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Date Posted: 06:25:49 11/24/06 Fri
Author: Jeff
Subject: 11/19 Rock Of Jericho report

1.Starts the show at 8PM with 2 Megadeth
songs:"Into The Lungs Of Hell" & "Set The
World Afire".

2.Y2J says welcome to XM 41 Da
Boneyard: http://tinyurl.com/6hmt6 & it's a
Sunday night. He says he's Chris Jericho & you're listening to The Rock Of Jericho: http://tinyurl.com/rssxe & says wherever you are welcome, whether it'd be the world
wide web, at home on your MyFi's:
http://tinyurl.com/yfzazz , "Y-Fi's or Hi-Fi's".
He says maybe you're listening via a Ham
radio, then does a whisper sound & imitates
a ham radio by saying "HELLO, HELLO,
BREAKER 1, BREAKER 1, THIS IS THE ROCK OF JERICHO". He says he's here tonight to
kick if off with the 1-2 punch with MegaDave from the "So Far, So Good, So
What" record, that was requested by a fan
named Nick "Ba-Laz" from Cleveland.

Y2J says "Ba-Laz" maybe Borat's cousin, then wonders if it's pronounced "Ba-Laz" or
"Bay-Laz". He says Cleveland's a great rock & roll town home of the Rock & Roll Hall Of
Fame, as well as the home of the Cleveland
Indians & the worst named football team
ever called the Cleveland Browns. He wonders as to why it's called the Cleveland Browns, says he don't get that but does get,
then says that's a horrible segway & says this week it's request week. He says it's because he went to his mailbox [his email],
then plugs messagesforchris@gmail.com &
www.myspace.com/therockofjericho & says
he pulled out a whole [as he says it]
"panatherus", smorgasbord, "cornacopia" &
a variable forest filled with requests.

Y2J says some of them were obscure but says that's what we're all about here & says
he's obscure.. He says he's fallen straight into obscurity in the last year & a ˝ & will
play some bands that mimick that & says
mimick's a fun word. He says Skid Row
recently released the album "Revolutions
Per Minute", says they're not with Sebastian Bach & says it's funny because even though Bach's still touring with Guns
'N' Roses, people think he's Skid Row & don't read the fine print on the marquee.
He says Bach's not Skid Row but Bach on 1
side of 1 corner, Dave "Snake" Sabo, Rachel Bolan, Scotti Hill & new singer Johnny Solinger on the other side of the coin.

Y2J says lots of people don't know that Skid
Row don't have Bach anymore, says it's been about 6 or 7 years & says this is Skid Row's 2nd record with Solinger on [yep, as
he says it] "lead vox". He asks if you've heard anything on the 1st Skid Row record
with "Johnny Vox", then says "Bono Vox" &
corrects himself & says Johnny Solinger. He
says he'll play another 1-2 punch with a
couple of new Skid Row songs & says when
he meant new, he means with Solinger on
vocals. He says he'll do 1 from their new
record & 1 from their old record, then asks
if you see on how he does things on his show because he's very agreeable on the

Y2J says he has lots of fun, then laughs &
says he's so crazy on his show & says he's doing another little segway by using a little
tibit, vignette & nugget of joy. He says former Skid Row drummer Phil Varone
replaced Rob Affuso, then says formerly the drummer of Saigon Kick Phil Varone, is now
a standup comedian:
www.myspace..com/philvarone . He says Phil
gave up rock & roll music & said "f*** it, I'm
going to standup comedy. He says why not
because rock & roll in itself's nothing but
comedy, says Phil's show is called "Sex, Drugs & Rock & Roll", then thinks it's "Sex,
Laughs & Rock & Roll" or something like that [NOTE FROM JEFF:It's called "Sex, Stand Up & Rock & Roll"].

Y2J says if you see Phil Varone's name at
your local "yuk-yuks" comedy club, says
they're in Burlington, Vermont & says to check him out. He says let's check out Skid
Row with Solinger on vocals, says 1 song's
from "Revolutions Per Minute" & the other's from "Thick Skin" & says both song's are here on XM 41 Da Boneyard.

