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Date Posted: 09:33:50 12/07/06 Thu
Author: Jeff
Subject: 12/3 Rock Of Jericho report [4 more sad weeks till the last show]

1.Starts the show at 7:59PM with 2 Anthrax songs:"Potters Field" & "Only".

2.Y2J says it's Sunday night on XM 41 Da Boneyard: http://tinyurl.com/6hmt6 , says it's The Rock Of Jericho: http://tinyurl.com/rssxe & says he's your hostest with the leastest Chris Jericho & welcome to his show. He says he's playing the fine, smooth sounds of Nat King Cole, right here on Smooth Jazz 41. He then makes a buzzer
sound & says he's kicking it off with the 1-2 punch from Anthrax's kickass record "A Sound Of White Noise" & says the record's also the sound of the 1st record that John Bush ever sang on with them. He says with this vocalist, Scott Ian finally found a singer that he felt envelped Anthrax's sound that was incorperated by a penultimate, says there's a word for you & says that's a penultimate Anthrax singer. He says Joey Belladonna's very high & Steve Perry-esk, says Bush had more of a
Metallica growl to him & a [James] Hetfield groan. He says when James in '85 broke his arm for the 2nd time while skateboarding, says James actually started thinking
about his vocals & decided that he didn't wanna sing anymore & it was during the "Ride The Lightning" record. He says the #1 guy James wanted to replace him in
Metallica was Bush, says if you see & hear John's voice you can tell as to why James would wanna do that. He says of course James didn't, went to be a kickass singer himself, Bush stayed with Armored Saint til he joined Anthrax & says either Bush's back with Armored Saint or still with Anthrax & says we don't know. He says
He says we do know is that "A Sound Of White Noise" is a great record, says Sony paid the band lots of money to make it but Kurt Kobain came & flashbombed the
entire rock scene back in the early 90's & Anthrax's 1 of the victims of it. He says the band ended up owing tons of cash to Sony, says he thinks that's 1 of the reasons
why they reunited last year for financial, contractual & rock reasons. He again says it's Sunday night by kicking off the show with :"Potters Field" & "Only" that James
said it was the perfect song & James also said he wished he himself would've wrote it. He says James' wrote some perfect songs himself, then mentions VH1's
"Supergroup": http://snipurl.com/141q2 play "Only" & says you got to see Ted Nugent & Sebastian Bach rock out on "Only". He says only Rob Halford knows why he
decided to put Halford back together again, says that's a horrible segway which's 1 of the worst of all time & says the reason's that Halford just finished up with Priest. He says Priest just finished up their new "Nostradamus Concept Album" record, says Halford's reforming & putting back together his "Halford" project that did the
"Resurrection" record a couple of years ago. He says if you saw them maybe 6 years ago, they toured with Maiden, Queensryche & says they were a great band. He
mentions guitarist "Metal Mike" Chlasciak, drummer Bobby Jarzombek, 2nd guitarist Patrick Lachman who ended up singing with Damage Plan & says there was alot of great players in the band. He says Halford put them back together, shook them all up, did a new song & says he'll now play an old song from Halford. He says he's
kicking it off the show on a Sunday night, says to crank it up because he's gonna play some funky music & says this is Halford right here on XM 41 Da Boneyard.

3.Plays Halford's "Resurrection", Bruce Dickinson's "The Ghost Of Cain" & W.A.S.P.'s "The Headless Children".

