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Date Posted: 12:30:19 08/26/03 Tue
Author: Feen
Cleaned up shop!
Thanks to our invaders this weekend, who couldn't be mature enough to stick to their own turf, I have cleaned out the mad messages to make room for some good ones!
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Re: Thank You!!!! -- Katie Too, 16:14:10 08/27/03 Wed
I really appreciate it:-) Did you get my e-mail??? If not I'll mail it again.
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Re: Thank You!!!! -- Feen, 14:32:44 08/28/03 Thu
Hi Katie!!
Yes, I did get your email and thank you! Buzz and Jenna have Montana;) I remember she asked him to go with her and she was in her limo and he said yes, but had to go back into the diner. He came back out and said he had to stay there to go to Marina's christening:( Jenna returned with a beautiful white excalibur. *sigh*
Great moments!
Remember when Buzz wanted to see the Northern Lights?:)
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Re: How could I forget??? -- Katie Too, 20:46:36 08/28/03 Thu
How could I forget the aurora borealis!? I've only been so lucky to see the Northern Lights twice...both the day before my birthday (14 and 19). Thought of B&J both times. Oh, and the whole Montana thing...Buzz is adorable in a cowboy hat. If only I found an Excalibur while I was in Billings my journey would have been complete. I mostly saw bikers coming back from Sturgis...which makes me think of a time when Buzz Cooper showed some leg to a biker to get a ride home to get to Jenna...*sigh*
Do you ever read the MD boards?? I mostly read them but I chime in once in a while. "Rumors" say that Conboy over at GL is begging FH to come back...whether it's true or not...people posting over there aren't opposed to it...It gave me a warm fuzzy...and I don't get those often;-) People kinda discussed how to bring her back...cloning was even mentioned. I'm just glad people haven't forgotten about those two crazy kids.
Oh yeah, Bo and Gabrielle Rule the School!!!
(Trying to keep in topic?)
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Re: How could I forget??? -- Feen, 12:37:50 08/29/03 Fri
Hi Katie!
I should make myself a Buzz and Jenna message board where we can *gab* about old episodes and memories of such a wonderful couple.
I totally forgot about Buzz showing leg to get a ride! Haha! I'm soon getting some great eppies including when Buzz and Jenna make love in 1994 at the firehouse! *sigh* If you want any eps, I'll copy them for you:)
Bo and Gabrielle ROCK ROCK ROCK!!!
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Hey Katie!!! -- Beth, 13:39:25 08/31/03 Sun
I just saw your message about what's being said over at MD about Conboy wanting FH back bad. Well, it's VERY true. Fiona Hutchison told Fiona20 and I herself at the fan luncheon and on the studio tour that John Conboy is begging for her to come back to GL for Buzz. She said she loves it at OLTL and is happy here but if she ever leaves then there's a good chance she could go back to GL. Conboy is calling her all the time. I loved hearing that too! I love Gabrielle and don't want her to go ANYWHERE but if she ever does go, it's great to know that Conboy is on her trail. I said to her, but how could they bring you back? Jenna died. She goes, "Oh they'd find a way. If they want to do something bad enough, they will find a way." So there ya go, it's true GL is SO on FH trail.
But, she is staying with OLTL too!!! It's all just TOO good! She's staying at OLTL and GL wants her. Who wouldn't?! She is the best.
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Re: Beth...I am so very jealous! -- Katie Too, 20:29:12 09/03/03 Wed
Ya know, if I were in your shoes I'd have been a fumbling idiot. I'd say something stupid like, "Hi...you're cool," and then go hide.
I'm just glad that if she were ever to go (leave OLTL)...it's to a place I know. I can undead Jenna in my sleep.
I'm hoping for some excellent Gabrielle moments in the next month or so...I'm hoping the writers are going to do her justice.
Oh yeah, You Rock
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Re: Hey Katie!!! -- Feen, 14:19:55 09/04/03 Thu
Ok, Miss Katie, I am going to make a Buzz and Jenna message board:) We gotta gab about her somewhere, lol!
Then I'll make a lovely John and Isabella board and a Max and Gabby one for the sweet fans;)
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