3.Plays 2 Skid Row songs:"Disease" &

4.Y2J says Skid Row's on XM 41 Da Boneyard with new singer Solinger with
"Ghost" from the "Thick Skin" record. He
then says "Diseeeease, diseeeease, spreading the diseeeease" from the new
record "Revolutions Per Minute" & says they played that at New York's Times
Square in October at their record release
party & it's very rock & roll. He says Skid
Row's a "New Joysey" band, Solinger's from
Austin, Texas, Bach's from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada & asked as to what you'd
thought of Solinger. He says Solinger's not
bad, says he's a strong & good singer, but the problem's that he's up against Bach who's genetically creative to be a rock star.

Y2J says unforunately, it's the way it is & it's
not a cut down on any Skid Row member or
as a band or anyone living in Skid Row in
Harlem. He says it's hard to compete with
that & it's not as good, says no matter what
they do they'll never be the Skid Row
quote/unquote "classic sound" unless Bach's in the band. He says with Bach still on the road doing Skid Row songs, he almost becomes the real Skid Row because
his voice carries it. He says when [David Lee]
Roth let Van Halen & did the Van Halen songs, he sounded more legit than what
Sammy [Hagar] did. He says it's a sad but
true thing, says all the Rock Of Jericholics
know him "out their in radio land", that he's got a real "pet peeve" against bands
that change their vocalists unless they die.

Y2J says Queen with Paul Rogers he gets,
AC/DC with Brian Johnson he's down with
that clown, but Skid Row with Solinger he
says "EHHH". He says at least they're still out rocking & the world's a better place
because of it & says it's the same with Paul
Stanley on his solo tour. He says he got a
letter from a fan named John Carlson from
Gathersburg, Maryland, which he says is
close to Baltimore. He says in John's letter
he asks Y2J if he's seen any of Paul's shows
on his tour & if not, that's his bag because
he [John] saw Paul in Baltimore last week, was absolutely awesome & seriously kicked
ass. Y2J says John gave Paul rave reviews
who he says should write for Rolling Stone.

Y2J says he don't see why there wouldn't be
any reviews [of the tour], says it's a great
idea for Paul to tour solo, get a chance to
play some classics that he's written & never
played them with Kiss & just to get out there & play. He says Kiss' stuck in a box &
have to play the songs that they have to play, says people don't wanna hear new
material, Paul can go on his own & play
whatever he wants & feels that's a genius
move. He says he'd like to see a Gene Simmons solo tour & feels that'd be great
also, kinda mumbles a plug for Gene's
reality show ["Family Jewels"]:
http://tinyurl.com/qokdc & says when Gene's done with his show, can do a solo
tour & we can hear all of Gene's solo hits & Kiss hits & then mentions "Murder In High Heels" & "No, No, No".

Y2J says he got an email from a fan named
[yep, what sounded like] "Sonje", who asked
him if whether or not he's been asked this
question, but wanted to ask Y2J as to who'd
be in the ultimate metal band & says the
people can either be living or dead. Y2J says
it depends on the day, says for now Paul
Stanley's the vocalist, Zakk Wylde's the guitarist, James Hetfield's the rhythm guitarist, Steve Harris' the bassist & Mike
Portnoy the drummer. He says that's not a
bad lineup, says Paul's 1 of the greatest rock & roll singers of all time & again says
he's currently touring & supporting his new
record "Live To Win". He says let's check this out now, says it's "All About You" & he
means that it's about all of you, the Rock Of
Jericholics, right here on XM 41 Da

5.Plays Paul Stanley's "All About You",
Krokus' "Russian Winter" & Mastodon's
"Colony Or Birchmen".

6.Y2J says it's The Rock Of Jericho & that was Mastodon's "Colony Or Birchmen" from
the "Blood Mountain" record & says that's
an awesome song title. He says that song's
written about an ant, then says for all of you "Lord Of The Rings" fans out there &
says in a UK accent "The ants are coming &
they're playing rock & roll music". He says
Mastodon's getting rave reviews for their
Iron Maiden cross with Rush & "cross with
Cro-Mags" as Scott Ian would say. He asks
if you remember a crazy band called
Cro-Mags with bassist Harley Flanagan:
www.cro-mags.com . He says sandwiched
between Stanley & Mastodon was Krokus'
"Russian Winter" from the "Headhunter"

Y2J says he loved that song & wanted to
play it for you & says he bets that every single person that's listened to his show has
forgotten about that song. He says that's
what he's doing by bringing out the best in
rock & roll, putting it in the oven with a little basting on it, cooking it up real nice &
serving it to you the fans & says he's full of
s***. He says Thanksgiving's coming up as
he's talking in a disjointed style ever, says
thanks to you for being there, says thanks to God for providing for us. He says that's what a fan named Owen from a city called
Swansy in the UK, says it's a city that Fozzy's
played in & says Owen wanted to hear some
Christian rock music.