4.Y2J says "The Headless Children" is the title track to W.A.S.P.'s "The Headless Children" album here on XM 41 Da Boneyard, says Blackie Lawless' kicking it & says "AH KICK IT, AH KICK IT". He says that song was for a fan named Christina who wanted to here W.A.S.P. & got it, says early in the show he played Halford for a
fan named Eddie & says there's lots of requests. He says he likes receiving lots of requests & says to send them at messagesforchris@gmail.com , then plugs his
www.myspace.com/therockofjericho & www.chrisjericho.com & says for the Rock Of Jericholics that understand what he's doing & are down with the Rock Of Jericho
Clown & then begs & pleads some requests. He says he needs a setlist so he can know what to play & wants to know what you, the people of America & the world
want to hear. He says Christina & Eddie knows what he's talking about, says sandwiched in between like a tasty little morsel was Bruce Dickinson's "The Ghost Of Cain" from the "Accident Of Birth" record & says that's also a solo record from 1 of the greatest heavy metal singers of all time, which is similiar to Halford's "Resurrection" record. He says Halford & Dickinson actually sang on a song with Jeff Tate, then corrects himself & says Jeff wasn't involved, then wonders if Jeff was
involved & says it was called "The 1 You Love To Hate". He says it was Dickinson, Halford & Tate may've been involved also but can't remember, says it was definetly
Halford & Dickinson, then says he'll shut up & keep playing some tunes. He says you love Black Label Society, Ozzy Osbourne, Zakk Wylde & asks if you've ever heard of Pride & Glory. He says that was Zakk's forgotten project in '94 when he kinda became the heavy metal Allman Brothers & says it's not almond but Allman & then spells the name. He says if you don't know who that [Allman] is, says to Google it: http://snipurl.com/141ws & says "GOOGLE" & says everyone who listens to his show knows who the Allman Brothers are. He says Zakk's a huge fan of them & has played these type of songs that're southern fried country rock on the Pride & Glory record. He says lots of people have heard it & more people haven't, says when it 1st came out he didn't dig it as much because he was looking for more of an Ozzy type thing. He says this isn't & it's more like a Dwayne Allman, Dickie Betts, Lynyrd Skynyrd type record with a heavy vibe to it. He says there's great players on
it & mentions Megadeth's James LoMenzo, Brian Tichy who's in Billy Idol's band & Zakk himself's in it singing & playing for 1 of the 1st times. He says he didn't like it
when it 1st came out, says 12 years later it could be his favorite Zakk Wylde solo project & says he loves Black Label Society. He says that may be a little bit of a
controversial statement there & says if you don't believe him, he wants to share it with you. He says this is Pride & Glory, Zakk Wylde & "Toe'n The Line", right here on
XM 41 Da Boneyard.

5.Plays Pride & Glory's "Toe'n The Line" & Paul Stanley's "Wake Up Screaming".

6.Y2J says Paul Stanley's "Wake Up Screaming" is from the "Live To Win" album & it's his 1st solo record in 28 years. He says the song's keep getting better & the
deeper into the record we get, says "Lift" is the 1st single & says "EHHH" it's OK. He says "Live To Win" is a little bit better, says it grows on you & says when you
start getting into last week when he played "It's All About You" like 2 weeks ago & "Wake Up Screaming" is a great song. He says short songs get right to the point, says there's no real extra pomp & circumstance that you'd expect to find on a Kiss record. He says why should there be because it's not a Kiss record, it's a Paul Stanley solo record & a Paul Stanley solo tour that he saw a couple of weeks ago. He says he's talked about it & you know how much he dug it, says Paul's a great
entertainer with some great lines & says he's always have been a great frontman. He says there was some people in the balconies & says Paul was yelling "HEY YOU
COME TO MY SHOW IT'S A PARTISAPATORY SPORT". He says he thought that was so cool when he says "if you wanna watch you go home & sit in front of the TV" & says "YEAH". He says after that Paul said "A LOT OF YOU PEOPLE HAVE MY NEW SOLO RECORD & IF YOU WANNA GET IT, GO BUY IT & DON'T DOWNLOAD MY ALBUM ILLEGALLY. BECAUSE I'M SICK & TIRED OF SHARING A HOTEL ROOM WITH THESE 6 GUYS & I GOT A 2 MONTH OLD BABY AT HOME THAT I NEED TO FEED HIM." He says Paul then started doing a little dance because since he's 55 & has a 2 month old baby like he's still got it, says "SHWING, Paul's still got it, SHWI-NI-WING" & says Paul's still got it vocally. He says Paul's a great singer & 1 of his favorites of all time & says if you have him list his
favorite top 10 singers he'd say Paul Stanley would be on it. He then says Bruce Dickinson & Rob Halford that he played earlier, Michael Kiske, Steve Perry, Sebastian
Bach, James LaBree & Michael Sweet. He says that's a little controversal & says "Michael Sweet you may say, you mean the guy from Stryper" & says "yeah, the guy
from Stryper". He says Michael's a great singer & guitarist & says they're a great rock & roll band & there's no doubt about it. He says they reunited 3 years ago, did a
tour called "The Reunited Stryper" & says they're still playing. He says they did a new record last year called "Reborn", says "EHHH" it's OK & there's not alot of guitar
playing & says they're try being a little bit too modern. He says when you're in a band like Stryper you have to give props to the old school, says "strap on your old
school" is what Anthrax would say & says they didn't really do that. He says they're still the best Christian rock band of all time, says you know he likes Christian rock, says he's played Bloodgood, Bride, Guardian & says he'd love to play some Baron Cross, but it's not in the system. He then mentions Sacred Warrior, White Cross he's played before & says Stryper are the "kings of the castle when you're a dirty rascal". He says their biggest hit record was "To Hell The The Devil", says it's because
of "Calling On You", "Free" & "Honestly" & says they're not the heaviest songs on the record. He says 2 fans named Jess & Jen who're the double "J" want to hear 1 of
the heaviest songs on the record which's the title track. He says he's doing lots of title tracks tonight, says who is he because he says he's the greatful [as he says it]
"barred", that's able to spin his songs for you. He says let's crank it up, again says it's Sunday night & the Lord's day & says let's hear some Lord's music, on The Rock Of Jericho for "The Rock Of Jess & Jen". He calls them the "ROJJ" & says this is Stryper's "To Hell The The Devil" right here on XM.

