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Date Posted: 14:59:55 06/20/04 Sun
Author: Bob
Subject: Hmmm let's see how long this'd be on a forum like this.

*The shot fades in on room in a house. There is no one in the room, yet the room is full. There is a very large video screen. There are boxes full of old tapes. There are decorations. Three large windows fill up the far wall, letting sunlight flow in and drown the room in light. You can see everything. The windows are positioned so there is no glare on the screen, which is showing an old wrestling match. It seems to be a tag match. Looking closer, and listening to the announcers' voices you can determine that this is a tag-team match. After a few moments, you can tell this is an XGWO event. In fact, it's the Annihilation Zone. The last one before X-fest 2. The match consist of four people in a normal tag-team match.

Dake Ken and Trent "The Lone Wolf" Hunter, taking on X-rated and Claymore.

A match from ages ago it seems. The last Annihilation Zone that would ever be broadcast in XGWO history. The last time that Dake and Trent would be seen as friends on XGWO television. The last time Claymore wouldn't be looked at as one of the top stars of today.

So very much has changed since this match.

You can hear body slams, screams, Electra shouting at X-rated. The announcers freaking out at the match and at eachother. This goes on, and then, it slowly fades out. The match ended. Dake and Trent won, but they also got beaten into little bloody pulps after the match was over.

Now you can see a figure walk into the room. It is obvious who it is. This was the room his last promo finished on. It is Dake Ken's video room. Not really a room for watching movies that X-rated would make, but a place to sit and study. To put in a tape and break down what you need to do and when you need to do it in the ring. Millions of hours have been spent here day after day night after night watching videos. There are boxes laying on the floor marked "EWW" and "UWS". There are tapes laying on the floor and some laying on tables that are marked matches like, "Dake vs. Lee Todd. UWS." Others are marked "Dake vs. Claymore. XGWO." Many tapes marked like this laying around.

As Dake walks in he goes over to the VCR and presses "STOP" on it. He then presses "REWIND". The noise the VCR makes is quite audible, and it really makes you happy that there are noiseless DVD players around. The tape rewinds very fast. Putting out a rhythmic sound. You can time some of the noises when they happen, and then there is just that one constant noise of the gears turning. Very quickly and very abruptly though it stops. It almost is a sickening thud the way it stops. Seems surely to have broken the tape, but there it is. Perfect condition. The actual tape, inside the cassette, is now worn down a little more. The quality is a little lower, the sound is a little harder to hear, but you won't be able to notice until years and years from now.

Dake turns around. He tosses the tape aside just in some random place. There are a few table sitting around acting as catch all. They are a normal large table, but more of an end-table that would be at the side of your bed, or you would have at the end of a couch. Also, there is one big piece of furniture in the room. A couch. In the middle of the room right in-front of the screen. It's back maybe 30 feet. It's perfectly straight, and there is nothing on it. Nothing that would be distracting about it. Nothing that would draw your attention away from the screen.

The sun has started to set, and it is causing a bad glare. Not just on the screen though. It is throughout the entire room. It's one of those annoying glares that blinds you when you drive, it blinds you when you're walking, and it blinds you when you're watching TV. To fix this Dake walks over to each window. He reaches up and pulls on a string. Curtains fall in front of the window. Each curtain that falls in front of each widow seems to kill a little more light with each fall. Dake walks to the third one and pulls the string. This eliminates the annoying glare throughout the room and restores a look of artificial, non-emotional, strictly business, feel to the room. *

(Dake has always taken everything he's ever done very seriously and business like. It is just the way his mind works. Dake enjoys business and it's type of evil undermining and cut-throatness that it takes. Kind of sickening to the weak-hearted, but it is the world. Dake has viewed business of being a way of almost getting aggression out on the world. Instead of screaming and ranting all the time, it can work to your benefit. You can take your anger and use it against some company that is getting in your way. That or you can use your stock to intimidate. Money is a powerful thing in this world, and it will always be that way. It just depends on how you use your money.

