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Date Posted: 13:33:27 11/30/06 Thu
Author: Jeff
Subject: 11/26 Rock Of Jericho report [PWInsider's Buck Woodward's mentioned in this report]

NOTE FROM JEFF:For those that ain't aware of it, Y2J stated on his MySpace blog that the 12/31 show will be his last: http://tinyurl.com/y9ojlu . Other than that, here's what happened this week:

1.Starts the show at 7:56PM with 2 Winger songs:"Blind Revolution Mad" & "Down Incognito".

2.Y2J says it's a Sunday night & you know what that means, says it's time for the 120 minutes of the greatest metal show in the history of the free world. He says it's by far the best metal show & best show period on XM radio, says it's The Rock Of Jericho: http://tinyurl.com/rssxe & says he's Chris Jericho your hostest with the leastest, your party host, role model, paragon of virtue, "TheManOfTheHourTheManWithThePowerTheManTooSweetToBeSourTheWoman'sPetTheMan'sRegretTheManWithTheVoiceThePeople'sChoice" & says he spins the
platters that matter. He asks as to how's that for an intro, says that's 1 of the benefits of being an ex-pro wrestler, says for the fact that he can spew out this bulls*** on the tip of his tongue like in a drop of a hat & says also being a Groundling don't hurt either. He says if you don't know what a Groundling they're Will Ferrell, Phil Hartman, Kip Winger & asks if that rings any bells to you, then admits that Kip's not a Groundling but kicked off tonight's show with the pattened 1-2 punch from the "Pull" record with "Blind Revolution Mad" & "Down Incognito". He says that's the 2 most unlikely song titles he'd ever expect to hear from a party, glam rock, c**k rock
band like Winger when "Pull" 1st came out. He asks if "Blind Revolution Mad" is a run on sentence or a fragment, says it don't make sense & says for "Down Incognito", he had to look up on how to spell incognito as well as him liking to say the word incognito. He figures "Blind Revolution Mad" is when you're blinding mad &
want to start a revolution & says "Down Incognito" maybe means you're down in the underground via incognito. He says all that makes sense about that as well as these are stripped down, heavier, tougher, meaner Winger songs, says this is when Winger was at their peak as a punching bag due to Lars Urlich & Beavis & Butt-Head. He says "Stuart The Loser" [Stevenson]: http://snipurl.com/13kr5 from Beavis & Butt-Head that wore a Winger shirt didn't help their cause, says they were the
poster boys for the glam rock movement by getting shot down & says Kurt Cobain took his flame thrower & burned up the landscape. He thinks Winger was fighting back by saying they ain't as wimpy as you'd think & to check them out, says their record's cool & it reminds him of lots of Skid Row's "Sub Human Race" record, then
mentions Warrant's "Dog Eat Dog" & says their 3rd & most ignored record that probably not many people know it exist. He says the writing was on the wall, says they
were done like Dinsky & says it's like Y2J that's living on the last vestages on his former fame by holding on. He says he's holding on by the tip of his tongue, the skin of
his teeth & hoping, praying that the Rock Of Jericholics will keep him alive & pleads you to do that for him. He says he's like Unicef & wants you to carry a little Jericho
box, says get people to drop pennies into the box & send them to him right there on XM 41 Da Boneyard: http://tinyurl.com/6hmt6 . He says he's loving it as well as loving life, his show & the new Motorhead record & says Motorhead's the type of band that all they do is tour & make records. He says every year you'll count on hearing a new Motorhead record, says every year you'll count on Motorhead touring because that's what they do. He says that's Lemmy's [Kilmster] life now, asks if you
can blame him because he's almost 60 years old if not 60 now, says he's been doing this for 40 years & says that's what he does. He says Lemmy's not married, may
have a couple of kids but they're probably 30 years old now & says that's his life. He says Lemmy's an underground icon as a result & an influencial member of the rock & roll/heavy metal communities & says God bless Lemmy. He says he knows Mikkey Dee & Phil Campbell have families, says Phil lives in Wales, Mikkey lives in
Sweden & says when Lemmy tells them to go, they go. He says both Phil & Mikkey write the tracks, Lemmy puts down the lyrics & says that's how the whole situation
works. He says Motorhead always has a couple of great kickass songs in every record, says this is 1 of them which's the lead single ["Kingdom Of The Worm"] & says
accidently says Manowar & says Manowar don't have any singles. He asks if Motorhead's got singles, then asks if rock radio await the new Motorhead single so they
can play it on the air & says no. He asks if Y2J & XM 41 Da Boneyard wait for Motorhead's new single so they can play it on the air, says you damn rights & says that's what he'll be doing now. He says he's kicking off the show on a Sunday night & says it's Motorhead's "Kingdom Of The Worm", right here on "The Rock".