7.Plays Stryper's "To Hell The The Devil" & Fozzy's "All That Remains".

8.Y2J says Fozzy's "All That Remains" is another title track from "The Foz" & says it's a request from a fan named Joyce right here on XM 41 Da Boneyard. He says it's another "ROJ on the ROJ" which's The Rock Of Jericho & "The Rock Of Joyce" & wonders if it's "The Rock Of Jess & Jen", who requested Michael Sweet & Stryper.
He says Stryper & Fozzy, hand & hand, run like 2 young boys thru a field & says "run, run, play, have fun". He says Fozzy's currently writing a new Fozzy record, says
he's written 10 sets of lyrics so far & says they're all very metaphysical & psychoanalitical & says they're all called "Lick My Love Pump", that's written in the saddest
key of "B". He says moving onward & upward as he always does, says there's no segway needed there & says "Bat Out Of Hell Part 3:The Monster Is Loose" & wants
to talk about that album. He says he's played the song [yep, as he stutters & says] "Bat-A-UH-THA-Hell, Bat Out Of HELLLLL" on Halloween or the week after Halloween, says it's a classic rock record & says there's no doubt about it. He says followed up in '93 with "Bat Out Of Hell 2:Back Into Hell" that was made 15 or 16
years after the original Jim Steinman/Meatloaf colaberation. He says fast forward another 13 years & we've got "Bat Out Of Hell 3", says "Bat Out Of Hell 1 & 2" were
classic great records, says he has a little problem with "3" & says the reason's that when he 1st heard it he was very excited because he's a Meatloaf fan & a fan of the
other 2 records. He says he's also a fan of the chemistry that Steinman who's the song writer, colaborator & basically the musical genius that's behind the songs that
Meatloaf's singing. He says suddenly on "Bat Out Of Hell 3", he [Steinman] is gone due to a falling out with Meatloaf over a dispute with the name & copyright of who owns "Bat Out Of Hell", etc. He says the point's that "Bat Out Of Hell 3" is not a Jim Steinman/Meatloaf colaberation, says in his opinion it's ludacris, then 1st says "Bat Out Of Hill 3" & says he's talking too fast because this is what happens when you're high on crystal meth & doing a radio show. He asks as to how can "Bat Out Of Hell 3" which's so [yep, as he says it] "sadanamous" with both Steinman & Meatloaf & not have Steinman completely involved & says it would be like having "Bat Out Of Hell 4" without Meatloaf singing. He says Steinman did write songs on "Bat Out Of Hell 3" but not on all of them, says these songs were throwaways, rejects &
older songs that were recycled & rehashed for this record after both had the falling out. He says he [Steinman] was replaced by Desmond Child who also co-wrote "Wake Up Screaming" that we heard earlier, says Desmond's a Kiss colaberator, then mentions Aerosmith & Motley Crue & says if there's a hit song from the early 80's & 90's by a rock & roll band, chances are that Desmond either wrote or colaberate on it while it's writing. He says they got Desmond involved who produced the record, says they also had some outside songwriters involved like Nikki Sixx, who wrote the title track & asks if his show's a title track show. He then counts up to 5 title tracks so far & says this is a special title track edition of his show. He says Nikki Sixx helped write the new Meatloaf song that he'll play next ["The Monster Is Loose"], asks if it's any good & says he don't know because he hasn't heard it yet. He says he's enbarking on this virgin debut journey of the new Meatloaf record that
sands Steinman, asks if it'll be good & heavy & says Nikki Sixx was involved as 1 of the greatest rock & roll songwriters of all time & says let's check it out. He says it's the new Meatloaf that's colaberated on & featuring Nikki Sixx right here on The Rock Of Jericho.