While some people might go out to a bar, like Trent, Dake has always used his wisely. Dake takes his money, and uses it for things that will get him what he wants in life. Claymore doesn't use his money. Which is a disadvantage for him, because he can be viewed as less formidable than he actually is? X-rated, seems to have used his money wisely, but then again, he can waste it on help that really is to of no use to him.

While money doesn't equal everything, it can make a difference in how a person looks at a match. Imagine being a ref. You make good pay, but you are buddies with this rich wrestler. You know he needs a push, and well, the other guy isn't really loaded, and he seems to have gotten all this air time as of late, so what are you gonna do. Maybe you'll just count a little faster for your buddy. Maybe you count a little slower for the broke guy. Maybe you'll let your buddy get away with something that you'd get the other guy for. Would you? Most people would.

Now, this is not saying that Dake cheats, or would ever imagine about cheating, but it is a way that money helps in this world. Cheating is for people who can't make it on their own. Which brings up, once again, Trent Hunter? In WCF, the Elite was formed. Of course, the Elite is still around today and is still every bit as powerful as it was when Trent was around, and it can be argued that the Elite is more powerful without Trent than with him, because Trent needed the Elite and the Elite never needed him.

Trent was saved countless times by Dake Ken and X-rated during Trent's run in the Elite. Many times in title match Dake could be seen running down the allies. Yet, the one time that they don't it seems, Trent Hunter is beaten. Neo becomes the new WCF champion. Which raises the question? Why did it take so much help for the amazing Trent Hunter to win so many times, and the first time he isn't helped ... he losses? Trent Hunter, the greatest wrestler today, can't win a match on his own? Is age catching up to Trent? What is wrong? All the talk about this brought up another topic. Why does Dake Ken and X-rated seem to bail Trent out of countless situations when Trent never seems to help them out? Which was a very true and serious issue? Dake and X became the Tag-Team Champions of the WCF on their own, and stayed them for the longest amount of time in WCF history on their own. They did lose it on their own too, but everyone loses a match. There is no avoiding a loss once in a while. Now that Trent doesn't get help in one match and is belt-less, and DKX go on for over a month with the tag-team belts with no help, does that raise an issue of who is real elite member of The Eltie?

Soon enough this issue was over looked. Trent Hunter decided that it was time to dump The Elite, and it is very apparent why. Trent saw these questions lingering over him and knew that at some point, if he were still in The Elite, that these questions would really have to be answered. The fact about this scared him. The truth of The Elite was to not have to deal with Dake Ken and X-rated in the ring in the first place and now it seemed as if Trent had a date with destiny coming right for him. Never had Trent had to make a decision like this before, and it was probably pretty tough. It became obvious to Trent though, that he might not be able to keep his spot as best in the world for much longer if he stayed in The Elite. He might be able to keep it longer because there was a match coming up that would make sure Dake and X wouldn't get a number one contender-ship shot right off the bat.

This was the War match. Now Epic won this match, but there were two names in this match that made the headlines. Dake Ken and Trent Hunter. They'd be in the ring fighting eachother for the first time. Now, X had a match defending his newly won world title against PC Cradle. A match which X-rated lost. Now if Trent were to win War, there would be no chance at Dake Ken or X-rated fighting him for almost a month. Only Trent didn't win, and the answer was going to be answered very soon.

Yet there are people in this world who can get very lucky, very quick. Trent Hunter is one of those people. He can be in the worst situation possible, yet he will come out of it on top it seems. He could be between a rock and a hard place, every five minutes, but in thirty seconds luck will swing his way, allowing an opening to set him free. This kind of thing hasn't ever happened to Dake. Ever since being a kid he never has really gotten a break from bad luck. A brand new guitar he got for Christmas one time broke within a month of him getting it, then when he gets it back, it breaks again, which is quite the show of bad luck. He had to wait over three months to get everything back up and working, and soon enough, another thing went wrong with it. Seemingly small things, although this was not a small incident, like this have always plagued Dake, and when WCF closed and it seemed that Dake would never get to prove who was better this had happened again.

