Subject: let's make money together! |
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Date Posted: 17:19:06 01/24/04 Sat
Let's make money together!!!
I ran into this article by chance, just like you have. It tells about an easy way to make a fortune with a small investment of 6$+ 6 stamps. At first I thought, "ya, right!". but as I kept on reading and I realized that it made sense.
This is how it works:
You send this article to as many forums on the net, asking people to do the same. This way everyone who does it make money. The point is that anyone who sends you money will also make a fortune in his turn.
Read on and you will figure it out.
The first step is to take 6 pieces of paper, and write on each one: "please add me to your mailing list".
You take 6 bills of 1 $, and rap them with the pieces of paper you've prepared. (Better if the papers are dark, to prevent theft).
You mail each rapping to one of the following addresses:
1.Mayer, 52 upper park road, Salford, m74ja, UK.
2.Sofi Feldman, 1 Beoulavard de la liberty lille, 59800, France.
3.Berq, 10765 Talbot ave., Huntington woods, 48070, USA.
4.Frank Sacks, 129 Leourrd st., Belmont, 02478, USA.
5. Rotem Cohen, nahal heimar 7/5, Eilat, 88000, Israel.
6. Tleznik, 3333 Clark ave., w216, Ontario, Thornhill, l45j7k4, Canada
Then you copy this article, remove the first name on the list, put your own name and address instead of the 6th, and move the others upwards (num. 6 will be num. 5 etc.).
You begin sending the article with your wished changes to at least 300 forums, billboards and communities on the Internet. You can send more, but 300 are about enough.
(Copy the article and save it as a txt document in your computer. Send it by "Copy" and "paste").
Now think about it. Suppose that in return to all the ads that you put on the net, you will be sent only 5 $. The five people, who sent you money, will send the article with your name as num. 5, and reach 5 times the amount of people you've reached. You will receive 250 $. These 250 people will do the same (your name as num. 4 on the list), and then you will receive 1250 $. Then- 7250 $, and later- 36250 $, and as num. 1 on the list you will be receiving more than 150,000 $ in the mail. And when the envelopes starting to reduce, you start all over again- 6 envelopes, 6 $, etc.
I know it sounds too good to be true. We are used to the thought that we are not able to make any big changes in our lives, that this is "as good as it gets", and that we can make a change only with a great effort, or with a huge amount of luck. Well, think again. Many people miss big opportunities only because of that way of thinking.
Do not miss this opportunity. Be different, believe, and make the change.
Let's think about it again- you can't loose! Suppose you have sent the article to only 100 forums, and by that reached only 10,000 people. At the worst case only 2 of those sent you 1 $ each, and mailed the article to only 100 forums each.
At the unreasonably worst scenario you will be receiving 6 $ at this stage, and you've already covered your "investment"...
Do your own math and you'll reach the same conclusion your self.
Now, is it legal? It is. You are running a home business, which provides service to people who are interested in businesses that are being run from home. People pay you, from there own will, so you would add them to your mailing list.
* Keep lists of the names and addresses you receive.
* Report your income and pay your taxes.
* You might decide to rent a mailbox due to the quantity of mail you'll be receiving.
* Do not cheat, by trying to put your name without sending any money. Do your part
In the process, and you will not regret it.
Good luck to all of us!!
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