9.Plays Meatloaf's "The Monster Is Loose" & Trivium's "Entrance Of The Conflagration".

10.Y2J says a fan named Todd wanted Trivium, got it & heard it from right here from "The Crusade On The Rock Of Jericho". He asks as to what does "Entrance Of The Conflagration" mean, says he can look it up for you but he's doing a show now & suggests that you yourselves look it up & email the definition of conflagration to him
[NOTE FROM JEFF:here's the definition: http://snipurl.com/14d2k ]. He says the song's based on the Andrea Yates' murder & believes she was the 1 that murdered all of her kids in the bathtub before her husband [Russell "Rusty" Yates] got home. He says that's some sick, disgusting stuff, says that's terrible & a horrible subject that
he thinks makes a very thought provoking set of lyrics. He says maybe he himself should write songs about serial killers & mothers killing their kids, instead of writting
lyrics about banging chicks in the back of a Corvette & says that's the name of an upcoming Fozzy record called "Banging Chicks In The Back Of A Corvette" on XM 41
Da Boneyard. He says he can't trust you lazy, sons of bitches so he'll look up the definition of the word conflagration & then says it means: "A great & distructive fire,
entrance of the great & distructive fire". He says that's some very heavy stuff for a bunch of rock & rollers, thinks "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" may be a little bit more [yep, as he says it] "aperpo" for the lyrics that he wants to write. He says that's Trivium who's 1 of the best new metal bands that he's heard this year along with Avenged Sevenfold, Children Of Bodom & says there's some great new rock bands out there & mentions Mastodon. He says to check them out, says if you're stuck in the 80's as many of us are, says there's nothing wrong with that & the 70's, 60's & the 90's but this is the year 2000's & there needs to be some new bands that're taking underneath all of our wings, so when we're in our 60's we can still go to concerts. He says if not & by the time we're 60 there won't be anymore Paul McCartney's,
Aerosmith's, Motley Crue's, U2's & they'll all be dead, gone & buried & says we'll all be left with "Good Charlotte:The Return" & says he don't wanna hear that. He then
talks in a UK accent by saying it's not very likely & don't wanna hear the Good Charlotte sequel. He then thinks "Good Charlotte:The Harlette" would be some s*** there, says you can do an Iron Maiden/Good Charlotte tribute band & call it "Good Charlotte:The Harlette" & thinks that's a marketing masterpiece. He says it's similiar to
himself & says he's a marketing masterpiece, says he's the spokesman for Schlotsky's gum, NHL '98 EA Sports & says even thought that was almost 10 years ago, he
still was a spokesman for them. He says if anyone has a Nike & are looking for a new spokesman, he available & says write to him at "c/o XM 41 Da Boneyard, Washington, DC SexyBeast". He says speaking of sexybeasts there ain't no more sexybeasts like the boys in Manowar, says they're the 4 boys that play some of the
"kickassed" metal ever all the while, wearing loincloths. He says you know you have to be in a heavy band if you go on stage wearing loincloths & branishing swords,
then laughs & says it brings a laugh to his gullet everytime he thinks about it. He says Manowar's been around for years & says let's go back to the 1st Manowar record, says it was 24 years ago when the boys came from New York City & New Jersey, wearing loincloths & saying "We are the kings of heavy metal, if you want any
proof just look at the sides of our swords". He asks for the proof by them lifting up their loincloths & he'll see as to how big their swords are & says suckas gotta know.
He says this is for a fan named Jesse Swanko who wanted to hear some Manowar that's from the 1st Manowar record & tells him that if he wants it he's got it. He says it's the "Request/title track" version of his show, says here's another title track from Manowar that's on "The ROJ" on a Sunday night.

11.Plays Manowar's "Battle Hymns" & Black Sabbath's "Into The Void".

