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Date Posted: 01:14:54 04/24/03 Thu
Author: Angie
Subject: Quarter Horses For Sale...

I am going to but these guys for sale for a few days, if they don't sell I will sell them outside Sport Horse.. I just need to clean out the stock, they all meen alot to me so please take wonderful care of them! Also all these horses are registered with the SQHA (Sim Quarter Horse Association) So if the new owners are not members they must join and transfer the horses ownership to their name (it is only a one time $500 fee for joining)

#1... WBF Dunn Up For Show - 1992 (11 year old) 15 hand Buckskin Quarter Horse Mare(SA Show Me the Money X All Dunn Up) This is an amazing mare! She is out of our best working cow horse mare and is out of a wonderful stallion bred at Starland Acers. She is a dream to work with. We do working western with her, roping, reining, cutting. On her page she has 1400 points earned... Which needs updating I know she has more than that and I will give the new owner her updated show recored. She is also a proven broodmare, producing WBF SKip Da Partee Peppy. unfortuantely I have lost track of who owns him but he was our only sire in Sport Horse until I impored my other stallions. She is registered in the SQHA - #M100063, Also She is a WORLD QUALIFED WORKING COW HORSE! THIS MEENS SHE CAN SHOW IN THE SQHA WORLD SHOW IN THE WORKING COW HORSE DIVISION! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity - actually as I am writing this about her I hate to sell her I know someone will give her a wonderful home! --So she is a proven producer of a proven producer and has over 1400 points, world qualifed working cow horse - you can't go wrong!
Her page- http://www.geocities.com/wbfmares/dunupforshow.html
Her Price - $25,000 - WBF has Buy Back rights

#2... WBF Hollywoods Poco Zip - 1996 (7 year old) 15.2 hand Grullo Quarter Horse Mare (Intimidating Zip X Hollywoods Poco Gold) This is another wonderfully colored mare. She has been shown - again her page needs updating and I will give that to the new owner. She is a madien mare but has potential as a broodmare. Her sire is a wonderful all around hunter western stallion and she is out of a very nice working western mare. WBF Hollywoods Poco Zip herself is a working mare we use her for cutting, roping etc. She has a ton of potential and is young so she has a ton of years left - she is in her prime now! She is registered with the SQHA - #M100106. Also She is a WORLD QUALIFED HALTER HORSE AND A QUALIFIED GYMKHANA HORSE! THIS MEENS SHE CAN SHOW IN THE SQHA WORLD SHOW IN THE HALTER AND THE GYMKHANA DIVISIONS! She is a very nice "old style" quarter horse mare with alot of bulk and alot of heart.
Her Price - $13,000 WBF has Buy Back Rights

#3... WBF Crowns Delight In Style - 1996 (7 year old) 15.1 hand Dun Quarter Horse Mare (Sir Style X Crowns Delight) This mare has wonderful sim breeding. Her Dam was purchased from Ashlee years ago. She is by the very well sought after Sir Style. He is a magnificent horse who is very cersitile and produces very versitle foals. He has sired over 40 foals. He is also an Incentive Fund stallion in the SQHA. WBF Crowns Delgiht In Style is a nomiated get. This meens when you show her in a SQHA approved (held by SQHA or their members) you will get 90% of the prize money (10% goes to the stallion owner) She has at least 285 points I need to update her record. She is a madien mare but could be used as a broodmare in the future after showing her. She is also registered with the SQHA - #M100107 She was also shown in the SQHA qualifing show. She is a WORLD QUALIFED HALTER HORSE AND A WORKING COW HORSE! THIS MEENS SHE CAN SHOW IN THE SQHA WORLD SHOW IN THE HALTER AND WORKING COW HORSE DIVISION! This is a very nice dun quarter Horse mare that will do wonders for her new owners!
Her Price - $15,000


#4...WBF Dun Intimidatingly - 1996 (7 year old) 16 hand Black Quarter Horse Mare. (Intimidaing Zip X All Dunn Up)Talk about one heck of a nice hunter horse! She has the size, the style and the movement! When I bred this mare I orginaly wanted a working western horse, since her dam All Dunn up is our best. However this mare just wasn't suited for that she is a wonderful hunter horse though! She is registered with the SQHA - #M100108. She was shown at the World Qualifing Show and she is A QUALIFIED WORKING HUNTER HORSE, THAT MEENS SHE CAN SHOW AT THE SQHA WORLD SHOW IN THE WORKING HORSE DIVISION! I am not sure how many points she has but I would guess between 100-300 I will have to look her up in my notes which I do not have with me right now.
Her price - $9,000

#5... WBF Striking Mistress - 1996 (7 year old) 15.2 hand Liver Chestnut Quarter Horse Mare (striking Idea X Flameboyant Mistress) This is a very nice hunter/pleasure horse. She is by Stiking Idea a very nice stallion who I have owned a long time. She is out of our Hunter mare Flameboyant Mistress. She is a very quiet mare with little bit of a thoroughbred like build that is popular in todays hunter Quarter Horses. I may have purchased this mare from heather - you will have to check with her. I know Heather leased her dam to breed to one of my stallions and I can't remember if this is the foal I purchased from her or not, just to add a little on her background. She is registered in the SQHA - #M100109. She was also shown in the SQHA world qualifing show and is a QUALIFIED WORKING HUNTER HORSE WHICH MEENS SHE CAN BE SHOWN IN THE WORLD SHOW IN THE HUNTER DIVISION! A great opportunity to own a world qualified horse. I will send the owner her points record.
Her price - $9,000