Only luck was on Dace's side this time. Because XGWO was in the stages of reopening, and Dake Ken, who just happens to be one of the biggest names in the XGWO today, had to be re-signed. Of course things can't always go Dake's way perfectly, that would just be weird. So as Dake is about to break out of Trent's shadow, that breakpoint is about to be reached, Trent pulls one over on Dake. Trent has persuaded XGWO promotion to being a battle royal to decide the number one contender-ship, which Dake had won back at X-fest 2. This little gimmick is called, the Trent-ican Idol. A rather stupid playoff of the world wide hit, American Idol. There is one thing though. Trent's luck seems to have reached it's break point as well because, due to the fact Dake left the XGWO number one contender, he will have the last entry in the Trent-ican Idol battle. Meaning one thing, he has the best odds and the best chance to win.)

*Dake walks over to the big screen. He presses a button on it and it shuts off. He walks back out of the room. The shot cuts following him down a very nicely decorated hall way. Dake seems to enjoy some of the gothic art from back then, as well as some of the romanticism movement pieces. The mix is odd, but some would see it as tasteful.

Dake walks to some stairs. He slowly goes down them as the camera follows from behind. Dake has a very rythmic walk and he never seems to leave it. Every thud comes in at the same interval as the first. This might be the cause of all the music that Dake has played and listend to in his life, which can also explain his rythmic, planed, and perfect motions in the ring.

He walks steps off the last step and heads over to a table. He sits at one end and the camera mas sits at the other. Dake looks at the camera. He's smiling his little Dake Ken smirk. The one that has made him famous. The one that fills the opponet so full of rage that they can't stand but to charge. His little, "I'm so full of myslef, and I know I'm going to beat you" smirk that drives you nuts, but makes lets you know, he is a cold, calculating, in ring assassin.

There is a steaming cup next to Dake. You can not tell what is in the cup, but the liquid is obviously enough hot. The table at which the two men are sitting isn't a enormusly long table that you would find at some mid-evil casstle, but it is a decent size. There are designs that have been carved at the edges, seemingly by hand, and painted in black. To the back of Dake a large, gothic styled, fire place burns. There is a copy of The Mona Lisa hanging above it, and the mixture of styles gives it an creepy chilling feel. Mona Lisa's soft colors and peircing eyes against a hard dark great with flicker lights all around. The darkness of the rooms gives the painting a darker feel. Mixing it in perfectly.

Music is softly playing in the back ground. Bach. Beautiful. Dake has never been one to skip on music. He loves barouqe styled music. It is his favorite type, and has been for years. Dake took orchestra in high school. This was when he was first introduced into classical, romantic, and braoque style music. He loves it to death, and loves to play it as well.

Dake takes a sip of his drink. He again smirks at the camera. Only now he begins to talk.*

Dake: You know, there are many people who just seem think they know it all. They think they are this force, and they think they can stop me. They think this. They think that. They think just because they have beaten Trent in a crap shot of a match that they are better than him, making themsleves better than me. They thing just because I've been beat by some little jobber who will never amout to anything in this company, that I should go. They think and think and think. They just think. They think, then they run their mouth, never stopping, and going, "Hey, do I really know what I'm saying here?"

They just talk. Trying to make a show. Trying to act big and bad. Not stopping to listen to reason. Not trying to figure out that even if they wanted to stop me from getting to Trent, they couldnt. They don't stop and go, "Hey, he got beaten by a jobber, but he's whipped me from pillar to post before." They never stop and understand. They make foolish decisions and then they run their mouth on them. Some don't even think. They just talk. They don't even sit there and remember that Trent and myself beat the living crap out of each other before they even tried to turn attention to other people. They don't think about that stuff.

