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Subject: .|wicked blood|.

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Date Posted: 23:22:25 07/21/04 Wed

Tall cloaked figure walked slowly down the alleyway in such a graceful manner that she seemed to float. Every single feature was completely hidden from view, but the air about her wreaked of power. A meanacing power that bespoke of a great evil. She felt angry at the world, but if you got right down to it she was only mad at a single being. She didn't want to think about it though. She'd left the terra and come here in order to change the thoughts going through her mind to something much different. She didn't really feel hungry, but if she found a little something to eat on her way to wherever she was headed she'd be more than willing to grab it up. She wanted to rip at something right now. To cause pain to another being, listen to them scream. She'd tried to supress the demon inside of her for a long time, but her mother had taught her not to fear it but embrace it. She was what she was and could not change it. She had to accept it to love herself. Ruby painted lips twitched at the thoughts of her mother. Such a strong and loving woman. She deserved better than the brute that had finally come back for her. Isis' father...

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