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Date Posted: 20:43:20 09/22/05 Thu
Author: djsquared85
Subject: Re: make fast easy cash
In reply to: adamsbelton 's message, "make fast easy cash" on 16:04:04 01/02/04 Fri

>Posted by s.mint ( on December 17,
>2003 at 13:25:15:
>It is only $6.00. Follow the EXACT directions and you
>will be rewarded. I found this on a message board
>while I was looking for cheap Jordans, and decided to
>try it. A month ago I was browsing through message
>boards and came across an article similar to this,
>which said you could make thousand of dollars within
>weeks with only $6.00. So I thought, “Get out of here,
>this must be a scam,” but I kept reading. It said that
>you send $1.00 to each of the six (6) names and
>addresses stated in the article. Then place your own
>name and address on the bottom of the list and post
>the article in at least 200 message boards. After
>thinking it over, I thought about trying it. I
>figured, “What have I got to lose; except six stamps
>and $6.00?” Then I invested the $6.00.
>Within seven days, I started getting money in the
>mail. I figured it would stop, but the money just kept
>coming. In my first week I made about $25.00. By the
>end of the second week I had made a total of more than
>$500. In the third week I had more than the previous
>week, nearly $2,000, and it was still coming. This is
>my fourth week and I have made a few thousand more and
>it is still coming. It is certainly worth the $6.00.
>Let me explain how this works and most important, why
>you can get the information.
>YOU NEED OFF OF IT. If you follow the directions you
>will start making more money than you though possible
>by doing something so easy. Read this entire message
>carefully and follow the directions; and watch the
>money come. It is easy as ABC, it is legal, and your
>investment is $6.00. This is not a rip-off, it is
>decent, it is legal, and it really works. If all of
>the instructions are adhered to, you will receive
>extraordinary dividends.
>Follow the directions EXACTLY and $50,000 or more can
>be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains
>successful because of the honesty and integrity of the
>participants. Please continue its success by adhering
>to the directions.
>STEP ONE (1): Get six (6) separate pieces of paper and
>write the following on each piece of paper, “PLEASE
>PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST.” Now get six (6) U.S.
>$1.00 bills and place one inside each of the six (6)
>pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through
>the envelope (to prevent thievery). Place one paper in
>each of the six (6) envelopes and seal them with the
>dollar bill enclosed. You should have six (6) sealed
>envelopes each with a piece of paper stating the above
>phrase, the $1.00, and your name and address written
>STEP TWO (2): Mail the six (6) envelopes to the
>following addresses:
>(1) Berny Lamar
>8476 Menkar Rd.
>San Diego, CA 92126
>(2) Eric Stilley
>1715 Possum Trail
>Harker Heights, TX 76548
>(3) Marlon Knowles
>5019 S. Drexel Blvd. Apt. 3B
>Chicago, IL 60615
>(4) Henry Black
>2300 Bowman Ave.
>McKeesport, PA 15132
>(5) Kris Nelson
>2661 East Wilshire Dr.
>Eugene, OR 97405
>(6) DJ Watts
>2832 Sheffield Dr.
>Indianapolis, IN 46229
>STEP THREE (3): Now take the first name off the list
>you see above and move the other names up (6 becomes
>5, and 5 becomes 4, etc.). Add YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS
>as number 6 on the list. Change anything you need to
>but try to keep this article as close to the original
>as possible. Post your article to at least 200 message
>boards. All you need is 200, but remember, the more
>you post, the more money you make.
>This is legal. If you have second thoughts, refer to
>Title 18 Section 1302 & 1341 of the Postal Lottery
>Laws. Keep a copy of these directions for yourself and
>whenever you need money you can reuse it again.
>Retain every name and address sent to you either on a
>computer or hard copy; and keep the notes people send
>you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a
>service. It is a good practice to wrap the $1.00 bill
>in dark paper to avoid the risk of mail theft. As each
>post is downloaded and the directions followed, all
>members will be reimbursed for their participation as
>a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will
>be moved up the list so that when your name reaches
>the #1 position you will be receiving thousand of
>dollars in cash.
>Directions on How to Post to Message Boards: You do
>not need to retype this letter to do your own posting.
>Put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and
>drag your cursor to the bottom of this document and
>select copy from the edit menu. Open a blank notepad
>file and place your cursor at the top of the blank
>page. From the edit menu select paste. Save your new
>notepad file as a text File, if you want to do your
>posting in different settings, you will always have
>this file to go back to. Use Netscape or Internet
>Explorer and try searching for various message boards.
>Visit these message boards and post this article as a
>new message by highlighting the text of this letter
>and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the
>subject; this will be the header that everyone sees as
>thy scroll through the list of postings in a
>particular group, click the post message button. You
>are finished. You have finished your first posting.
>MINIMUM OF 200. You will begin receiving money from
>around the world within days. You may want to rent a
>P.O. Box due to the heavy volume of mail you will be
>receiving. If you wish to remain anonymous you can
>adopt another name to use, if it is agreeable with the
>postman to deliver the mail. MAKE CERTAIN THAT ALL
>Estimated breakdowns: When you mail 200 letters, 15
>people will send you $1.00. Those 15 mails out 200
>letters, 225 people will mail you $1.00. Those 225
>mails out 200 letters, 3, 375 people will mail you
>$1.00. Those 3, 375 mails out 200 letters, 50, 625
>people will mail you $1.00. By now your name has
>dropped off the list, but so far you have received at
>least $759, 375; with an original investment of only
>When your name is no longer on the list, you take the
>latest posting in the message boards and send out
>another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name
>at number six (6) again. People have said, “What if
>the plan is played out and no one sends you the
>money?” So what! What are the chances of that
>happening when there are tons of new honest people who
>are joining every day and are willing to give it a
>try? Estimates are at 20,000-50,000 new users,
>everyday, with thousands of those joining the actual
>Remember, play FAIRLY AND HONESTLY and this will work

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