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Subject: The Secret Entrance

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Date Posted: 18:39:54 03/02/01 Fri

The party now stands in a cavern. It is acorn-shaped and opens gradually to a width of 35’ at the north wall. A pendant, said to belong to Guenniviere, that was found in the mud is the only evidence of passing. Taal and Sasha have informed the party that the pendant is Guenn's most valued possession. Soon after, Taal took possession of it and placed in his pouch for safe keeping.

Using this clue and raw stubbornness, Cadeirin has managed to reveal a secret door. He activates a hidden switch and a large slab of rock slides back within the wall making a loud, twanging rusty spring sound; ending with a deep resonating thud. Before you, now revealed, stands a huge pair of rusty iron doors. On the center of each door there is a symbol of an open hand with palm facing outright. Once removing himself from an unpleasant bath in the murky pool in the corner, Raynor (and the fo-pa of the DM:)determined them to be the symbols of the fallen god of strife, the once dreaded Bane.

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Subject Author Date
Re: The Secret EntranceJozan16:28:32 03/04/01 Sun
Re: The Secret EntranceCadeirin09:47:21 03/05/01 Mon
Re: The Secret EntranceSasha and Taal16:48:55 03/05/01 Mon

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