3.Plays Motorhead's "Kingdom Of The Worm", Kiss' "My Way" & Warrior Soul's "The Wasteland".

4.Y2J says that's coming from a hot set on his show with Warrior Soul's "The Wasteland" & it was for a fan named Bob LaTrobe in Pennsylvania. He says Bob's had a rough month because he wanted to hear that song, then Y2J says he's looking thru his stacks & sheets of letters & says like a moron, what he's looking for is on his screen via email. He then says in Bob's email he says he records the show on a midnight shift & had a sucky month, says 1st Twisted Sister cancelled a show on 12/9 at the Pepsi Road House, then Queensryche cancelled their 11/7 show at the Greensboro Palace Theater. He also says that Bob requested Warrior Soul's "The Wasteland" because he feels that he's living in a metal wasteland which's Western Pennsylvania. Y2J says he's never heard of the city LaTrobe, says he's been around the world, seen millions of girls & has been in the following Pennsylvanian cities:Allentown, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, State College. He says he's talking the woods & mountains, again says he's never heard of LaTrobe & apologizes for Twisted Sister & Queensryche cancelling their shows. He tells Bob to be sure that he never cancels a f*****g show, says whether it be "The ROJ" or "The Foz" & says he'll always be. He says he'll always deliver the requests, goods & says he ain't talking about Glen Tipton, says sandwiched in between was Kiss' "My Way" & says it's 1 of those lost Kiss gems from the "Crazy Nights" record that's written by Paul Stanley. He says you know he saw Paul at Los Angeles' House Of Blues & says it was amazing, says Paul sounded & looked like he was 25, says it was a sold out show & the crowd went nuts & says the gems he played were amazing. He mentions they were "Million To 1", "Got To Choose", "Tonight You Belong To Me", "Wouldn't You Like To Know Me", "Magic Touch", then wonders if he said "Magic Touch" already, says he didn't & says there were these crazy songs played & said to himself that he hasn't heard those songs forever. He plugs Paul's new solo record "Live To Win" which's another great album, says he'll play more from it next week & says he's on a Paul Stanley kick. He says he's also the guy that when he was a college radio DJ, he barracaded the walls of the recording studio at the station, put up pictures of Paul at the windows & played Kiss for 2 & a 1/2 hours & his show was originally an hour. He says he didn't let the next guy's show on, says it was nothing but Kiss until the college dean called him & told him that even though what he's doing is all fine & dandy, but if he don't get out of the studio then he'll get kicked out of college. He says
that's what put an end to his Paul Stanley marathon, says he it was gonna go all night because that's how he does it & how he rolls. He says he forgot earlier to say that a fan named Nick Baylez from Cleveland wanted to hear some Motorhead & got it, says he's making dreams come true, says he's like a modern day Laverne &
Shirley & then sings the theme song from the show. He says he not only saw Paul but also had the pleasure of seeing Joan Jett & The Blackhearts for the 1st time in his life. He says yes that's THE Joan Jett that did "I Love Rock & Roll", says in Canada it was funny because there they have Kraft's Macaroni & Cheese Dinner:
http://snipurl.com/13nmh & says Joan out of the gates in '84 said that she sold out to the man, by selling that song to Kraft. He then sang "I love eating Kraft, put
another bowl in front of me baby", says the kids [in the commercial] were eating it & also singing the song, says that was Joan Jett's lean years but still rocking & looks
great. He says she don't look like Ace Frehley anymore & has a punk buzz cut, says she's 1 of those rock bands or personalities that's had way more hits than you can
ever put your finger on & remember. He says again everyone knows "I Love Rock & Roll", "I Hate Myself For Loving You", "Crimson & Clover" & "Little Lover", says when
she busted out this song ["Do You Want To Touch Me?"], he was like "oh my gosh, this is great". He says it's a cover by Gary Glitter who did "Rock & ROOOLLL, HEY, Rock & Roll", says every college, professional & high school sports event you go to, they play that song. He says Gary was also busted for child porno when he
took in his hard drive, then says no putt intended & says he took it in to get it cleaned & fixed & they [the cleaning people] found all the [underaged] porn photos on his
hard drive. So he says Gary was busted & that's a little Gary Glitter trivia there, says people are probably saying who the f*** is Gary Glitter [NOTE FROM JEFF:For those that care, here's his site: www.garyglitter.tk & says you get all kinds on his show. He says again Joan covered a Gary Glitter song & says the 1st 45rpm single that he ever bought was this song ["Do You Want To Touch Me?"]. He says he was originally looking for "I Love Rock & Roll" but it was sold out, so he bought the other
Joan Jett 45rpm that was at Zellers: www.hbc.com/zellers , which he says it's like a Canadian version of Target stores. He says he won't tell you the title of the song & says you'll have to look at the crawl on the XM screen, says right now on the screen it says The Rock Of Jericho, says that's all you need to know & says The Rock Of Jericho & "The Rock Of Jett", the double "ROJ" on XM 41.

