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Subject: `street smarts`

`chris t`
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Date Posted: 21:44:51 08/12/04 Thu

`the minx trudged unseeingly through the ally. her glassy pools stared straight ahead. a tattered backpack was being dragged along the ground in her left hand and in her right was an empty beer bottle. the drunken minx just continued to walk, her mind not really there and her body just moving because it could. she tripped falling against a wall, her head conecting with the brick with a sickening crunch. vixen blinked, a trickle of blood coming from her mouth. she groaned slightly and whiped the blood on her over sized shirt. it mixed with the mud currently covering her shirt staining it an ugly brownish red. her jeans came almost halfway to her shins, the knees ripped out and the ends shreaded. her feet were bare and her tangled mass of light brown hair hung in her face. fae staggered along some more, still not comprehending anything.`

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Warring SoulsCassia13:10:10 08/19/04 Thu

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