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Date Posted: 12:34:34 06/17/03 Tue
Author: DS
Subject: Re: Really?
In reply to: Sauron 's message, "Really?" on 21:01:09 06/12/03 Thu

And the profits, economic power and control inherent in the ownership of the company remain overseas in foreign hands. If you buy only cars made in the U.S. that's a start. Granted, it's marginally better for the U.S. economy to buy a foreign brand car made here, but by the same token it's got to be better to buy a car made here, from parts made here, by a company based here.
The danger to our economy isn't from the few people buying Bentleys, those purchases don't greatly influence the auto industry or the overall economy. Unfortunately, it's the mindless masses who can't see where this is leading who continue to feed the trade deficit, even as their jobs are being shipped overseas where they still make things.
The ironic part is that once all the jobs are overseas we won't be able to buy their cars. Maybe they'll offer us foreign aid. Don't despair though, in a few hundred years the cycle will repeat itself, and since we'll then be the third world, we'll get the jobs back! Be sure to tell your kids that happy story as you drive them around in your foreign car.

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