5.Plays Joan Jett's "Do You Want To Touch Me?" & [NOTE FROM JEFF:the song title & artist didn't appear on my screen for this song, but it's The Darkness' "Stuck In A Rut"].

6.Y2J says The Darkness' "Stuck In A Rut" was from their 1st album "Permission To Land", says lead singer/guitarist Justin Hawkins who's the guy that wore the cat
suits & jumped around with a super high voice, has quit the band & went to rehab. He says Justin left the rest of the band members holding their c***s in their hands by
telling them "See ya, I'm going into rehab & breaking up the band". Y2J says Justin shouldn't make any rash decisions but to go to rehab, kick whatever's aling him &
return to the band but don't leave them hanging & says Justin did leave them. He says what's crazier & could be a 1st, says Justin was in rehab with Pete Doherty who
was in The Libertines & now in The Babyshambles & is a total mess & on the death pool. He thinks Pete's going out with Kate Moss who he says is also in the death pool & says they're forming a supergroup that's based out of rehab. He says Justin & Pete met, wrote & played songs in rehab, says they got together & had chemistry
& says now the 2 ex-junkies are forming a supergroup. He asks as to what're the odds on the betting line that the band will last, says he's curious & it's off the top of his
head & wants to know. He says he got a request from a fan named Beth in New Jersey, who tells him not to hold her being from New Jersey against her, says it's a fine
town & there's not a better state of eggs that's off the highway than New Jersey. He mentions Trenton, Red Hook, The Meadowlands [now the Continental Airlines]
Coliseum & a bunch of exits, as well as a couple of Roy Rogers. He says Beth said in her email that she loves his show & thought the Mike Martin stuff that he played was great. He says Mike Martin's the Fozzy guitarist that rocked the house in Columbus & Macon, Georgia when they were there either a couple of weeks or 1 & 1/2
weeks ago & then says "The Foz" is firing up again so stay tuned to his show for more "Foz" gigs. He then plugs www.fozzyrock.com , www.chrisjericho.com ,
www.myspace.com/fozzytour , www.myspace.com/therockofjericho & his email messagesforchris@gmail.com like Beth did. He continues with Beth's email & says she
liked the Mike Martin stuff that he played that was great, says she's a big fan of instrumental music & wants to hear Joe Satriani's "Summer Song". He says Beth also
would like to hear more Mike Martin songs & says the "Larger Than Life" gang would love it. He says he don't remember the last Mike Martin song he played but will play his favorite song from the new solo record "2 Of 5" that you can get from his MySpace: www.myspace.com/mikemartinband , www.mikemartin.net or
www.apple.com/itunes . He says if you're interested in Mike he's a great guitarist, says Mike does have lots of Satriani-esk qualities with the same kind of tone, solo
styling & again says this maybe the same Mike song that he played 1 or 2 months ago. He says he don't remember & not to worry, just listen to it & like it just like Beth in New Jersey. He says it's a double shot of instrumental guitar music, says if you don't like it to turn the channel & says if you do like good rock & roll music &
guitar playing, then check this out. He says it's a double shot of instrumental guitar heroics with Mike & Joe, right here on The Rock Of Jericho.

7.Plays Joe Satriani's "Summer Song" & Mike Martin's "The Trouser Trout".

