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frame is lowered to the ground as auds prick to hear the surroundind noises. orbs take in sights very pleasurable to the fae. the king might not accept her. she would prove to him that she was worthy to be an Oracle.
why am I not at home with my father and mother? a snarl escapes her without it's owner quite knowing so. because they are foolish lights and don't beleive in true power. fae stands and looks about her for any signs of another, or even, the king himself.
aarien's limbs stride forward with grace few possessed. her mother had the reflexes of a cat, her father of a slug. you could tell that she took after her mother. a determined look appears on her visage. the only one who could stop her now was khastin, the king of evils.
the only way to become an Oracle was to prove herself. dial held high, pools of fire grew hotter and hotter until a ring of fire blazed within a ring of fire. tassel was curled around fae as her stilts bent. piercing the air around her was the power which she had quested hard for. the power to control fire for only 5 short times. the cloak which she also quested for, dimmed and she she prepared to speak.
I wish to speak with the king. khastin himself. nobody will stand in my way. All who dare to stand in my way will be very dearly sorry. had someone stepped in front of her then, she would have added one more of the many chaos’s that the youth had started in the past.
khastin wouldn't let me be an Oracle if I asked him. he would just refuse. I'll still show him. aarien stood, dial held high for all to see. she would have him...
sun goddess.
.:.winters passed.:.
.almost 2, but still a youth.
.:.through your eyes.:.
.ashen colored pelt with the raven streaks like her dame. coldnesss of her heart has led to the abandonment of her father and mother for they were foolish lights.
.kaano of alaskan mountains.
.oli of alaskan mountains.
.no male has dared approach her, save her father and two uncles.
.:.leadership qualities.:.
.from raumo, her uncle and ferdie, aslo her uncle. both were great light alphas. she would be the same, yet different. aarien would be a great evil alpha, if possible.
.:.light contact.:.
.seldom has she ever been in the presence of the light queen, kosses, but from the sounds of things, kosses did great deeds and helped others in need. only true lights could get through the iron gates of camelot, which was only for lights anyways.
.:.human contact.:.
.has seen a few humans. they have been police officers and aarien has immediatly disliked the humans for their "justice" conduct.
she scorches like the sun
~player information~
((OOC: I forgot to mention. My layouts aren't very good. So I have to make a good one. I'll show it to you whenever you get back on-line.))
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