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Subject: Welcome To Kilryhad

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Date Posted: 05:57:39 11/07/02 Thu

The sun rose high and bright over the lush valley of Kilryhad, as it did every morning. The rustlings and squeakings, the mysterious shadowy figures of the night once again retreated to their respective homes, making way for a new day to begin.

High above the forest's canopy looms the stone towers and ramparts of the ancient castle. From a high window, a tiny speck takes to the air, sweeping down across the land like a bullet. From the fortress's lofty height, down across the dark and foreboding Faerthorne, the silvery ribbon of the Faer flashing in the sunlight. Coming to rest upon one of the few pillars of the crumbling cathedral, the large, black raven lets forth a series of resonating "caw"s, which echo across the valley and bounce from mountain to mountain.

The silence settles in eerily, as it did every day. The bird hunches her feathered shoulders against the cool autumn wind, her black eyes surveying the lonely landscape. She had resided here against her will for countless years, watched the neverending stream of travelers arrive and leave again, never wishing to remain in the haunting isolation of the valley. And so she waits, to see who might arrive next, and she wonders if any of them will ever decide to remain.

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Re: Welcome To KilryhadMystic07:59:54 11/07/02 Thu

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