Subject: Who am I and for what purpose do I exist? |
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Date Posted: 18:43:51 04/01/05 Fri
Who am I?
"Open for me slightly your heart, and I'll open the world for you"
Book of Zohar
Who am I and for what purpose do I exist? How did we appear here and where are we going? Is it possible that we have already been in this world before? Can we know ourselves and the universe? Why does man suffer and is it possible to avoid suffering? How can one find peace, satisfaction, and luck? How can we attain tranquility, fulfillment, and happiness?
Many people in every generation attempt to find answers to these persistently haunting questions, and the very fact that this happens from generation to generation demonstrates that we still have not found satisfactory answers. Studying nature and the cosmos, we find that all that surrounds us exists and functions in accordance with strict, purposeful laws. Regarding ourselves as the crown of nature's creation, we find humanity to be as if it were outside this system. For instance, seeing in the wise and logical manner nature created each part of our organism, seeing the precise purpose in the functioning of each cell of the body, we are unable to answer the question: what is the purpose of this entire living organism?
All that surrounds us is permeated by the cause and effect relation, meaning nothing is created without a purpose. In the world of physical bodies, there exist definite laws of motion, dynamics, and rotation. A similar logic exists in the plant and animal kingdom. But the primary question, i.e. for what purpose does all this exist, that is, not only ourselves but also the entire surrounding world surrounding us - still remains without an answer. Is there a person in the world who was never, at least once in his life, concerned with this question? The existing scientific theories maintain that the world is governed by invariable physical laws, which we are unable to affect. Our sole purpose consists in wisely utilizing those laws to live out, well some 70 to 120 years of our life, preparing the ground, both literally and figuratively, for future generations. But for the sake of what? "Did humanity develop by way of evolution of the simplest forms", or "was life brought from other planets"?
There are two dates - birth and death, and what occurs between them is unique and, therefore, precious. Or vice versa: life is nothing if after it there is an end, darkness, and precipice? Where is the wise, all-envisioning, logical Nature that creates nothing in vain? Or, do there exist laws and goals still undiscovered? Our studying of the world is in essence merely the studying of the world's reaction to our actions, which we perceive by our five senses: touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste, or by instruments that increase their range .All that is beyond our studies is not perceived by us at all, it does not exist as far as we are concerned. Moreover, we are unable to miss the lacking senses, the way we do not miss a sixth finger, or the way it is impossible to explain eyesight to one born blind. For this reason, man will never discover hidden forms of nature by the methods at his
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