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Subject: Mt. St. Helens

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Date Posted: 19:22:09 02/18/03 Tue

Fall is here, hear the yell back to school, ring the bell brand new shoes, walking blues climb the fence, books and pens I can tell that we're going to be friends Walk with me, Suzy Lee through the park and by the tree we will rest upon the ground and look at all the bugs we found then safely walk to school without a sound Well here we are, no one else we walked to school all by ourselves there's dirt on our uniforms from chasing all the ants and worms we clean up and now its time to learn Numbers, letters, learn to spell nouns, and books, and show and tell at playtime we will throw the ball back to class, through the hall
teacher marks our height against the wall And we don't notice any time pass we don't notice anything we sit side by side in every class teacher thinks that I sound funny
but she likes the way you sing Tonight I'll dream while in my bed when silly thoughts go through my head about the bugs and alphabet and when I wake tomorrow I'll bet that you and I will walk together again cause I can tell that we're going to be friends

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Re: Mt. St. Helenssir patrick lamo07:22:48 02/19/03 Wed

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