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Date Posted: 11:53:08 06/12/04 Sat
Author: Feen
In reply to: Michelle 's message, "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, BO AND GABRIELLE!!" on 11:40:26 06/12/04 Sat

WOW! That is one of my all-time favorite Bo and Gabrielle moments!!! A stinkin' good day, I should say! That episode gave "HOT" a whole new meaning! I had to run to the refrigerater and grab the ice tray!! Ha, ha!

Thanks Michy for posting another CLASSIC day!!!


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[> Re: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, BO AND GABRIELLE!! -- Michy, 15:14:12 06/12/04 Sat

Bo: [on the phone] No, no, no, no! The air conditioner's not failing, it failed. Ok? I'm baking in here. Well, then get somebody over here to fix it. No, not tomorrow, today. Now. Just make it happen, alright? Just do it! [Bo flashes back to the night before when he watched Gabrielle rub the ice on herself] God, what I wouldn't give to have been an ice cube... Look, if I have to spend another night like I did last night, I'm going to lose my mind! [slams down the phone, Gabrielle comes out] Oh, Good morning. She can't see into my head, right?

Gabrielle: Good morning. Sounds like you had a -- had a tough night.

Bo: Yeah, the toughest part was watching you rub ice all over yourself while I watched from afar. Oh, yeah, I've had better.

Gabrielle: Yeah. You couldn't sleep?

Bo: Not with the thoughts I had swimming around in my head... No, not at all. It was -- the heat.

Gabrielle: Yeah.

Bo: Whew.

Gabrielle: That was quite intense last night, wasn't it? I was up half the night.

Bo: Yeah, I know. So was I, after I had a nice long look at you and your hot date with the ice...

Gabrielle: What?

Bo: Shit. Did I say that out loud? Well, THAT'S just great... I know I -- uh -- you know, I heard you wandering around in there, so -- Please buy that load of crap.

Gabrielle: Oh, Bo, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make noise.

Bo: Phew, she bought it.

Gabrielle: I had to go get ice cubes, I mean, it was the only thing that worked.

Bo: Yeah, I know, I remember. And, boy, it sure did work. I can't get that sexy image out of my head. Not that I want to... I wish I could make that my screen saver...

Gabrielle: Um... so are they going to come and fix this air conditioner? Because it's hotter than hell in here today!

They both walk out onto the balcony

Bo: Well, they can't promise anything today.

Gabrielle: Oh, no.

Bo: Ohhh yes! Every -- Every air conditioner in Llanview must have blown up last night, and then we weren't the first to call in, so -- I guess you'll need some more ice cubes tonight, then... Don't worry, I'll go make some right now!!

Gabrielle: Uh-huh. So we have to spend another night like we did last night?

Bo: Yep. Good thing, too, I can't wait to watch you again. I'll have to get some popcorn, and a nice cozy chair... No. No. W-- I can fix it. I -- won't though. I'll just pretend to, but I'll really just screw it up even more...

Gabrielle: You can?

Bo: No. Not really. Yeah, sure. I mean, I could sure try. I've got a tool box. Which we all know is ALWAYS enough...

Gabrielle: Yeah --

Bo: Got the owner's manual. Yeah, that's a lie.

Gabrielle: And major incentive. [Fans herself with her hands]

Bo: Yeah, I got that. Wow, you are really hot when it's hot.

Gabrielle: Well, can you use an extra pair of hands? Mine, for example?

Bo: Oh, honey, I could use those hands for a lot of things...

~*Next Scene*~

Bo and Gabrielle are in the crawl space. Bo is lying down on a lower level and Gabrielle is standing up somewhere above him

Gabrielle: Bo? Where are you? How's it going?

Bo: [Bo lifts his head and bangs it on the vent] Ow! Shit, that hurt! Gabrielle, can you come over here and rub my head? I'm fine. And you are really fine when you're all sweaty like that... I'm just fine for the most part, I -- would be a lot better if you'd get over here and rub my head!

Gabrielle: Oh, good, well how's the other part going?

Bo: You mean the part where I want to be with you so bad I can barely sleep at night, but I can't have you? Yeah, that part's goin' REAL well... Well, I -- you know, this is -- this is, uh... the wrong manual for this unit, then I got dead batteries in the flashlight. I got the wrong screwdriver. Can you hand me a... hand me a Phillip's, please?

Gabrielle: You got a tool named Phillip?

Bo: LOL! Oh, she is so adorable! No, Phillip's -- Phillip's screwdriver.

Gabrielle: Oh.

Bo: You'll know -- it's got a -- it's got a cross on the end instead of a straight line, and flat.

Gabrielle: Oh, ok. Phillip screwdriver.

Bo: Phillip's.

Gabrielle: It's got a cross, not a straight?

Bo: Right. I wonder if I can see up her skirt from here...

Gabrielle: Ok, I think I got it. I got it. Ok.

Bo: Ok, good. Can you hand it to me now?

Gabrielle: Uh, yeah, here.

Bo: What --

Gabrielle: Can you get it?

Bo: Well, I -- no, you know what?

Gabrielle: Let me try again.

Bo: No, I'm coming around. Then I can be closer to you!