Y2J says Owen knows that he likes playing it, spreading the word & says he's down with God. He says he's played White Cross,
Stryper & other Christian rock bands & says
in the late 80's, there was a huge amount of
quality Christian rock bands. He says he was
riding that wave & all glutted out with them, says he recently discovered more gems of Christian rock in the XM system. He
asked if you've ever heard of Bloodgood & says they're from Seattle in the late 80's. He
mentions Les Carlsen was the singer that came from a Broadway background & says
the bassist was Michael Bloodgood. He says
both combined to put a Queensryche type
thing, where they did live shows with a huge theatrical edge.

Y2J says it became a long, rock opera that's
based on "The Passion Of The Christ, says it was 15 years before Sugart*** did it & says it had some great songs also. He says let's
check out a new band making their debut on his show, along with another new band
called Guardian. He says Guardian started off as a darkened-esk band that kinda wrote the wave, turned a little bit more
alternative & says he'll leave it for you to
judge. He says it's a couple of new Christian
rock bands from the 80's, right here on
"The ROJ" on XM 41 Da Boneyard.

7.Plays Bloodgood's "America" & Guardian's
"Bottle Rocket".

8.Y2J says God bless you that's Guardian
that's a Christian rock set, that's proceeded
by Bloodgood & asked if you liked it. He says he was & still is a huge Christian rock
fan, says both are great bands with great
looks & says it has a great radio DJ. He says
both of the bands are no longer with us,
says Guardian still gigs from time to time:
www.myspace.com/bloodgoodband & have a short shelf life on the Christian heavy metal movement. He says it's not the
Christian part of it, but on any style of music & says it's just not popular with the
kids nowadays. He says unlike Deep Purple,
says "horrible segway" & says they've been
around for almost 40 years.

Y2J asks if you imagine being in a band for
40 years, says it's like being married for 40
years & asks as to what do you talk about
after a while. He says Deep Purple's had many ups & downs with many lineup changes, says there was many famous players started with them & mentions David
Coverdale, Glenn Hughes, Ritchie Blackmore
& says now Steve Morse's the guitarist for
them. He says the keyboardist is Don Airey
who used to play with Ozzy Osbourne & in
Rainbow also. He says Don actually wrote the awesome keyboard intro on "Mr. Crowley" that he played on his "Halloween
Special" a few weeks ago. He says they're
still gigging & playing around:
www.deep-purple.com/tourdates , Ian Gillan's still on vocals & asks as to what do you say about a band being around that long.

Y2J says they have pure quality & a huge fan base, which includes a fan named Robert from San Antonio who wanted to
hear some Deep Purple. He says this is almost a request version of his show, again
plugs his email, his MySpace site, his
regular site www.chrisjericho.com & 2 other
"sites" "bigboobies.org & bigboobies.net" &
says he views all of them with great frequency. He says Deep Purple's last record was "Rapture Of The Deep", says they had a song called "MTV" on it & says
that's interesting because [the cable music channel] MTV don't have any songs on it

Y2J says they play 3 videos a day, 2 by Justin
Timberlake & says we on "The ROJ" won't be playing Justin Timberlake & says if you
wanna hear that, go to the "Dance Station":
http://tinyurl.com/y7jm9e & listen to "The Rock Of Justin": http://tinyurl.com/y3d2ky .
He says this is The Rock Of Jericho with Deep Purple's "MTV", right here on "The ROJ" on XM 41.

9.Plays Deep Purple's "MTV", Queensryche's
"Walk In The Shadows" & Probot's "Shake
Your Blood".

10.Y2J says Dave Grohl & Lemmy [Kilmister] making an unholy alliance for the Probot
record with "Shake Your Blood" being a
great song title. He says that was for a fan
named Cary aka "Goose", wonders if Cary's a boy or a girl & wonders if "Goose" is a boy
or a girl & sings "are you a boy or a girl". He says he thought the Probot record was a
tremendous idea & would love to see Dave
do something like that again. He says he
plays lots of Probot on his show, says you
know the story on Dave wrote some heavy
songs & got some of his favorite vocalists of
all time to lay out the vocals for them.