8.Y2J asked if you liked what he just played, says before Mike Martin's "The Trouser Trout" was the master himself Joe Satriani or "Satch". He says "Satch" taught
Steve Vai, Kirk Hammett & has influenced millions of others in the rock/guitar world, also says he's a great guitar instrumentalist, great look, bald & loves it. He says love it or leave it just like Francis Buchholz let the Scorps, says that's a horrible segway, says he [Francis] was thrown out of the Scorps & thought it was some sort of
money laundering or embezelment. He says he got a letter from someone named Buck Woodward who may be 1 of those "Pro Wrestling Insiders": www.pwinsider.com
& says he recognizes the name. He says Buck said in his letter that concerning the Francis Buchholz/Scorpions situation, Francis was 1 of the managers & a member
of the band that was supposed to keep tabs on money matters. Buck also said in his letter that when the Scorps dumped their manager for cheating them, Francis sided with the managers & left the band. Y2J says he was talking about Scorpions headlining the Wacken show during the summer & had every ex member of the band
on stage with the exception of Francis. He says there's still big heat there but he did play with Uli John Roth last year, says not even Roth with his tear drop shaped
guitar could smooth out the problems between Francis & the rest of the gang. He says if Uli can't smooth it out, maybe David Lee Roth can & says if not, then Y2J can, says he'll play some Scorpions from back in the good old days when everything was hunky dory & the band was hugging, happy & getting ripped off by someone. He says he won't rip you off some classic Scorps from '90 & from the underated record "Crazy World", says that's the title track right here on "The ROJ" on XM. He says
he's Jericho & crank it up.

9.Plays Scorpions' "Crazy World" & Overkill's "Feel The Fire".

10.Y2J says Overkill's "Feel The Fire" is from '85 & the title track of their record & says that was for a fan named Jesse J. Swanko who's 24 & from Carmel, New York &
said he almost was gonna say Carmel, Norway. He says there may be a Carmel, Norway but this is Carmel, New York, says Jesse J. Swanko is a triple "ROJJ" & says
that's "The Rock Of Jesse J.". He then says Jesse has a huge essay of a letter that says people in New York weren't happy in Maiden's choice of playing "A Matter Of
Life & Death" in it's entirety, says screw them because Maiden's not about the past & says to those that were mad because they didn't play "Number Of The Beast", is
that they've played it 16,000 times & says not to worry about it. He says Jesse also talked a little about Kiss, wanted to hear an Overkill song & got it & says Jesse
brought up a great point, which is after hearing "Creeping Death" on the Halloween show his 1st thoughts were that Metallica used to be awesome & wondered as to what happened. He also says that Jesse & a friend got into a debate as to what would've happened if Metallica & the chorus in "Metal Of General" if Cliff Burton didn't
die. He also said that Jesse said that the "Black" album wouldn't have occured or it would've been totally different, said Cliff would've murdered Lars, etc. Y2J says he
himself don't know & his point with Cliff's that he was always a complete original, says Cliff never followed trends & says you can tell because in those days no one wore
bellbottoms & Cliff did. He says no one had the long, 1 length hair & Cliff had that & says it was a facial hair & says Cliff was an outcast from the start. He says Cliff also was into southern music & mentions The Allman Brothers, Lynyrd Skynyrd & others. He says if Cliff lived he probably wouldn't be with Metallica anymore, says it's
the same with Randy Rhoads because he when he was younger he was super heavy, then as he grew up & got out of the heavy music. He says he ain't saying that Cliff
was getting out of the heavy music but thinks that he probably wouldn't have stayed with the band, says Cliff also had a real ear for melody because he was actually the
general & leader of the band where the guys looked at him for advice & says they may've went whichever way he influenced. He says he remembers when he was younger when the "Black" album came out, people would say "If Cliff Burton was still alive, he'd never wouldn't let this come out" & says if Cliff did live it would've been
more polished & molatic. He thinks the biggest factor to the "Black" album that sounded back then, was the band's decision to work with Bob Rock & says it's not
because Cliff died, because when Cliff died they were more over the top & more bloated musically with the "Justice For All" record. He says you can't blame the "Black" album if you don't like it on the loss of Cliff, says blame it on Bob Rock & says he himself blames it on the rain because that's how he does it. He says you have to admit that Metallica was at their peak when Cliff was there, says he hopes they'll be at their peak again with Robert Trujillo when they release their new record & says that's now here now but "Ride The Lightning" lives on forever. He says that's an obscure track from the self titled album & says this is Metallica & Cliff on XM 41 Da

11.Plays Metallica's "Trapped Under Ice" & Beautiful Creatures' "New Orleans".

