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Date Posted: 20:22:20 09/13/03 Sat
Author: Michelle
Subject: Re: Sad when a character is about to lose her only son........
In reply to: Beth 's message, "Sad when a character is about to lose her only son........" on 22:42:12 09/11/03 Thu

I've basically stayed away from flaming, but I completely agree with you both. It's ridiculous how they hate anyone who gets in the way of their godly couple. I used to be a Bo and Nora fan myself and I am also one of the few who realized that this is a soap opera, and if you don't roll with the punches you get rolled over by everyone else who is. If you can't accept after nearly 5 years that a couple is over, you need to get your head seriously examined, because...first of all, it's not REAL. Second of all, it's written by people who are trying to do new and exciting things with the show and if they go back to something that was years ago, people are going to die of boredom. It's completely ridiculous!! Especially because even though we're not Nora's biggest fan, we still don't want HBS to lose her job for crying out loud!!

I wouldn't worry too much babe, if I were you, because they are always going to be like this, and they always will. They're going to be on their deathbeds and they're going to be tugging on their visitor's sleeves asking for a laptop so they can one more time rant and rave about how they never got to see their sacred holy couple reunite. I don't fricken care if MM and maybe JG are the biggest Bo and Nora fans in the whole phudgin world; it's not going to happen. The sooner they realize that, the better off we're all going to be. For now, I'm staying away from the SoapNet boards because it irritates me and it also really depresses me that they can be so stuck on something. It's not healthy, and I really think they should get over it.

While there ARE some Bo/Nora fans who are realistic and accepting and respectful of other people, I still feel for the one's who can't quite grasp that concept just yet. As you guys probably know, some of *them* came over to my website and posted their snide comments in my guest book and then when I prevented that from happening, they crawled on over to FanFiction.Net and told me how my stories helped them remember why they stopped reading stories there in the first place. It's overwhelming how they get less mature with age.

Sorry if I also ranted :) Going to bed now O.~

Sleep well my open-minded friends!


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[> [> Re: My personal experience with internet negativity -- Katie Too, 18:50:57 09/15/03 Mon

Pardon me, but this is semi-related to Buzz and Jenna but also pertains to assholes on the internet...as are the other fans you speak of. So back in the day I was posting on a message board (Feen you may have caught a glimpse...thought I saw your name around the B&J fanpage) about how I wasn't a fan of Buzz and Selena. Well...somebody posted that Buzz and Jenna fans sucked, Jenna sucked, or something like that. So I gave them a piece of my mind and pretty much said that if they wanted a war they were going to get one. I don't know if it was true or not but it was Patti D's (Patti D. was Selena on GL) boyfriend who wrote the post (to me that was lookin' for trouble if that was him place)...then Patti D. (or was it?) wrote a lovely bitchy post in response to mine. The board went quiet....for a long time. I tend to keep quiet now...now I just laugh at the losers that who spend to much thinking about the negative. If people spend as much time on the - as they do the +, the internet and world would be sooooo different.


I saw no sparks b/t Bo and Nora last Monday (was it?)...and this is coming from a girl who when she was 13 wanted two puppies named Bo and Nora. God, that was a long time ago.

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[> [> [> Re: My personal experience with internet negativity -- Feen, 17:47:32 09/16/03 Tue

That's terrible. How can anyone not like Buzz and Jenna? I can understand the fans, who supported Nadine, but I was always on Jenna's side and disliking Nadine sooo much! Selena was really nothing to Buzz and they had zero amount of chemistry, IMO!

Ok, this sounds like I'm about to create a Buzz and Jenna board, lol!


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[> [> [> Re: My personal experience with internet negativity -- Marsha, 11:11:11 08/06/07 Mon

Okay, first of all I must say that I don't expect everyone to have LOVED Buzz & Jenna together like I do. We are all entitled to our own opinion and if someone liked him with Selena (or even if her boyfriend wanted to "be on her side" or whatever) that is okey dokey...but why in heck would anyone purposely go around causing trouble for us Jezzfan's I don't understand this. I know people that were fans of Buzz and Reva and Buzz and Olivia...ect...and I don't hassle them. Heck, isn't it enough that they killed Jenna off--then we have to put up with haters. :(

Well...my two cents anyway

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