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Date Posted: 20:41:44 03/07/03 Fri
Author: Tetrianni
Subject: : Hidden by shadow : Concealed by night :
In reply to: §pell 's message, "‡ Under The Spell ‡" on 14:17:36 03/07/03 Fri

Night vix's muzzle raises, as do her 'hinds, in one fluid motion, tail raised. Hooded eyes seemingly lazily gaze around, erect ears catching sound of voice. Moist nose takes in scent, brought to her by the chill wind, cutting to most, yet to her, a mere discomfort, her thick pelt so heavy, it barely moved
The black maw parted, ivor's shone, a mere blink in the night, making you look, but by the time your eyes comprehended, nothing was to be seen. A gutteral voice slowly came forth, accented with the culture of a far-off land. Low it was, and rough, yet silky smooth at the same time. It came through the night, carried by the wind, to the ears of all who cared to hear.
"I thank you for your offers, but I shall not decide yet...I do not make mistakes easily..."
A stiff nod of the raven head, barely perceptible was seen, her formal posture dominant, for she had no leader. A large, black paw came forth and was set down heavily in the Earth, followed by the next. Large paws for such a wolfess, thick, corded muscles showed her the victor and fighter of many a battle. Constraining herself to a walk, she lightly padded away, once more deciving on-lookers for such a thick wolf, how light she went. All senses alert, ready for the unexpected, her tail hangs loosely behind her, swaying lightly, to help her balance, as she left, hooded eyes cautious

Ebon quartet, 'pon the land.
Steady, not making a stand.
Sapphire orbs peer into the night.
Emotionless chips, deviod of light.
A pely silky smooth
As she goes 'bout her wishes
with nothing to lose.
Musceles ripple, 'neath the hide.
Tense, ready to fight, not hide.
Pad Pad Pad Pad, not a sound heard
As she goes along
'Cept her heart beat, a second long.
As if a curtain is pulled,
Milky teeth revealed,
A light in the night,
Less deadly concealed.
Eyes light, with a malicious gleam.
Prey before her flees, her presence seen.
A dash of paws, a ripple in the night.
A cut-short scream, full of fright.
The curtain reveals, teeth red-white.
A successful hunt.
She survives another night.

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