12.Y2J says he's gone from 1 extreme to the next by doing some Metallica & followed by a nice little ditty called Beautiful Creatures' "New Orleans". He says that's what he does with both sides of the coin, says you won't hear a bunch of heavy or mid tempo songs & says this reminds him of Motley Crue's "Don't Go Away Mad, Just Go Away". He says the Beautiful Creatures came out the gate just fighting, says he thought they were the best new band of 2002 when the record came out, says
they even got a slot on Ozzfest, had some great buzz about them & says they were a lost band from a different world, which is similar to Velvet Revolver, Hinder & says
Avenged Sevenfold's heavier than what people are used to. He says they came out a little before their time & made a mistake by not following up on their great debut
record. He says they had some inner termoil with guitarist DJ Ashba left the band, says they'd never could recapture what they did with that lightning in the bottle from their 1st record [self titled "Beautiful Creatures"]. He says if you never heard Beautiful Creatures other than "New Orleans", says check their record out & it's kick ass:
http://snipurl.com/13qss & says Stone Cold Steve Austin: http://snipurl.com/13qsx got him into it & says it was his & Austin's favorite record of the year. He says 1 of his favorite record of the year is not Bullet For My Valentine, says that's a great segway & says it's that he hasn't heard them yet. He says the deal's that he got a letter
from a fan named Justin in Sault, Ontario, Canada, thinks Sault's pronounced either "Sue" or "Salt", then says Justin said in his letter that he listens to his show on
Sunday where he talked about Maiden's "A Matter Of Life & Death" & who the opening band was. He says that Justin also said that he saw Maiden in Montreal, Canada
because Montreal f*****g rocks, says the cover band was Bullet For My Valentine who also f*****g kicked ass & asked if he can throw some of that s*** on Sunday please. He ends by telling Y2J that if he can't play them, he'll send him a copy, says thanks to Y2J & says he rocks. Y2J says that was all in 1 sentence, says Justin
maybe French [NOTE FROM JEFF:For those that don't know, Montreal's a French city in Canada], tells Justin to learn some punctuation because it's basic grammar &
if he's gonna mail him a letter, Justin needs to spellcheck it & get some punctuation going. He says he didn't hear Bullet For My Valentine, says Maiden took them on the entire US tour except for the LA gig that Y2J saw, that was opened by 3 Inches Of Blood. He says he's curious as to why Maiden liked Bullet For My Valentine so
much, says if they're good enough for them they're good enough for "The ROJ" & says who's he to say that he shouldn't be playing Bullet For My Valentine. He says it's
especiallly since Justin wrote a great letter to him, says let's check them out, cut to the chase & let's see. He says he'll play the song & emailed Kevin Kash:
http://tinyurl.com/ybtu9x & asked if he has any Bullet For My Valentine, says Kash said yes & it's 1 song ["Tears Don't Fall"]. He hopes this ain't another Motorgrator
where he played it & it sucked, says he don't like Motorgrator & says that's for those that're keeping notes at home & you can write that down. He says he does like Iron Maiden & trust their judgement, says he saw Guns 'N' Roses, Twisted Sister, Anthrax, Wasted, Dio, Motorhead, Halford & Queensryche open for them & says that's a pretty good list of classic bands. He hopes Bullet For My Valentine joins them, says to check this out & says for the 1st time ever on his show, tells fans to cross their fingers & here we go.

13.Plays Bullet For My Valentine's "Tears Don't Fall", Bloodgood's "Let My People Go" & Skid Row's "Mudkicker".

