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Date Posted: 18:13:35 11/15/06 Wed
Author: Dan
Subject: TV Opportunity for real fans

Could any mods or admin staff please make this a sticky please. Many thanks.

TV Opportunity for Real Fans

Guerrilla is developing a new broadcast project with SKY and are looking for a passionate supporter with something to say about their club, and regularly share their views on the state of the game.

We are looking for fans with lots of personality who would be able to film themselves each week and keep us posted with their views on the season as it unfolds.

Contributions could include anything from an FA Cup video diary, to showing what its like to travel to away games and round Europe. It might be a 30 second clip filmed on your phone telling us what you thought of the match as soon as you get out of the ground, a recreation of the week’s best goal or worst dive or funny skits that would get your mates laughing.

All the best clips sent to us will be broadcast by SKY SPORTS and put up on the website. We will be looking to make documentary features on the most interesting people we find, and nothing you send in or we film will be commented on in a negative fashion.

The idea is to show what it means to be a real fan - we want to get real opinions and want you to show us the highs and lows of your season as it happens. We’re especially looking for regular contributors to be the face of their club, so if you think you can do your team proud we want to hear from you.

Interested? Then please contact at dan.andrews@guerrilla.uk.com
To find out more about Guerrilla visit www.guerrilla.uk.com

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