#6... WBF Zips Intimidating Blue Laurel - 1995 (8 year old) 16.2 hand Blue Roan Quarter horse Mare. (Intimidating Zip X Dannys Blue Laurel) This is a very nice very large Hunter Horse. I love her parents. I have talked about Intimidating Zip, Dannys Blue Laurel I have owned ever since she was a weanling that I went out of my way to purchase. I love this horse she is a wonderful mare and a truely exceptional hunter. She is also registered with the SQHA #M100110. She is a WORLD QUALIFIED WORKING HUNTER AND HUNTER PLEASURE HORSE! She is a proven broodmare, her foal WBF Zips Intimidating Style is also for sale further down on the list. This is an excellent opportunity to own a proven shown horse (I will send you her record) and a proven producer that is qualified for the World Show!!
Her Price - $15,000

#7... WBF Don't Skip Da Style, 1999 (4 year old) 15.3 hand Smokey Black Quarter Horse Mare (WBF Skip Da Partee Peppy X WBF Style Intimidating Legends) This mare is a wonderful breed hunter and pleausre mare. Her sire is the stallion I was talking about up in the message, he is out of WBF Dunn Up for Show and by Skip Da Partee (My Skip Vanzi X Whatta Partee Babe) and she is out of WBF Styles Intimidating Legends who is by WBF Legends of Style (Sir Style X Legendary Dixie) who is now owned by Zala and out of WBF Intimidating Hotrod (Intimidating Zip (Moonshine X Desire To Strong) X Don't Skip Ms Hotrod (Don't Skip Charlie X Hotrod After midnight))She does have about 1000 points. She is registered with the SQHA - #M100099. SHE IS A WORLD QUALIFIED WORKING HUNTER, HUNTER PLEASURE, WESTERN PLEASURE HORSE! SHE GETS TO SHOW IN THREE DIVISIONS!
Her Price - $20,000

#8... WBF Zips Intimidating Style - 1999 16.1 hand Red Roan Quarter Horse Mare (Sir Style X Zips Intimidating Blue Laurel)This is another wonderful foal sired by Sir Style and out of a mare whois also offerd for sale. She is registered with the SQHA -#M100116 SHE IS WORLD QUALIFIED IN WORKING HUNTER, HUNTER PLEASURE, WESTERN PLEASURE DIVISIONS! She is a wonderful mare she has around 800 points and is a madien mare, but should be a wonderful broodmare in the future.
Her Price $17,000
#9... WBF Jusa Sweet Idea, 1999 (4 year old) 16.1 hand Red Roan Appendix Quarter Horse Mare.(Striking Idea X Just Desserts) Her dam is a Wonderful Red Roan Thoroughbred hunter, whom she got her coloring from. WBF Jusa Sweet Idea has turned out to be a wonderful hunter and pleasure horse. She is registered with the SQHA #M100117 SHE IS A WORLD QUALIFIED WORKING HUNTER, HUNTER PLEASURE AND WESTERN PLEASURE HORSE. SHE CAN SHOW IN THREE DIVISIONS! She is a really wonderful mare, with around 800 points.
Her Price - $19,000

#10... WBF Show Me The Zip - 2000 (3 year old)15.2 hand Cremello Mare. (SA Show Me the Money X WBF Crowns Delight In Style) This is a wonderful mare with a ton of ability. She is a working cow horse she is smaller horse and very stocky She is a wonderful mare and a beautiful color She is registered with the SQHA - #M100118 She is qualified in the WORLDS IN THE WORKING COW HORSE AND GYMKHANA DIVISIONS! She really is a wonderful horse to own - dont miss this opportunity!
Her Price - $20,000

#11... WBF Delight In Zip - 2000 (3 year old) 15.2 hand Dun Quarter Horse Mare (Indimidating Zip X WBF Crowns Delight In Style) This was an embryo transfer horse. She has turned out to be a wonderful hunter horse. She has been shown, although not to the extent as the others. She is registered with the SQHA - # M100120. SHE WAS QUALIFIED FOR THE WORLD SHOW IN THE WORKING HUNTER AND THE HUNTER PLEASURE DIVISIONS. FOR A 3 YEAR OLD THIS IS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY! She really is a wonderful mare and should go do a loving show home!
Price - $10,000

#12... Absolute Gold - 1999 (4 year old) 16 hand Cremello Quarter Horse Colt (Akakarenie X Gold Mine) This is a wonderful colt and I really hate to sell this colt however I own his half brother, Abeyance. He is a wonderful hunter horse and could do pleasure also. He went to the world qualifing and is QUALIFIED TO SHOW IN THE WORKING HUNTER DIVISION! He is the only colt I am selling and his rare color and wonderful temperment should make him a wonderful show horse and breeding stallion in the future! He is sired by Ashlee's Thoroughbred stallion, and wonderful hunter, Akakarenie. He is an appendix and his regiestered with SQHA - #S100103X. He has earned two titles at shows so far - Champion Working Hunter and Champion Pre Green Hunter. He will be an amazing hunter horse! He has abou 700 points. He really is a great horse to own, and a wonderful opportunity.
His PRice - $25,000


Okay that is all for now. Please post a message if you are interested in purchasing any of these guys and please keep me up to date on their progress!

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