All this foolishness really makes me angry too, because it shows that people don't understand the world, and what it is all about. They think that skill decides everything beyond a shadow of a doubt. You have to realize though, that if skill decided everything, then Trent Hunter wouldn't be the best. X wouldn't have movies. They wouldn't be in the XGWO. Only I would be around. I have perfected my skill, yet it has only gotten me to, number two. It has gotten me to almost as good as Trent. It has gotten me close to the recognition I desirve, but not actually there.

*Dake pauses and takes a drink. He takes a deep breath. As he has been talking he has gotten more into the conversation and is trying to stay calm. Which leads to the conclusion that this is probably not the caffine filled coffee, but a tea of some sort.*

Dake: You know. I've come a long way. I have my skill to think for that, but my luck is what has kept me down. I'm not the luckiest guy in the world. If skill were to decide everything, I wouldn't have lost to Scorpio, but luck prevailed on his side, and I got pinned. It's not the end of the world. I know that nine time out of ten that I would be the man to win that match. I know that most of the time there isn't a match I can be put in that I can not physically win. I've worked that long and hard on my pure skill to the point where it is almost where I could wrestle someone whlie I have a blindfold on and still, come out the winner. Many people don't take me seriously, and many people underestimate me. Why? Because I'm number two. I'm just Trent Hunter's shadow. Nothing more.

Well, I have some news for you all. I have some news that will shock you all. I'm about to break out of Trent's shadow. That point in my life has reached it's breakpoint. There is nothing that can hold me back. If you think, you can, just because you won War, and just because you saw me get beat by a jobber, then you're sadly mistaken. If you think you can beat me, because I am number two. Then you are sadly mistaken as well.

You all should go have a talk with "The Lone Wolf." You should all have a little chat with him. Ask him how good I really am. Ask him how hard I train. Ask him if I live for wrestling. Ask him if it is my life. You know what he will say? He will say it is my life. He will say I train harder than anyone he's ever seen. Then when you ask him how good I really am, he will tell you I am, one of the best he has ever seen, period. He will tell you flat out, that I am better than you, not to motivate you, not to scare you, but just to tell the truth, because that is all it is. The turth, and there is one thing about the truth. You can't change it, and you can't deny it. For, once it has become the truth, odds are it will stay the truth.

In science a throey rarely changes. While there are some that might be proven wrong in days, there are some that are around for thosands of years. They are considerd the truth. They are what is right. They don't change. They basically become a therom. They are the truth, and nine times out of ten you can't change it. It is how the world works. You might not believe it, but just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it's wrong, doesn't mean it doesn't exist, doesn't mean it's not right, because in this world, what you believe doesn't mean anything.

People say that Trent and I think we are the best, well we don't. We know we are, because we have proven it time and time again. There is no denying it. We have stepped up and taken the bull by the horns. Shaking the life out of it and making it our own. We own the wrestling world, and there is no denying it. We are not the only ones who think so, and we are not the only ones who know so. What I'm out to prove is that I am number one though, and that Trent is not. I am out to prove that I am the superior wrestler, not Trent "The Lone Wolf" Hunter. As much as I hate the man too, and yes we were once very close, but as much as I hate him, I have to respect him. He had done everything right. He has taken advantage of X-Rated and me. We weren't smart enough to see it. I don't destroy my respect for him because of that, as a business man, and a wrestler I respect him more for making such a smart move, but as a person ... as a friend, we are through. He commitied a sin, he stabed me in the back. I'm out to get him for that as well.

*Dake drinks the last of the tea that has basically stopped steaming as the conversation has gone on. He stands up. Leand down supporting himself with his hands looking at the camera.*

Dake: This isn't a game, but if it were, it would be about revenge, and power. I'm out for both, and no matter who you are, you can't stop me. Trent's shadow is at it's breakpoint and I'm about to bust it wide open, gaining my revenge, and gaining my power.

Fianlly becoming the best, and I don't care if you are god himself .... you can not stop me.

*Dake walks away from the table and soon you can hear him climbing the stairs in that perfect rythmic pulse. It is all you can hear as the shot fades to black on the flickering fireplace.*


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