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She move not an inch upon the arrival of the evil she-wolf, not caring a bit. Rolling onto her stomach and gazing up at the female, her voice drips with sarcasm in reply: "Oh, yes, mama's little baby runned away." Her voice harshens, "Rather, baby's little mamma went and got herself thrown off a cliff. Poor pretty waif needs a home, indeed, 'cause hers was overrun with incompetants. You shall give me one, hmmm? Tell me your name, O Wise One, and I shall be your henchvixen." Twisting back onto hr feet, the little pup sat and stared impassively up at the far larger female. She showed no fear, even though one bite with the she-wolf's powerful jaws could snap her little neck in two. She would be long gone, and given her a mark to rememer her by, before that ever happened..N.A.ILS;;american slang
WEEEEE! *frolics* D's gettin' a henchvixen!