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Subject: a.rtists like cats -- s.oldiers like dogs

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Date Posted: 11:06:46 07/10/04 Sat
In reply to: <3 heartb.roken 's message, "<3 b.roken h.earts <3" on 09:22:14 07/10/04 Sat

The shepherd tramps t'wards a garbage can, his now adjusted orbs prowling the hell-hole. Upon nearing the dump, his keen senses sense the presence of someone more than himself. Oh shit... Maybe the Canine Mafia hadn't had broken up. Maybe it was all just a rumor. Maybe the other presence in the dark was a part of the Canine Mafia... Maybe... Maybe... Well, in any case, if this other dog was a gang member, he was screwed. He hears a rat scuttle across the street, and he moves a bit more quickly t'wards the dump, a little jumpy. Certainly he didn't want to lose his life to some dog that felt like killing tonight. Maybe the rumors weren't real. Maybe there wasn't a gang of dogs. He scrambles t'wards the heavenly garbage can, tips it over, and watches the contents spill. A loud noise is heard as the can falls, and the shepherd looks about uneasily. With a scarred forepaw, he rummages through the contents, finding a half eaten pizza. With a quick snap of his jaws, he picks the pizza up roughly, and moves into the darkness, trying to avoid being seen. Too late, he had been spotted.

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[.»-*caRvE yOuR hEaRt oUt yOuRseLf*-«.]pRoMiSe14:04:55 07/10/04 Sat

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