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Date Posted: 22:46:20 05/07/04 Fri
Author: Michelle
Subject: Favorite Bo & Gabrielle episode?

I was talkin to some friends tonight, and it make me thing.... what is y'all's favorite Bo and Gabrielle episdoe??

I'm thinking that if I had to pick one to live with...... it would be what Fee babe likes to call "Woodywoodpecker day" :-P Haha, I just call it the Engagement Party week, Monday :-P OCT 7 Wonderful day!! That silly little gift, haha :)

How bout the rest of y'all?


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[> Re: Favorite Bo & Gabrielle episode? -- Michy, 22:46:56 05/07/04 Fri


sorry :-P

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[> [> Re: Favorite Bo & Gabrielle episode? -- Feen, 12:32:01 05/30/04 Sun

OMG there are so many!

I have always given "The Boiler-room" episode a special place in my collection; because that was the first week I started watching OLTL! What a week that was, too! Bo had that date with Claire on Monday, June 10, 2002, (at 2p...ah, I'm kidding) Gabrielle had dinner paid for by Asa, and his longing for Bo to have someone other than Gabrielle... (Silly, Asa! He only pushed the two love birds together! Gabrielle ate dinner at the Palace, ordering Filet Minion, *sigh* which she didn’t finish, and requested Renee get her a doggy bag! Renee, “I’ve got one with your name on it.” Gabrielle calls Bo, Claire doesn’t want Bo to answer the phone, so she figures Bo and Claire went out a bit. Gabrielle goes home, finds Claire’s wrap, and that’s the first time Gabrielle Medina took a gander at Bo Buchanan’s nest of chest hair! Ha Ha!

The next thing we know, it’s June 11th, the day that Gabrielle rubs ice on herself! I don’t know about any of you, but watching Bo and Gabrielle fan their selves, Gabrielle rubbing ice on her neck, back, and legs, and them having to open up windows, that was hot! Bo woke up in the middle of the night, needed a glass of water, and caught a glimpse of Gabrielle engulfing her body with ice cubes, very hot!

Boiler-room day came on June 12th, when Bo was so tired of sweating, and taking so many cold showers (without Gabrielle)! Bo tells Gabrielle that the air conditioner guy is too busy to come fix the air. Bo takes matters into his own hands and tries to fix the bloody thing, himself! Gabrielle offers her hand in helping, thus creating the perfect scenario! Two very attractive characters together in a boiler-room involving such close quarters. I loved it! Could there have been a more perfect scene? Bo needs a screw driver, so he asks Gabrielle if he could borrow a Philips. Gabrielle replies, “You have a tool named Philip?” Their romance was inevitable! A match made in daytime television “heaven.” No other couple could compare to that chemistry, and I mean that! I believe that every couple has their own unique chemistry surrounding them. Bo and Gabrielle were special and lasted two years, but we all know that it could’ve lasted longer.

Lastly, at the end of the Boiler-room show, Claire returns to retrieve her wrap. Bo is pounding on the door, because he and Gabrielle are locked in. In this episode, Claire senses chemistry between Bo and Gabrielle… she must be psychic, because there was so much chemistry about them; it created more and more classic episodes!

So let’s be fortuitous, shall we?


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