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Subject: [ - bad to the bone - ]

[ - thorn - ]
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Date Posted: 20:22:01 04/26/04 Mon
In reply to: Coyote 's message, ".Howl of the Devil." on 12:01:54 04/26/04 Mon

[ - it seemed that her patience had paid off . she watched cautiously as the black female emerged from the shadows, lobes perking hearing the voice . she replied, her own voice was soft, smooth and above all, it was covered with a fiery tone . - ]

[ - i seek residency, if that is alright with you and the rest of the pack of course . - ]

[ - the bitch felt calm, so she sat down on the cold floor . she could sense that there were others around, the white male in the window and the other tan in the shadows . what could she say, she had great senses . something that her mother had passed onto her . she couldn’t help but just give a slight grin, but the pending decision to be made was nagging at the back of her mind . she felt confident that she wouldn’t be turned away but then again, there was a chance that she might be . - ]

[ - thorn - ]
[ - 4 - ]
[ - bitch - ]
[ - german shepard - ]
[ - red - ](like in the film clip to “She Wants to Move”)

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.-Daddy's Lil Girl Ain't So Lil Anymore-. -*Role The Dice*Gucci20:37:55 04/26/04 Mon

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