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Date Posted: 23:10:03 03/01/04 Mon
Author: REBB01
Subject: Leviathan additional (took time to find this again)
In reply to: REBB01 's message, "Leviathan" on 00:46:03 02/27/04 Fri

This is a good explaneation of what a Boomer is like for those who havent seen BCG 2040

"The voomer project was supposed to be humanity's gateway to the future. Even if the Tokyo MegaQuakes in the 2030s hadn't occurred, the voomers would have been necessary, if humanity ever were to have any chance of leaving Earth for the stars.
"Voomers are cyber-organic creatures, dumber than the average dog, programmed and designed with one specific purpose in mind: serve humanity. They build our buildings, they manage the space-needle that provides the majority of the Earth's power. They serve as secretaries, they maintain the sewer-systems of our major cities, and they even serve in military and personal protection services.
"They are also the greatest threat to public safety humanity has ever encountered.
"'Rogue' voomers are responsible for more death and destruction across the scope of the world per year than humanity itself. When a voomer goes rogue, its core goes through a kind of poly-metamorphosis that leaves most scientists and scholars simply scratching their heads in confusion. The core is the hive-nexus of a voomer; it supplies the power and basic programming necessary for a voomer to simply operate. All higher functions are handled by a central CPU-system. It houses a small portion of genetic material, and is often located in the chest or head.
"A rogue voomer has two stages. First, its core begins rewriting and subverting the higher AI CPU, transferring all instincts and programming to the core itself. Rogues tend to drop out for moments at a time, before seeming to come back to life and go about their jobs. Shortly afterwards, they go berserk. Reacting to perceived threats, they lash out at their human overlords, killing them whenever they can, but typically leaving other voomers well enough alone.
"The second stage is infinitely more dangerous and terrifying. The core begins to grow, its genetic portion growing more dominant, subverting the mechanical processes. Limbs are able to be regrown, and new extremities begin growing. 'Fusing,' the process by which a rogue voomer may attach itself via bio-organic tendrils to other non-organic creations and absorb them into its own body, is possible.
"There has been only one occurrence of voomers going rogue en masse. Tokyo, 2040 AD. The MegaCrash. The death toll has been calculated at close to 100,000 men, women and children, and untold property damage. It was only put down thanks to the work of a group of armored vigilantes, an eclectic group of young women called the 'Knight Sabers.' Working with a select group of Advanced Department Police officers, they were able to obliterate the source of the problem, and wipe the city clean of the rogue infestation. Unfortunately, the city itself was wiped off the map in the process.

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