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Well, the whole street gang idea
>hadn't worked out quite as well as planned. Everyone
>had just went poof. No big deal. Corinne back on her
>own again! That was a good thing! Made her stronger!
>Yep. Just Corinne. Alone. Without anyone. Again. For
>the... What was it now? Fourth time? Heh. Heh heh
>heh. she laughed darkly. Pathetic. She had been
>sheltered at the Night Rider Manor for so long she
>suddenly couldn't bare the thought of being alone.
>Weakling. she muttered to herself.
>Oh, the back alley. Hadn't been here in awhile.
>What to do now? Kicking an empty can she mused
>on where her life was going this time. Heh.
>Life. Thats funny. she snickered out loud.
>Crap. I'm talking to myself.. Realizing her
>mistake she promptly bit her cheek to stop this. As
>far as she knew, the mountains didn't have an Asylum,
>but one could never be to careful now could they?
>They call me...
>I'll let you call me...
>I've seen...
>16 years
>I was born...
>A virgin
>I am tied to...
>No one. My family is gone. Again.
>I look like...
>Me. I'm standing right infront of you idiot.
>My personality is...
>Intresting. They say I have bi-polar disorder. Riiight.
>My friends are...
>Gone. Just went away. Again.
>A secret about me is...
>My Full name is Corinnthianna. God I hate that name.