Y2J says he had an all star heavy metal lineup that had Eric Wagner from Trouble &
King Diamond, the dude from Voivod [Denis
"Snake" Bélanger], the dude from Sepultura [Max Cavalera] & the dude from
Motorhead Lemmy. He says if you're looking for Lemmy go to the Rainbow, says
he saw him last week & says Lemmy's always there. He says Motorhead's still
gigging: www.imotorhead.com/tour.htm & recording new records & says next week he'll play some new Motorhead. He says all
will be good in the world, babies will be
singing, birds will be chirping, girls will be
laughing after seeing him in the shower &
says "WHAT?"..

Y2J says a fan named Jason from Colorado
wanted to hear Queensryche's "Walk In The
Shadows", says he got it & says it's from the
"Rage For Order" record. He says Queensryche's still touring:
http://tinyurl.com/y7kaj7 & maybe winding
up their "Operation Mindcrime 1 & 2" track
& says what a track it was. He says if you saw it, it was theatrical, cool & [yep, as he
says it] "blood-de-desk", then corrects himself & says Bloodgood-esk. He says he's
played some Paul DiAnno/Iron Maiden last
week, says he was looking into the system
again & says Kevin Kash: http://tinyurl.com/ybtu9x who's the rock &
roll hero to all Da Boneyard listeners, found
some Killers which was 1 of DiAnno's bands.

Y2J says poor Paul because every week &
record has to have a Maiden reference in
there & says he got 1 with Killers. He says
Paul should just call that band "Iron Maiden
II" & just leave it at that, says Killers had drummer Clive Burr for a short period of time. He says Clive's suffereing from multiple sclerosis & they've done a tribute to their fallen drummer. He says before all
that went down he & Paul were in Killers,
says he's never heard a Killers song before & wants to do it now. He says why not
because a fan named John from Texas
wanted to hear some Killers & he'll get to
hear them. He wonders as to what it'll sound like, says he's sure it'll have that
Maiden vibe & says why shouldn't it.

Y2J says Paul's 1 of the pioneers & the [yep,
as he says it] "privaers" & 1 of the originators of that sound. He says let's check it out, says he's not expecting it to
sound like Jay-Z & says both of us together
are embarking on this journey, of the
uncharted waters of Killers. He says when
John in Texas sits back & takes a sip of his
"beby", maybe a Chito or Dorito & says to
himself "this is gonna be some s***". He says this is Paul, Killers & Jericho in 3-2-1 &
says roll it.

11.Plays Killers' "Marshall Law", Hammerfall's "The Fallen 1" & Keel's "Rock & Roll Animal".

12.Y2J says "Rock & Roll Animal" is an
autobiographical song about himself Chris
Jericho, who he says is the crazy animal of
XM Radio. He says if he has to he'll bring Ron Keel to help him out, says Keel's a nut & says he played with Fozzy a few years ago
in his band Ironhorse. He says Fozzy had to
pull the plug on Keel ˝-way during his set
because Keel was going on & on. He says
after pulling the plug & cutting him off early, all Keel did was stalk around & give
Fozzy the "stink eye". He says for the rest of
the gig, he [Y2J] was rocking out playing
Fozzy tracks & doing his thing, then says he
looked in the back room & saw Keel staring
at him with the look of death & waiting to
jump on stage & sacrifice him, to the Gods
of rock.

Y2J says Keel was in a ˝ country band &
figures it was the Gods of country rock, says Keel's got the right to rock but don't
have the right to go long, which cuts Fozzy's setlist shorter. He says in between
that was Hammerfall's "The Fallen 1" for a
fan named Jason Marsolacha, says before
that was Killers with Paul & drummer Clive & yells "CLIVE BURR ON THE DRUMS". He
says he's got a request from a fan named
Brian who wanted to hear an interesting
cover song that he himself didn't know it
existed. He says it's by Shadows Fall called
"Teas'n Pleas'n" which was originally done
by Dangerous Toys.

