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Date Posted: 14:39:46 09/13/03 Sat
Author: Bethy
Subject: Re: Happy "desk clearing" anniversary GABBO fans!
In reply to: Eclipse 's message, "Happy "desk clearing" anniversary GABBO fans!" on 17:58:46 09/12/03 Fri

YAY! Sept 12th and 13th were the two greatest days in Bo and Gabrielle history because they finally admitted to each other how they felt. The desk clearing was priceless and even more priceless was when Bo told Gabrielle to shut up. LOL! He had to have her right then and right there! :) Then the next day when they were finally together was so great. I have so many favorite parts but a couple were of course when Bo popped out of the covers at one end and Gabby poppped out the other.(and that is Fiona's favorite Bo and Gabrielle moment by the way! She told me:) I asked if she has had a favorite Bo/Gabby moment and she said this one. She said they had so much fun filming that. They just giggled. She said that was her idea because Gabby can be a little naughty then she winked.;) HAHA! I was like well everyone totally picked up on it and loved it.) Remember all the posts on the boards saying things like, Bo's the man!:) LOL! She was so awesome telling us all this stuff!

Also love how we learned Bo's socks are left all over the floor and Gabby squeezes the toothpaste from the middle of the tube.:) Great moment!

And my FAVORITE moment of that day was when Bo is kissing Gabrielle and she pulls away and says, "Bo, you do know that I've lied to you more than once or twice." Then Bo says, "Yea, see that's not so good, so try not to do that again ok?" LOL! Then, (this is the best) Gabby goes, "Ok!" Then Bo goes, "Ok!" Then Gabby says, "Ok!" Then Bo says "Ok!" (God, that was hilarious!) Then they both fall back down onto the pillows just smiling, savoring their new found bliss.:) That was so funny.

Both of those days(the 12th and 13th) just ROCKED. So Happy "desk clearing" and "popping out at the opposite ends of the covers" anniversary Gabbo fans!

What a great way to celebrate this with a proposal on Monday! Bo and Gabrielle forevuah!

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[> Re: Happy "desk clearing" anniversary GABBO fans! -- Michelle, 19:53:28 09/13/03 Sat

Hi all!! I can't beleive I wasn't on here for yesterday's anniversary!! I'm sorry, I was... what was I doing... I was watching TV, and then I went to the movies :) I wanted to listen to the 9-12-02 but I didn't get home until past midnight, and then it was the 13th :( But I can listen to the 13th instead!! :) I'll do that tonight :)

BTW, as promised, I married Bo and Gabrielle last night!! :) Yep, now we are all three of us one big happy family. Anyone want to share in our bliss?? We'll all just get nice cozy chairs and get some snacks and just watch them 24/7 ^_^


~*Michy the GRINNING FOO'*~ (who picks up every single piece of confetti with little hearts that Feen threw and throws them too)

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