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Date Posted: 22:18:14 02/14/04 Sat
Author: Kay Magnus
Subject: Chapter Sixty-One: "Rain"

(Kay's POV)

The two suitors, one chosen, one denied glared at each other.

"What th' 'ell d'ya think ya're doin' trin' ta take 'er from me?"

"She was never your's, Yamato. Nor was she mine... She's her own."

"Bloody 'ell, ain't ya a liar. She was al'ays mine."

"You're deluded. AN XEN CORP!" Alex's spell sent Matt flying backwards...

And out of the corner of my eye I saw J.T. flatten his left hand out, spread his fingers, close them into a fist, and repeat the motions. Nodding my understanding I tapped Mortimus on the should and jerked my head towards the hall behind us. He nodded and the two of us slipped out of the room as Matt got back up.

"What's up?"

"Turbo wants us to find Amanda."

Mortimus sniffed the air and pointed down the hall, deeper into the building, "That way."

As we started running down the hall I glanced over at him, "You sure?"

He kept running, not looking at me, "Not even gonna bother responding to that."

A few minutes later, Mortimus skidded to a stop in front of a door, "Here."

"On it," I pulled my chain-stick mace from my subspace pocket and began whirling it, steadily approaching the door...

As the mace struck it, the door collapsed inward revealing an ornate room and Amanda at a table wearing...

"Nice dress, does Victora know you've told her Secret?" I commented with a smirk.

"Shut up, smart-ass, and get me out of here! Where's Dan-chan?" Amanda snarled.

Moriumus untied the ropes binding her to the chair, "Last time we saw Daniel, he and Yamato were fighting."

"Well let's go!" She commanded, scooping up her wand and Golden Sun from nearby.

"Wait! Scan's saying you've got several binding spells on you. ESUNA!" The blue rings spun around Amanda, "NOW we can go."

As the three of us ran back to the others, I looked at Amanda, "Whatever you do, don't mention Star."


"She and J.T.... broke up a couple months ago. He's moved on."

We turned the corner into the room just in time to see Alex hit the ground.

"DAN-CHAN!" Amanda's wand fairly lept into her hand and there was no trace of mercy, barely of a soul in her eyes as she kept moving towards the combatants, "AVADA KEVADA!!!"

Focused on his fight with Alex, Matt had no time to defend himself as the Killing Curse took his life.

Jessica looked at the extremely low-cut dress Amanda was wearing and I overheard her whisper to J.T., "Does Zanya know that girl's been in her closet?"


Later, we all, lacking REBB and Mew, were again in the parking lot of Wal-mart and J.T. was handing those who hadn't gotten theirs yet their Reality Preservation Task Force IDs and Badges.

"Magnus, don't think this means I'm going to call you 'sir', or 'boss', or anything like that."

"Don't worry about it, Amanda... 'My omniscient and fearless leader' will do fine."

"More like 'Nosy and Foolhardy Higher Ranking Officer,' J.T." Jessica interjected, stepping towards J.T.

"Ahem. 'Thenny, April Fools' 2002?" He turned to face her and took a step forward.

"Turbo, your birthday, that same year." She closed the distance.

"You win, 'Pageboy'." With that, J.T. took her into his arms and they kissed.

Amanda looked at the two and blinked. "Who's she and what's going on between them?"

"Jessica Kella Parker, his fiancee, my future sister-in-law."

Amanda fainted, muttering something about if they ever bred that evil would truely walk the earth.

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