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Final Fantasy:
Fourth Wall Chronicles

Season One

The Bad: The world is in danger.
The Ugly: The Authors don't know how yet.
The Good: There are those who can save it.
The Foreboding: They're MSTers...

Season Two

It has been discovered by J.T. Magnus, his brother from an alternate reality Kay, and his girlfriend from the same reality as Kay, Jessica "Athena" Parker, that the transformations that J.T. and others have undertook were caused by the Ellimist to safeguard Earth against the Dark Lord of Ultimate Evil, Hades, who has destroyed the barrier between realities known as the Fourth Wall. With those transformed divided in anger and beliefs and seperated across the country, can the three strongest groups, those of J.T., the Cybertronian REBB01, and the Holy Demon Alexander and his friend Mortimus, The Death Giver, defeat their seperate enemies and overcome their differences in time to stop Hades and his generals from achiving victory?

2/18/04 - Chapter Sixty-Three: "Face To Face" by J.T. Magnus, and narrated by the character of J.T. Magnus has been posted. This chapter has the distinction of being the first chapter of the story rated above PG-13.
2/19/04 - Chapter 64: "Hometown Honeymoon" by J.T. Magnus, narrated by J.T. Magnus, has been posted.
2/21/04 - Chapter 65: "Highest Calling" by J.T. Magnus, narrated by the character of J.T. Magnus, has been posted.
2/26/04 - The Character bios for most of the main cast on the (anti-)hero side has been collected from previous submissions and made into a Dramatis Personae file. For copies, contact J.T. Magnus.

The called chapters have been cleared due to disuse.
If a called chapter is not posted within three weeks of the chapter being reached, it returns to being free game.

Remember, authors are people too. People that love feedback.

Archives: 123 ]

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