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Subject: RBMK

Larry Zolf
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Date Posted: 18:39:09 01/05/03 Sun

herr hauptmann,
I hear from my intelligence lads that you
didn't party party McParty a lot either
on New Years. I left at the first mention
of "party". Drunk girls sitting on guy's laps
sipping his beer to the sound of unending
Pantera? However much I love that Texan
metal.... or not, I guess my heart wasn't
into it. Having no heart and all.
I'm still not sure what that whole deal
at the ampitheatre was anyway, at least
Lance Corporal Conor Purdy got
something good out of it, eh, nudge, etc.

what else?
I had thoughts in my head

Guess not. Well, school starts
again tomorrow, how I look forward
to moving the rejection-tea-bath-sleep-
rejection-failure-false hope-rejection-
tea-bath-sleep attempt routine back
into the halls of CEC.

Hey, yeah, now I remember.
I'm a master of Feng Shui. I know
where to put monoliths and obelisks.
Che flow = good.
believe it or not:
I think I should take a nice hot soak
right now!
Tomorrow is a big day, I am scheduled
to spend first period negotiating with
the Brown. As in, (Brown): "You barely
touched your 4 media all during the break!
And it's due today! And you're not even 1/20th
(me) (inside head):
"yeah but you know you're going to give
me a 4 week extension because not
doing so would mean I'd never do it
and you couldn't live with that"
(me)(spoken): "All I need is 3 more days!"

hahahaha. I'm such a diplomat.
24 hr laundromat
24 hr diplomat
24 hr pile of shit
Mark MacKinnon, ladies and gentlemen,
take aim and fire


salutations, and a happy new year to everyone.

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Re: RBMKLarry Zolf A218:42:38 01/05/03 Sun

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