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Date Posted: 13:58:57 06/11/04 Fri
Author: From TVMegaSite
In reply to: Michelle 's message, "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, BO AND GABRIELLE!!" on 13:57:09 06/11/04 Fri

As Bo buttons his shirt, Gabrielle apologizes for coming home so soon. She did call, but when he didn't answer, she assumed he and Claire had gone out. Then she came home and saw Claire's shawl. She wants to get out of there now and give them some privacy. To her astonishment, Bo asks her to stay. He informs her that Claire left hours ago. Amused at Gabrielle's assumption, he informs her that he doesn't have sex on the first date. Not anymore. He refuses to elaborate on that. They clean up the table and talk about the problem with the air conditioner. She asks whether he had a good time on his date. Bo laughs at this; it's too hot to have a good time. Gabrielle points out that he could have taken her somewhere else, but he didn't want to. She just wasn't his type. Besides, he's never liked the dating thing. As they clear the table, something gets dropped on the floor. In an awkward moment, they both reach down to pick it up. Bo decides to leave the rest until morning. Right now he wants to cool off with a cold shower and then go to bed.

Gabrielle goes outside to get some cooler air. In his bedroom, Bo tosses and turns, unable to sleep in the heat. Remembering the kiss he shared with his roommate doesn't help. He picks up his glass and gets up to get a drink. On his way to the kitchen, he sees Gabrielle cooling herself off with an ice cube. He watched for a while, then rushes off to the kitchen so he won't get caught. Gabrielle hears a noise as he goes by and calls out to him.

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[> Re: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, BO AND GABRIELLE!! -- Michy, 14:07:18 06/11/04 Fri

Bo enters the room in "a state of undress"

Gabrielle: Oh, Bo, I'm sorry.

Bo: I'm not! God, you look hot in that dress!

Gabrielle: I did call -

Bo: It was you!

Gabrielle: - but you didn't answer, so I just assumed you and Claire went out.

Bo: Oh, no.

Gabrielle: Um, but, um, then I saw her shawl and, um... I assumed you were, uh - well -

Bo: Woah! Never! Oh, God, how am I gonna fix this? Gabrielle -

Gabrielle: I'm going to leave so that the two of you can, you know, do what -

Bo: Oh, her accent is making my knees weak. Y - You don't have to go. I'd like it if you stayed.

Gabrielle: You want me to stay?

Bo: More than I want to breathe...

Gabrielle: I don't - I don't understand. Don't you and, um... C- Claire - it is Claire, right?

Bo: Uh-huh.

Gabrielle: ...don't you need your privacy?

Bo: Yeah, I need my privacy - with you! But with Claire? I know I don't. I can't speak for Claire. I don't know what she wants.

Gabrielle: I - I think I should go.

Bo: Do something! Don't let her get away. Tell her you want her, you love her, and she's the only one for you. Say something, fast! [takes her by the hand] Claire left hours ago.

Gabrielle: [inhales]

Bo: Hmm.

Gabrielle: [on exhale] Oh. Oh! And she left her wrap behind.

Bo: Hmm, now, what do you think? I'm easy? I don't sleep with anyone on the first date. Not anymore. Though I'd sleep with you on any date.

Gabrielle: Not anymore? [clears her throat] Never mind. I don't want to know.

Bo: I wasn't going to tell you. Unless all the details would turn you on.

Gabrielle: Well, then shall I help you clean up?

Bo: Yeah, sure.

Gabrielle: Great. Whoo. It's sweltering in here.

Bo: Yeah, the A.C. went out a while ago. I'm going to get a workman in here tomorrow and repair it. Though I love being stuck in the heat with you.

Gabrielle: Yeah. So, Claire - she's a willowy, lovely... uh, lady?

Bo: Uh-huh. Only in her dreams. She's nothing like you.

Gabrielle: Did - so you have a good time?

Bo: Gabrielle, how could we have a good time? It's like a sauna in here. Maybe I can't have a good time with her in this heat, but I know I'd have fun with you!

Gabrielle: Yeah, well you know, you could have taken her to a cooler location.

Bo: Yes, but that would have required spending more time with her than was necessary... Yeah, yeah, I sure could have. But I didn't want to.

Gabrielle: Well, it seems a shame to let all this go to such waste.

Bo: You know, honestly, Claire just - I don't know - she just wasn't my type. You're the only one I want, Gabrielle.

Gabrielle: Oh!! Well, that's a shame, because you know I - it was really good to see you out and about.. uh, happy.

Bo: You know, I'm not sure that this qualifies as being... out and about.

Gabrielle: No, I suppose not. Well, you know what I mean.

Bo: Yeah, yeah I know. You know I just - I don't like this dating thing anyway. I just - I never have.

Gabrielle: Yeah. Yeah, but the thing is, how else you going to, you know, meet somebody and get to know them?

Bo: Oh, I could invite her to live with me after my father kicks her out of his house? Oh, I guess I could arrest them. And Claire... she's nice.

Gabrielle: [Gabrielle drops the candle] I'll get it. [They both go for it and almost kiss]

Bo: Would it be totally uncalled for if I just kissed her right now? You know what? Just put all this down. We'll clean all this up tomorrow. I want to take a cold shower with you. I just want to go right to bed with you.

Gabrielle: That's a wonderful idea - for me to do.

Bo: You really want to? Mmm-hmm?

Gabrielle: I mean in my shower and my bed. Uh - good night.

Bo: Good night. See you in my dreams...

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