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Date Posted: 23:36:11 02/03/04 Tue
Author: J.T.
Subject: Final Fantasy: Fourth Wall Chronicles - The Music Video. (WHAT THE HELL!?!?)
(Aka. The kind of shit J.T. comes up with when he's bored. Also would double as the lead-in if this was an anime series.)
In reply to: J.T. Magnus, Forum Admin 's message, "Story Title" on 10:49:53 02/01/04 Sun

(Uses Dare by Stan Bush)

(Electric Guitar Instrumental.)
[Opening shot: Group shot, J.T., Jessica, Kay, Mortimus, Junior, Red, Alex, Amanda, REBB, Heathen, JS, etc, everyone's relaxed, almost being silly... Zoom in on J.T., headshot.]

Sometimes when your hopes have all been shattered,
[Rotating pull back from headshot to show J.T. crying and hugging a grey stuffed elephant, his cell phone laying uncared about on the desk, pan up through the ceiling to J.T. now standing with a foot on either side of the apex and arms crossed, staring into the wind, follow his gaze to...]

there's nowhere to turn.
[...Amanda's house, zoom in to an argument between her and her parents, with her storming out the door, follow out the door to see Amanda in Wal-mart, someone grabs her sword arm and presses a piece of cloth to her mouth.]

You wonder how you keep going (going).
[J.T. is sitting at the computer staring into space, zoom in on screen to Alex driving like a maniac, as he goes past we see REBB and Heathen training in the background.]

Think of all the things that really matter,
[Shots of Alex and Amanda kissing, REBB carrying Heathen, and J.T. and Jessica holding each other. Zoom in on J.T. and Jessica and transition to...]

and the chances you've earned.
[J.T., Jessica, and Kay outside the White House looking at a leather folder.]

The fire in your heart is growing (growing).
[Alex is crush-hugging Amanda in the left foreground, in the right background J.T. has his arm around Jessica's waist holding her close and helping her hold his baby cousin while he and she kiss.]

You can fly if you try leaving the past behind.
[J.T. hugs Jessica and spins her around in their living room, which fades to Jessica lowering the Buster Sword, and in a flash running it through Devastator's stomach. Rapid cut to Amanda getting into Alex's Thunderbird. Zoom in on Alex in driver's seat to...]

Heaven only knows what you might find.
[...While facing Amanda, Alex pulls out and opens a burgundy box revealing three square cut amethysts between four square cut diamonds set in white gold. Zoom in through the ring to J.T. kneeling and holding out a ring of white lustrium with a diamond in the center surrounded by a topaz, a bloodstone, an amethyst, and a quartz to Jessica.]

Dare to believe you can survive.
[A Marlboro uses Bad Breath on J.T., Jessica, and Kay, zoom through the green fog to a Duel Horn facing off against a griffin mode REBB while Alex tries to cast a spell.]

You hold the future in your hand.
[Jessica walks down a flight of stairs in a light purple off the shoulder dress with a sash pinned by a rose around the middle while J.T. in a grey and black uniform watches in awe from below. Switch to Jessica gently pushing J.T. down onto the couch they use as a bed...]

Dare to keep all your dreams alive.
[Visual FX: The edges of the screen are foggy.]
[Amanda's kneeling over Alex's body, checking for a pulse. Junior's surrounded by darkness.]

It's time to take a stand.
[The darkness becomes Mortimus silouetted against the sun as he leaps into the air and severs half the head of a robot on the roof of Wal-mart. Through where Mortimus's sword slashed through the robot we see Avaiana float towards Shitan and telekinetically throw him to one side. We pan after him to...]

You can win if you dare.
[...see a shot from J.T.'s Finishing Touch vaporize the Duel Horn from earlier. The fusion blast-haze disappates and where it was we now see a white mist blow from Mortimus's mouth and freeze another robot. He shoots it with a gun and it shatters.]

Everybody's trying to break your spirit,
keeping you down.
[Again we see J.T. crying into the stuffed elephant, then the argument between Amanda and her parents, then we see Junior wordlessly and mechanically playing a PS2. Focus in on Junior's TV screen and it turns into...]

Seems like it's been forever (ever).
[J.T.'s computer monitor as he writes about once again being able to be himself after trying to live under someone else's standards for over a year.]

There's another voice if you'll just hear it,
[Pull out as J.T. hears, and turns and sees Jessica.]

saying it's the last time
[Switch to J.T. sitting at the computer head tilted up and back with him and Jessica kissing. Transistion through the computer screen as though it's the back glass of Alex's Thunderbird to...]

Looks like it's now or never.
[...Amanda in the passenger seat leaning against Alex in the driver seat.]

Out of the darkness you stumble into the light.
[Switch to in the left background Amanda throws herself into Alex's arms while in the right foreground J.T. runs to Jessica]

Fighting for the things you know are right.
[Four translucent green orbs surround Kay and fly outwards in the right background while J.T. assembles the Finishing Touch in the left background. In the full foreground Alex blasts a fireball and destroys three robots and Red uses his power of psychokenises to crush another.]

Dare to believe you can survive.
[Already bleeding from the left bicep/shoulder, J.T. gets shot in the chest and continues to charge at the shooter.]

The power is there at your command.
[Alex throws his head back and even though we don't hear it, we can tell that he is screaming at the heavens in rage. We pan upwards to REBB slicing off Beast Wars Inferno's rotor-section. We follow the rotor section towards the ground until...]

Dare to keep all your dreams alive.
[...We see J.T. wince and bend forward slightly, with Kay falling out of him and landing on his knees. Switch and we see J.T. collapse entirely and get drenched by water...]

It's time to take a stand.
[...Which causes him to grab Alex by the throat. Switch to Red putting a laural on Junior's head and making sure it's secure.]

You can win if you dare (dare) (dare).
[JS, Heathen, and REBB toss the last of a large number of robots on a just-as-large pile of scrap. Focus on a metal plate in the pile and pull out to...]

Dare to believe you can survive.
[...Kay putting the finishing touches on Ravage's body shell.]

You hold the future in your hand.
[... (continuing from last "You hold the future in your hand") J.T. and Jessica are under a blanket and in each other's embrace on their couch/bed, though the room has barely enough light to make out their forms, we can see their clothes on the floor.]

Dare to keep all your dreams alive.
[Five beams of light strike Megiddo in addition to the energy swirling around him, causing him to disentergrate. Where he disintergrated we see J.T. walking away from Star.]

The power is there at your command.
[Jessica's hands are glowing while she/Morrigan heals J.T. Avaiana collapses into Alex's arms.]

Oh! Dare.
Dare to keep all your love alive.
[Holding left hands, J.T. (in black and grey full-dress uniform with red-collared green undershirt) and Jessica (In light purple off-shoulder dress) close in and kiss, light glinting off the rings on their intertwined left hands.]

Dare to be all that you can be.
[Again, Alex roars to the heavens. REBB pours a ton of firepower into Quickstrike. Amanda tries on Silver Moon and it's sheath and belt. J.T. spreads his Valron wings to keep Devastator away from Jessica...]

There is a place where dreams survive.
[Continuing from last... ...Junior slams down on the hood of the Thunderbird. A flying hawk (Mortimus) catchs a gun in it's talons. Red unties Junior from Ironhide's bumper. (All of this beginning with Alex roaring is fast-paced flashes.]

It's calling you on to victory
[Group shot, similar to the first, except everyone's armed and serious...]
[Continuing from last, everyone takes a fighting stance...]
[Continuing from last everyone charges at the camera, then the scene freezes with them charging.]
[Visual FX: Semi-solid over frozen characters are the words "Final Fantasy: Fourth Wall Chronicles."]

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