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Subject: - runaway -

- chasity -
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Date Posted: 14:59:10 08/08/04 Sun
In reply to: Raven 's message, "wueen of the streets" on 12:46:17 08/06/04 Fri

- chasity turned up the collar of her jacket then look at raven. you got a place to get out of the rain tonight miss? fem raised a brow at the canine. she felt the other was bond to her streets but heck if a street urchin like herself could russle up a nice warm place to call her own, the canine might like something sort of like that. with extreme caution the minx reached her hand out towards the lovely dog. yes she was covered in muck and blood but chasity had seen worse, even worn worse. to her the dog was beautiful. she didn't care about the rough edges, she too bore the scars of the cruel unkind world and life on the street. maybe raven had been the companion she'd sought when first arriving here. the pup at home had vanished and she had a few friends living with her but none had known her sorrow, her pain. maybe this canine did, maybe they were akin in some way. chasity didn't know but she felt as if the canine could understand her better than any human or immortal. how bout it? you can sleep at my place tonight then be on your way in the morning. 'sup to you though miss, you don't have to come with me if you don't wanna. this is your turf and your home, i know what it's like to not want to be away from home in case anything goes wrong. gotta take care of your place. can't let nothin' happen here that'd give it a bad rep. fem gave the dog a soft smile, a very rare smile that was hard to get out of this female. she only smiled like that to her closest and truest friends. -

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queen of the streetsRaven of the Dark15:45:04 08/08/04 Sun

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