Y2J says he'll do something that he's never
done before, then says "something we've
never done before like this crazy black
record with no cover". He says he'd like to
compare the 2 songs, says he'll play the original "Teas'n Pleas'n" by Dangerous Toys, then follow it up with a cover by
Shadows Fall & says it's an interesting little
game. He says he wants to see what the
differences are, especially since both bands
in question are completely different also. He says they're both opposites, says Shadows Fall are very heavy & are like a
Metallica/Pantera type vibe even without
stellar vocals. He says Dangerous Toys are
more of a heavy Aerosmith type thing that's
groovy, funky, dirty, R&B type song sound.

Y2J thinks it'll be an interesting comparison
between the 2, says let's check them out &
says he's always looking for new stuff to do
on "The ROJ" & wants to do a comparison. He says to grab a pen & paper, write
Dangerous Toys on 1 piece of the paper, put a line straight down the middle & put
Shadows Fall on the other side of the paper. He says then write down the
differences & similarities, then hand them in
at the end of the song & says he'll grade them & give them back to you next week. He says this is "Professor Jericho" on his show, with a double shot of "Teas'n Pleas'n"
right here on XM 41 Da Boneyard.

13.Plays Dangerous Toys' "Teas'n Pleas'n" &
Shadows Fall's "Teas'n Pleas'n".

14.Y2J says there you go with the interesting comparison with a tale of 2
"Teas'n Pleas'n"'s & asks as to what you
thought & what the prognosis was. He says
it's hard to match the original, says it's a very kickass rock & roll song & says he likes
what they've done with it. He says it was a
very cool comparison with both songs & the
2 vocals, says Jason McMaster's screaming
like a MoFo & sounded good. He says the
singer from Shadows Fall sounded like he
was gonna vomit & says it's like you are from listening to his show. He again says it's
The Rock Of Jericho on XM 41 Da Boneyard & it's 11/19, says Happy Thanksgiving to all
of you & says "there ain't nothing wrong with this brain".

Y2J asks if anyone knows where that saying's from, says it's from the Suicidal Tendencies' "Trip At The Brain" video where
they had a [yep, as he says it] "hobo", street
person, a BUUUUUM walking down the street looking for food. He says the guy opens up a garbage can, sees a brain in the
trash can, picks it up & goes "there ain't nothing wrong with this brain" & says those
are words to live by. He asks you to tell your friends "there ain't nothing wrong with this brain", says a fan named Jesse from San Bruno, California wanted to hear
some Suicidal Tendencies & says he'll play
some for him soon.

Y2J says Suicidal's lead by Mike Muir, says they've had a little bit of a run in the late 80's as kind of a punk hardcore band & mentions if you remember
"Institutionalized"& says in a UK accent "I'm
not crazy, institutionalized. He's the 1 that's
crazy, Institutionalized". He says they then
got more of a metal edge where they
started playing songs like "Send Me Your
Money" & "How Can I Laugh Tomorrow When I Can't Even Smile Today". He says on
bass guitar's is Mr. Robert Trujillo who then
went on to play with Metallica. He says Mike also formed Infectious Grooves which's like a metal funk band, who used to
do the cool task of opening up the shows
with his own band.

Y2J says Mike would play a Suicidal Tendencies show, have Infectious Grooves
open for him & says that was double duty for Mike & the boys. He says that's cool, don't know what they're doing now & haven't heard much of Suicidal or Infectious
Grooves, but says Trujillo's in Metallica &
he'll play some Suicidal for Jesse, then says
"Hesse" & in a spanish accent "He-say", right here on "The Rock Of Hericho" on XM 41 Da Boneyard. He says to remember that
"there ain't nothing wrong with this brain".

15.Plays Suicidal Tendencies' "Trip At The
Brain", Ozzy Osbourne's "S.A.T.O." & Trivium's "Ignition".

16.Y2J says Trivium's definetly 1 of the most
exciting new metal bands that he's heard over the last couple of years & says that was
"Ignition" on XM 41 Da Boneyard. He says
Trivium's up there for him with Mastodon &
Avenged Sevenfold, as the best 3 new metal
bands that he's heard this year.. He says you
can see why because it's exactly what you know that he likes, says it's got great guitar
work, it's very catchy & has great singing. He says he kinda likes the fact that the dude's using a James Hetfield-esk style of
vocal, says James does it so well & says no one else really can. He says if you've noticed
that it's a very unique & original sounding
vocal that James uses as well as [yep, as he
says it] "Mr. He-Fe, Hef-Fe", spells it H-E-A-F-Y & asks as to how do you pronounce that.

