urge...This.....bloodlust.

And that's it. If you truly want to see how someone can turn from gentle to mental, then show up on Blackened. See you soon......

::He begins laughing again, slowly at first, and then into an all-out high pitched shrieking, cold, laughter. The scene fades as he takes a knife, and cuts a line into his bare chest. One line. One mark on a fresh slab. Dr. Karate had best hope he comes out unscathed.

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