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Date Posted: 14:17:26 08/07/03 Thu
Author: "The Sentinel" Gabriel Blade
Subject: The Next Chapter

(Scene opens with a shot of the inside of a conference room on one of the top floors of a high rise office building. Sunlight streams through the windows and reflects off the highly polished mahogany table. As the camera swings around the room we see that the comfortable looking black rolling chairs surrounding the table are unoccupied, except for the two at the head of the table, which seat none other than "The Sentinel" Gabriel Blade and his exquisitely attired manager Kevin O'Reilly. The two sit facing each other and talking in hushed voices over some paperwork for a moment, with O'Reilly looking far more enthusiastic over whatever the topic of their conversation may be, before Blade looks up and spots the camera.)

Gabe- (to O'Reilly) Hold on, there's more important business to take care of at the moment.

O'Reilly- (looking up at the camera and smiling) Of course, the world needs to hear from the Sentinel.

(Both men push back from the table and stand, walking away from their chairs so as to better face the camera.)

Gabe- The river of time flows endlessly on, firmly holding all of us in its current. Another week comes and goes, and another battle awaits. The battle between light and darkness, between good and evil is never ending, and its next chapter will be told on Friday Night Blackened. I have beaten "the Lost Prophet" Eric Manson one on one and proven that I deserve the OWF divisional title, but the Acts of God still stand, and therefore my task is not yet complete. Next in my path stands Champion of Sin Hellfire. He and I shall step into the ring as the battle between good and evil takes its next step. Hellfire, you may believe that my greed keeps me from placing my OWF title on the line in our match up, but the truth of the matter is, I don't make matches in the UWS, and neither do you. It wasn't my decision to make our bout a non-title match, it was management's, but rest assured, I am no coward, and I am fighting champion. I will face any and all comers for my title, and I will do whatever it takes to win the next battle against the forces of evil. So as far as I'm concerned, Hellfire, you want a shot at my title, you've got it.

(O'Reilly quickly steps forward, putting himself partially in between Blade and the camera and resting a hand on Blade's shoulder.)

O'Reilly- Don't be so hasty, my friend, you haven't thought this through. There's no need for you to put your title on the line here, and, as a point of fact, it would be most imprudent to do so.

Gabe- O'Reilly, I can beat Hellfire, and even if I couldn't, any man who can beat me in the middle of the ring deserves to be Champion. I will keep my Warrior's Honor, and I will not back down from a challenge.

O'Reilly- I know that, Gabe, I know you don't back down from anyone. I know you're not afraid of Hellfire in the least, I know you can take him down any day of the week, and I know you'll proudly defend your title against anyone who'd like the chance to take it. As a matter of fact, everyone knows it, and you don't need to prove it every week. And what's more, it hurts you when you do. You are only contractually obligated to defend that title once a month for a reason, because defending it is supposed to be a special thing, a big event that draws big money. You defend it week after week after week and title defenses lose their special feeling, and they lose their ability to draw, and your career suffers because of it, as do the careers of every other person employed by the UWS. What's more, let's not forget that the OWF title makes you a champion of warriors, it elevates you to a new status, a new level of honor. That title means something, and as such, it should only be defended against those who have earned the right to try and take it. It would be a dishonor to the UWS and to you to just let any so called warrior of the streets have a shot at it. And if that doesn't convince you, then remember, you hired me for a reason, I take care of things like this so you don't have to, if you don't accept my advice, there's no reason for me to be here at all. And remember, what you said before is right, you don't make matches here, the management does, and they're not going to want you to defend your title against Hellfire. So let him face you in this non-title match, and if he proves himself worthy, then you, I, and the management will gladly grant him a shot at the title. You want to defend your title with Honor, and you will. Now simply isn't the time, but soon it will be.

(O'Reilly smiles slickly as Gabe hesitates before continuing.)

Gabe- I gladly face any man in Honorable combat... but you are right, I don't have the authority to make it a title match. (O'Reilly smiles ever more and slides back to his place by Blade's side as Gabe once again turns to face the camera.) But I still revel in the knowledge that you and I are to test our mettle, Hellfire, because my business with the Acts of God is not even close to finished. I have beaten Scott Lenoir, Sin, and Eric Manson in the middle of the ring, and now I come to beat you. I will wrestle you or any other member of the Acts of God any time, any where. I will fight you again and again each week if I have to, and I will not stop until your evil reign has ended. You say you will drag me to Hell and back, Hellfire? I've been there before, and you don't need to drag me to get me there again. I will gladly march into its deepest pits just to take you there with me, but I warn you... If we do go to Hell, only one of us is returning. Come Blackened, Hellfire, I am going to put you where you belong. Judgement Day is Coming, Prepare To Be Judged.

(Blade stares into the camera as O'Reilly smiles and pats him on the shoulder before the scene...)

(Fades To Black.)

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