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Date Posted: 09:37:10 12/05/06 Tue
Author: jaf
Subject: the murder of jimmy anderson by duncan fletcher

I have to say how sorry I feel for Jimmy Anderson - a man whose career has been ruined by the England regime.

The guy had a wonderful natural side on action and burst on the scene from nowhere swinging the ball a long way.

His first problem was that he was centrally contracted but when he had a wee dip in form rather than be allowed to regain it he was barred from playing for his county and was a permanent 12th man for England meaning he played virtually no cricket for a year when he was a young guy and still learning and needed to play to keep developing.

During that period and after the England coaches got to work on him and stifled his natural athleticism and talent by remodelling his action to more front on.

Surprise surprise having remodelled his action :

a. his bowling did not dramatically improve

b. he got a stress fracture injury to his back

Being a guy with a big heart, he fought back from this admirably, only for the England coaches to start tampering with his now front on action to remodel it to a side on action as it is 'closer to his natural action'

You could not make it up.

No wonder the guy can't bowl

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