14.Y2J says Skid Row's "Mudkicker" is for a fan named Dave Burley in the UK which he says is his favorite touring place besides the US, says the UK always treated
"The Foz" & Skid Row very kindly. He 1st said he played old Skid Row, then corrects himself & says it's new Skid Row last week with new singer Johnny Solinger. He
says it was good but it's not "that", says it's just kick ass stuff with classic Skid Row at the peak of their powers. He says Sebastian Bach's an unbelievable singer, says Snake [Dave Sabo], Rahcel Bolan & says that's a good band. He says sandwiched & nestled in between like a little Christian present of joy was Bloodgood, says
he found it in the system last week & says you'll hear selected Bloodgood cuts over the next few weeks because they're a good band. He mentions "Let My People Go"
is from the "Out Of The Darkness" record, says he hoped you liked it like he did & asked as to what did you think of Bullet For My Valentine. He says they're not too bad, says they need a little work & are rough around the edges & says they got a good beat & you can dance to it. He asks them to send him some tape & photos & he'll see what he can do for them, says 1 of the cool things about being a radio DJ's that you get lots of records sent to you by record companies that're hoping for "spins" & says it's because he's the man in charge & can go thru that whole thing again. He says the cool thing's that Skateboard Management sent him a package of
stuff & he'll play a bunch of it & says they sent him a reissue of the 1st 2 Trouble records "Psalm 9" & "The Skull". He says both of them he's had on cassette, [vinyl]
album & CD, says the thing that's cool about it is that they both came with a bonus DVD & says he actual got to see Trouble live in their entirety. He says he saw them
opened for White Zombie & Pantera in '92 at San Francisco's Warfield Theater, says it wasn't bad & says it's better seeing them play a whole 65 minute set from "Psalm 9" & "The Skull" era. He says if you're a long time fan of his show you know he loves Trouble & has played lots of them, says you know they're so underated in
his opinion & says they're 1 of the best Sabbath-esk bands from the early 80's. He says no bands then were playing that type of music when they 1st came in, says they really combine the heavyness, sludgyness & the doom Sabbath sound that's combined with the double guitars or Iron Maiden & Judas Priest. He says they're a
tremendous band, says he saw them live & was also great. He says all have the personalities of stumps, says their amps are more exciting to watch then they are & says it's fun to watch their fingers rock thru the tunes. He says they're a great band with a great look & drummer & says if there's any doubt about it for the kids out there, says Dave Grohl enlisted vocalist Eric Wagner for his Probot project & says you'll know that they've got some high classed, influencial & powerful people on their side. He says from "Psalm 9" it's "The Fall Of Lucifer", says it's got many tempo changes, great guitar solos & lyrics & says they're a great band that's right on the
greatest radio show in the world today, The Rock Of Jericho on on XM 41 Da Boneyard.

15.Plays Trouble's "The Fall Of Lucifer" & Symphony X's "A Fool's Paradise".

16.Y2J says Symphony X's "A Fool's Paradise" is for a long time listener named Steph who makes lots of requests, again plugs his email twice & asks you to email your request so he'll play them. He says Steph wanted to hear some old Symphony X & got it, says that's it because he's come to another end of the show & it's over
already, says he can't believe it & he's just getting to know you guys. He says he was about to bake you a nice sufflet, put it on the table, pop some Mad Dog 20-20 &
have a nice little cocktail but he'll just play 1 last song. He says he's again heard that Guns 'N' Roses aka Axel Rose will release the "Chinese Democracy" album before the end of the year & says that's coming from their manager. He says they also said that they won't have a release date but you'll show up at your record store on a Tuesday & you'll see it on the shelves & says it aka means they don't have a clue as to when it'll be out [NOTE FROM JEFF:Here's a link with more info on it:
http://snipurl.com/13r13 ]. He says it's the same as betting the odds on a Justin Hodkins supergroup with Pete Doherty & asks as to what's the betting line right now for
all of the Rock Of Jericholics at home, on the road or wherever you are & asks as to what's the betting line that "Chinese Democracy" will be out this year. He asks if you really think that it will, says the problem with that is that he was gonna see Guns 'N' Roses when they were in Tampa & says at 35 years old, then says he's 36 &
says he can't justify going to a show where the opening band finishes & the headliners wait 1 to 3 hours before coming on stage. He says he sees that as disrespectful,
says he ain't joking & says it insults his intelligence & his long time fandom of them. He says he ain't 17 anymore & don't have time to wait 2 hours for Axl to get his s*** together & f*** around before coming on stage just to be a rock star & says he didn't go. He says what happened was the opening band of Sebastian Bach comes out at 9PM & ends at 9:30PM, Guns 'N' Roses was scheduled to be on at 10PM, then 10:30, 11PM, 11:30 & finally Axl comes on stage & played til 2:15AM on a
Wednesday night. He asks as to how disrespectful is that to fans, then tells Axl that "Chinese Democracy" better be the best friggin record of all time because he says
he's getting sick of this rock star bulls*** attitude. He says at 1st it was cool in the 80's but not anymore, says he likes it that Axl's larger than life & they're Guns 'N' Roses & tells Axl to show respect to fans & come on stage when you're suppose to. He says that's not alot to ask for & asks if whether or not he's right or wrong, says
that's it for his ranting, still loves them & says 1 of his favorite tracks from the "Use Your Illusion" record is coming up now. He says he's over, finished, gone, done & out, says he'll see you next week on his show where he always has respect for the fans.

17.Ends with Guns 'N' Roses' "Coma" & the show ends at 9:56PM

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