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Date Posted: 00:29:23 05/28/04 Fri
Author: REBB01
Subject: CH.68 Date with an angel

Date with an Angel

Flying has got to be one of the best forms of travel, but damn it can get boring. Sitting there for two hours Gah. Need less to say I was bored.

“Computer Launch Observer” Maybe I can idea how things are going.

E.T.A. 20min. Flashed on the main screen Observer E.T.A. 2min

“And more waiting.”

“What the hell is going on?” I asked myself everyone seemed to be evacuating.

“Give me a pan of the area.”


“What the…”

“HOLY SHIT!!!” An Angel Here NOW as if we didn’t have enough problems. Then I remembered witch one this one was and how deep in the fertilizer pile we were in.

“Zeruel the Angel of might… No…”

“Give me everything you got boys this fight could very well be the last.”

“Tap into J.T.’s comm signal I need to get info now.”


“or the Longinus Lance in their back pocket?” Came out of the speakers.

“Not really Blaze But I’ll do what We can, Just get everyone out of the way, I don’t want to step on em.”

“REBB is that you, where the hell have you been?”

“If we survive this I will tell you the story later as of now Mew will help evacuate everyone else to Fallback In case of the worse happing.”

“Good Luck.”

“Thanks I’m going to need it.”

I came upon the scene just as Zeruel Sliced the grounded Transport in half making a little fireball (Well little compared to what we were going to be making.) As every body else on the ground disappeared in a flash of pink light. I did not want to waist time talking I just leapt into the fray.

Witch I found out was one of the stupidest mistakes I could have made, as I was bitchslaped in the ground (and when I say in to the ground I mean below the ice and snow and in Antarctica that is pretty deep.)

“Ow okay that was dumb, everyone all right?”

After Three Affirmatives I made a desition

“Guys I need you to disengage the inhibitors and give me a full power link.”

“Is that wise?” Bludgeon asked

“Probably not But is the only way we are gonna survive, they don’t call him the angel of might for nothing.”

That said I jacked into the A.A. joining my conciousnes with it I leapt back out of the hole I made Feeling the power course over my body I drew the twin handles from my legs turning on the blades.

“Round two.” I Grunted

As Zeruel started by launching his arms at me intending to cut me to pieces the same way he had Auska in the show, but I know how to counter.
I bought my left sword up to block the right arm but I was too slow for the Left one, I cringed as the pain came from my left shoulder as the arm was cut free from the mecha. I stopped and stepped back this seemed to confuse the angel as looked at my arm then looked at the angel and back at the arm.

“You Bastered!”

The repair system kicked in a tractor beam was emitted that pulled the arm back into place I charged and slashed and hacked at Zeruel but he brought his A.T. field up and the swords dug in but did little damage.

Time for the minimal last resort

Turning off the right blade and attached to the left and the blade became longer and wider and brighter

“Ok boys Get ready for mode 2.”

Time seemed to slow down as went into the fray; the first slash opened a tear in the A.T. field.

“Mode 2 Now!”

As the minicons pulled from the mecha’s body I felt the power drop put my hand out I caught the new weapon the they made, shoving it though the tear and pointed it at the core and yanked the trigger five times before pulling it out and plunging my sword as deep as I could get it in the what was left of the core as the blue pattern faded from my sensors Zeruel fell back and did not move again nor did I till I heard J.T. say.

“Looks like humanity Gets to live Another Day.”

“Yea, Looks like drinks are on me huh?” Blaze said in the background.

“Just One question where the hell did you send everyone else?”

“Land and I will take us there for the party that will likely be going on, cause I bet I am not the only that feels like he could use a drink.

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