Gabrielle: No, no, no, don't come around!

Bo: I'm coming around.

Gabrielle: No, listen, I really -- I really can be helpful!

Bo: I've got --

Gabrielle: Wait, do I come around the back? Is that where you are?

Bo: It's tight, watch out.

Gabrielle: Ok. [Gabrielle starts to fall on top of him] Oh --

Bo: Ooh, no, wait --

Gabrielle: Ooh.

Bo: Uh --

Gabrielle: Sorry.

Bo: Don't be. Wow, so this is what it's like to be under Gabrielle... Uh... I appreciate you making the trip though. She's not getting off me... this is a good sign, right? This means she wants to be on top of me.

Gabrielle: Yeah.

Bo: Should I kiss her? Thank you. We should do this more often. She's been on top of me for a while... Man, I could get used to this!!

Gabrielle: Ok. Um -- I'm going to let you get back to work, ok?

Bo: Damn, she's leaving. Wow, that was the most fun I had all day!! Alright. Ok, NOW I can see up her skirt...

Gabrielle: 'Scuse me. Ooh.

Bo: COME BACK!! You can be on the bottom this time! Ohh... ahem.

Gabrielle: [tries to open the door] Uh... Bo?

Bo: Yeah?

Gabrielle: Um, this, um... this door, it's -- it's going to open, right?

Bo: Oh, my God. Am I actually trapped in here with this hottie!? I don't know. I've never been on this side of it.

Gabrielle: Uh-huh. Well, hey, it's good that I'm in here with you -- because, uh... we can take turns screaming for help.

~*Next Scene*~

Gabrielle: Bo, that door, I'm serious, it's really stuck.

Bo: Ok. It's all right. Don't worry, we can keep ourselves occupied...

Gabrielle: You know, you're much stronger. Maybe you will be able to open it, ok?

Bo: Alright, that's -- lemme get around you.

Gabrielle: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm in the way.

Bo: No, you're not. Are you kidding? You're never in the way.

Gabrielle: Sorry.

Bo: Don't move. [Bo begins to squeeze tightly past Gabrielle] Wow... this feels so right. It's amazing how perfectly our bodies fit together...

Gabrielle: Um --

Bo: Uh --

Gabrielle: Um, listen --

Bo: Uh-huh?

Gabrielle Ooh! When we get out of here --

Bo: C'mon, think positively... 'if we never get out of here...'

Gabrielle: Uh, the living room won't seem so bad.

Bo: Well, let's find out. [Bo finally gets past Gabrielle] Oh, my God! If I was wedged up against her any longer, she'd be out of those clothes so fast!

Gabrielle: Ok.

Bo: Well, you're right. It's really stuck.

Gabrielle: Good.

Bo: [turns around and looks at her] You mean you're as glad about us being trapped in here as I am!?

Gabrielle: W -- well, if it wasn't really stuck, I'd have a little bit of explaining to do, wouldn't I?

Bo: Yeah... Damn. Well, I don't care WHAT you say, I know you want me, whether you admit it or not!

Gabrielle: Ok. [Bo throws himself into the door; it doesn't open. He tries again, bounces back, and flies into Gabrielle's arms] Oh, Bo, are you alright?

Bo: Yeah, I'm good.

Gabrielle: Ok.

Bo: I'm good, I'm good.

Gabrielle: [face to face with Bo] Um, hey listen -- accidents, they're going to happen in such close quarters.

Bo: Then I guess... we'd better get out of here. Because if we don't, I don't think I'll be able to control myself.

[Bo keeps ramming into the door to try to open it. Suddenly, he stops.]

Gabrielle: *curiously* Bo, did you hear something?

Bo: You mean the sound of my heart beating a mile a minute? Yeah, I can hear it. Did you hear that??

Claire: Hello, Bo? Bo, it's Claire. I left my wrap here last night... is anybody here?


Gabrielle: Are you sure you heard someone out there?

Bo: Yeah, I'm positive.

Gabrielle: Well, that would be, um... fortuitous.

Bo: ... Yeah ... Aww, don't use such big words! I don't have any big words to impress you with... But I am strangely turned on now... HELLO!? HEY!!! BACK HERE!!!

~*Next Scene*~

Bo: [to Claire] I want to thank you for coming to our rescue. I'll have to arrest myself later for major perjury.

Claire: Lucky for you I left my wrap here last night.

Bo: Oh, yeah. Lucky, lucky me! Yeah...

Claire: If I hadn't come back for it, who knows how long you might have been trapped in that crawl space with... your roommate.

Bo: 'Roommate'? That's hardly the word I would use to describe our relationship. In my head, anyway...

Gabrielle: Yeah, who knows?

Claire: [laughing] What on earth were you two doing in there?

Bo: "Doing"? We -- fixing the, uh... air conditioner. Among other things...

Claire: Hmm... it doesn't seem like you've cooled things off too much.

Bo: I gotta go. You know I'm late, I gotta change, gotta go to work. And hey, Claire, again -- thanks. Damnit! Hey, if I'm lucky, maybe I can catch the sequel to Gabrielle's sexual encounter with ice...

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