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Date Posted: 00:49:39 02/05/04 Thu
Author: REBB01
Subject: CH59: Playing with fire

Today is not my day thing have gone from bad to worse to shit. After we came in from the training Heather decided that we needed to talk,

This can't be good.

It wasn't let's just say that the talk ended with (We can still be friends.)It surprized me how calm about it I was no crying no nothing. Just this tearing feeling in my cheast.

Then she left I didn't go after her (She sayed if She saw me before I had time to cool off she would shoot me and she ment it. As well as the power to do it as well she took Inferno with her and she is the only one who could use the HARDsuit) I just sat there on the floor stuned wishing I was able to get drunk wondering how the hell this happend till Mew floated in.

"You knew?"

#Yes being psychic does have certin disavantages at times and before you ask she told me not to tell you.#

"I thought that you couldn't read my mind?"

#I didn't I just know you that well, so just get...

Mew never finished as he piched over like he was in pain


#Something is wrong with the others we must go to them.#

"Wait Wha.." then it was my turn to not finish a word as we were both covered in a pink light and disapered

* * *

Only to reapper next to a suprised Kay and Mortimus

"t is happin..."

I looked around got my berings.. everyone was standing outside a Wal-mart talking to a very strange sounding Junior and for someone like me to call it strange it has to be way out there. I turned to Mortimus

"What the hell is going on?"

Both he and Kay proceded to fill me in on what was going on seems my shity day just got shitter*

"So let me get this strait ShitHead"

"Shitan!! Shitan!!"

"Whatever is going to lead us to her? Sounds to easy."

As Magnus piled every one else into his van Mew and I elected to fallow under our own power before peeling out he fliped something to me a badge and a Memo I read it and figured

"What the hell."

We took off after them keeping just above them untill an explosion caused Magnus to though the van in to a 180 stop A figure step out of the dying flames and grined at us.

"Hello my little friends who wants to play?"

"Hey Fefnir new look?" I asked and indeed the fusion had somebody a lot of good His hole armor schem had changed to look more reptileion in nature and form wings hung from his back ending with his wepons Sodom and Gomorrah looking like twin dragon heads at the ends of his arms. I turned to J.T.

¡§Leave him to us You guys have bigger Fish to fry ¡K and I need to work some of this off before I do something I will Regreat later, I will rejoin after I am finished.¡¨

J.T. just nodded and drove away leving Me, Mew Fefnir standing in the ruble of the street.

¡§Well shale we begin?¡¨ Fefnir asked in a cocky voice I didn¡¦t Respond I just went into the fray rushing in I drew my sword in to a lunge and ran under Fefnir as he took to the air, hovering he sent shot after shot following me laghing like a man that just sliped over the edge and was having the time of his life because of it.

I was hard pressed to dodge all the fireballs as he took out cars streetlights and preety much any thing else that was on the street I lept inot the air and pulled one of my own guns from subspace and began to return fire I had to keep my shots from causing as much damage as he was doing and Mew was hurding Bysatanders out of the area, not good whoever taught him to fly had him so good he was flying rings around me, literary. Making it to hard to get a good bead on him. Time to do this the old fashoned way I pulled what looked like a Nightstick with a set of 4 blades on the longer end* And went in hand to hand combat in midair is harder than it looks

Fefnir finally broke the silance ¡§What is that toy suppose to do?¡¨

¡§This.¡¨ I said as I swung the wepon and a 6ft lightingbolt scored a burn mark across the front of Fefnir¡¦s armor and he screemed in pain.

¡§So you know My weakness, Oh this will be fun.¡¨ The Smile on his face showed the enjoyment of the fight

Fefnir Charged me getting a shot in point blank and blasting me into what I was told later the old jail I layed there trying to recover as the burning left my body the roof caved in as Fefnir blasted it and made a landing .

¡§Come out wherever you are¡¨ He didn¡¦t realse that he was standing on me I shot my hand out of the ruble And grabed his leg and pushed Not in the physacal way but into subspace I could have left him there But the fight and the events of before had put the need to finsh this in me. I floated out of the remains of the jail and just kept going untill the air was to thin to breath intending to finish the fight in two moves If I pulled the first off he would be in no condion to fight back if I did not then, I wouldn¡¦t even feel my neck break but one way or another this fight was going to be over I dove straight down and kept bulding speed as I neared the ground I put my hands Over my head and saw in my mind Fefnir¡¦s leg just two feet from the ground I pulled him from subspace and went into a over head slam in the ground using his momentum to put my body into the the upright postion and fired my jets at full power to keep my self from doing the samething 0 to 300mph back to 0 in under 3 sec. Does bad thing to the body is an understament.
I touched down grabing and Energon shard from subspace I stratled Fefnir¡¦s broken body and slamed the shard into his chest then sent it home.


I got out before the blast to ok down the rest of the bulding but The shock wave still threw me across the street Mew floted down and looked at me

#Hold Still Softbo..#

¡§No save it, just take us back to the others.¡¨

#You sure?#


We both disapered as the Sirens startedto pick up in the disatnce.

Sorry this took so long but I have been having problems The beginning is based on a semi true event In my life lets just say it was not that clean or over .

„h Hand held E.L.F.- electomagnetic fulx whip A.K.A. lighting on a leash.
„h See Beast wars Ep. Dark Voyage To to see what this would look like.

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