Y2J says the guy also rocks like James, says to look for Trivium who's also huge fans of
other metal bands & they've been known to
take lots of their heroes on tour with them.
He says he [Y2J] has had the fortune to tour
with lots of their heroes & mentions Iron
Maiden, says they've done shows with Guns
'N' Roses in Europe this summer & says they've taken other bands like Moterhead & others on tour with them. He says last
week we've learned the definition of the
word trivium on the "Schooling Of Jericho",
says this week he's got more schooling for
you because sandwiched in between Suicidal Tendencies & Trivium was Ozzy's
"S.A.T.O." from the "Diary Of A Madman"
record with guitarist Randy Rhoads.

Y2J says "S.A.T.O." was for a fan named Amanda in West Palm Beach, Florida who
wanted to hear some old school Ozzy & says she got it because it don't get no more
old school than that. He says "Diary Of A Madman" was recorded 6 weeks after
"Blizzard Of Ozz" was recorded, says they did 1 record & bang, did another 1 after that. He says you can tell that the band was
in a zone, says Ozzy, Rhoads, Bob Daisley and Lee Kerslake. He says now if you buy 1 of those records, the rhythm tracks are
replaced by drummer Mike Borden & bassist Trujillo who also played bass on Suicidal Tendencies, then says there's a little bit of a connection there & didn't
realize it.

Y2J says he's taking names, making
connections & making everything fit together, with a little Christmas bow on his
show & didn't even realize it. He says Ozzy
also sang on the Infectious Grooves record on the song "Therapy" & says it's a very
insestuious relationship on "The ROJ". He
says he'll finish up tonight's show, says once
again it's done & asks as to how quick was
the show. He says he'll play some closure with Jeff Waters & Annihilator & says it's not from their last record, but the 1 before it called "All For You" & says it's a return to
form for Waters. He says Waters' currently
recording another record, says the guy's
non-stop & does 1 after another.

Y2J says there's rumors that this record will
have lots of guest appearances with guitarists & vocalists. He says Jeff's kinda
suffering, then corrects himself & says Jeff's
enjoying a little bit of resergence in the rock & roll world. He says it's because of all
the influences that he's had on bands like
Trivium, Children Of Bodom & says they're all huge Annihilator fans. He says that's the
thing when you've influenced many different forms of bands & when they get
old & start getting into prominence, you get the props for it. He says that's what
kept Maiden going for so long for the fact
that in the 90's they were a little bit [yep,
what sounded like] "down traud" & didn't
have alot going on & suddenly "bing, bang,
bang", they're right back in the for front

Y2J says it's because of bands like Children
Of Bodom & others talking about on how
they've influenced them. He says it's the
same with Annihilator with Trivium, Lamb Of God & In Flames being big Annihilator fans & says you can see the reason why that
Jeff's got a great sense of rhythm, says he's
completely locked into his drums & bass
player & says no one plays drums like Jeff.
He says Kerry King's saying he's got the
fastest right hand in the heavy metal
business, says he could be right because he's not afraid of tempo changes, weird
little segways, weird voices in his songs & says let's check it out.

Y2J says he's over, finished, gone, done & out this week on his show, says Happy
Thanksgiving to all of you & thanks for
joining him this week. He says it's been a
little disjointed & it's OK & says that's what he does there by flying by the seat of his
pants. He says he could write all the
dialogue in a nice little movie script & say
every word for word, then says [in a scripted like way] "Hello, my-name-is-Chris-Jericho. How-are-you-today-Rock-Of-Jericholics". He says that ain't how he does
it or how he or you rolls & says that ain't
rock & roll. He says he'll shut up & that's it
for this week & says he'll leave you with
Annihilator from the "All For You" record. He says this is Jeff Waters & "Both Of Me",
right here on "The ROJ" on XM 41 Da
Boneyard & says he bids you [in a French
like accent] "A-Due Dr. Jones".

17.Ends with Annihilator's "Both Of Me" & the show again ends at 9:55PM WITHOUT the usual "As We Travel Along On The Jericho Road" ending theme, so I'm assuming this is the new ending format on his show.

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