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Date Posted: 17:41:25 04/19/04 Mon
Author: J.T. Magnus
Subject: Chapter Sixty-Seven: "A Cold One Comin’ On"

I rubbed the back of my neck as I paced the C-5 Galaxy transport’s length, we had spent the last two months fighting off attacks and it was beginning to show. REBB had been away working on what he simply called a project of his for the last couple of weeks and that made it harder on the rest of us. The Joe-com on my right arm beeped to let me know that a com-link was opening.


“Others present. Awaiting your arrival.”

“Understood, Ravage. We are…”

The co-pilot turned his head to look at me, “ETA’s two hours, Major.”

“…two hours out from the South Pole Research Station. How’s Dropzone?”

The Oklahoma native’s voice broke into the com-link, “Cold as hell. Just get here so we can kick ass and get to warmer climates.”

Shaking my head I closed the link and sat down.

“You ok?”

I looked to my right at the speaker, my right-hand woman, my partner, my fiancée, “Not really. We’ve been ran ragged for eight weeks and the only reason I can think of is that they’re up to some serious shit, Kella….’

“What happened to the Star-and-Snake-eating Black Dragon?” Jessica Kella Parker, codename: “Athena” asked as I sat down beside her.

“Left ‘im in my other BDUs,” I muttered as I leaned against her shoulder and fell asleep.


I was jolted awake by the a sharp turn, “WHAT THE HELL?!”

From the cockpit came a shout, “There’s something coming out of the ground!”

Dashing up there I looked at a sight that actually scared me… the rest of the Reality Preservation Task Force was on the ground beside a huge airship staring at a beam of light coming from a crater at the exact point of the South Pole. And climbing out of that crater was a sign of the end times, one of the seventeen… an Angel…

Athena rested her hand on my shoulder, the tone of her voice telling me that she was tapping into Morrigan, “Mother of God…”

Thomas Kael, “Kay” Magnus, codename: “Blaze” looked past us at the Angel, and said with gallows humor, “Anyone got an EVA Unit or the Longinus Lance in their back pocket?”

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