12.Y2J says Black Sabbath's "Into The Void" is for a fan named "Hister" who wanted to hear some Sabbath after having some personal problems. He says there's 1 thing about music that it can really help you thru some rough times, says it's because the memories that it associates in your head when you hear certain songs. He
says an example's when he hears Iron Maiden's "7th Son Of The 7th Son", it always takes him back to his graduating class in '98. He says in that year he graduated
from high school & asks if you want to know as to how old he is, he says you figure it out & do the math. He says when he always hears that record it reminds him of the great times of driving around & listening to the songs on the record. He says there's a haunted house that was in the prarie area in Winnipeg, Canada, says he & his friends always played that album whenever they went into that house as if they were trying to freak themselves out. He says it worked because it's a freaky album as is,
says when he hears the record, he thinks of those times. He then sings "Good times, good times, great taste, good times", says that's similiar with "Hister" & "Into The Void". He figures a fan named Will feels the same way when asked to hear some Testament, says he'll gladly play some Testament anytime, anyplace & anywhere. He
says they're currently playing with their reunited original lineup, with the exception of drummer Louie Clemente who's gone completely insane & now drums for the
Kajagoogoo reunion. He says he ain't sure exactly as to what the deal is with Louie, but when all left the band & it was just Chuck Billy, Eric Peterson & Greg [yep, as he says it] "Shazon", then wonders as to what Greg the bass player's name & says it's Christian. He says Greg "Shazon" was the bass player for Keel, says he'll do some Keel/Testament stuff going on, then says Testament had guitarist James Murphy & drummer John Tempesta & had put together 1 of the best Testament lineup for
him on the record "Low". He says that's not to be confused with "Load", says this is when Chuck adopted more of a death metal sound to his voice, then ampted up the
heaviness, took out some of the thrash & put more of a death metal vibe to it. He says that's his favorite Testament record & says for Will, this is for him & says it's not a title track from the "Low" record, but it is the "Dog Faced Gods" right here on 41.

13.Plays Testament's "Dog Faced Gods" & Skid Row's "Another Dick In The System".

14.Y2J says Skid Row's "Another Dick In The System" is dedicated to his ex-high school principal & says that's from the new record "Revolutions Per Minute" right here
on "The ROJ". He says it has vocalist Johnny Solinger that replaced Sebastian Bach, says if you're thinking this is the new Skid Row with the new Sebastian Bach & says you're wrong. He says lots of people still don't know that "Baz" is gone & says here's the official announcement by saying:

"Hi I'm Chris Jericho from The Rock Of Jericho here on XM 41 Da Boneyard, it's Sunday night & I'm here to tell you as a personal & public service announcement that Sebastian Bach's officially no longer in Skid Row, nor has he been for the last 8 years. Skid Row's now adopted a new lead singer called Johnny Solinger from Austin,
Texas who's now singing with the band. He sang on the last record "Thick Skin": http://tinyurl.com/yljby3 & on this record "Revolutions Per Minute": http://tinyurl.com/yjukku , I highly recommend you check them out. If you like Skid Row because Johnny's a great replacement for Sebastian Bach, thank you & have a great day".

Y2J asked as to how's that for some s*** right there & asked if you liked it, says he's laying down & says that's what you get when you wrestled for 15 years. He says
that's what you get when you're a regular performer to with "The Groundlings": www.groundlings.com , where you get that inprov experience going on & says when you're the lead singer of a rock & roll band. He wonders if he should've tried out to be Skid Row's lead singer, wonders if he can sing like Solinger & says no. He then wonders if he himself will be another dick in the system & says "Absofrigginlutely", then says if you're looking for "Another Dick In The System" & says to not go any further because you've found him. He asks if you like Skid Row's new record, says he thinks it's got some great songs on it & says there's 1 thing about the band, is that
Sebastian never wrote alot of songs for Skid Row. He says it was all based on the songwriting pralis of "Snake" Sabo & Rachel Bowlin & says both are still in the band
but Snake can't play guitar as much as he used to. He says Snake's having a lot of [yep, as hs says it] "carpel-tunnel" problems & says Styx giggs with them on a semi-permannent basis. He says they got Kerry Kelly in the band & who's been in every other band from Ratt to Pretty Boy Floyd to Alice Cooper & everyone in between. He says Snake's the manager of Phil Anselmo & says that's a little extra trivia there, says the songwriting's still there & he can still pick up a friggin acoustic
guitar & play it & says that's the fruits of his labor, his womb & his Fruit Of The Loom. He says that was for a fan named "Ania", "Anya", "Onyo" & says that was for
"Ania" & "Onyo" who wanted to hear some Skid Row. He says you can't always get what you want when Mick Jagger's talking to you, but you can always get what you want when Jericho's in the "his" & says he's so full of "shite" that it makes him laugh. He says he gets a kick out of himself & says if you can't get a kick out of himself
then who can you can't get a kick out of is his question to you. He says he's expecting the new Poison DVD anytime soon, says they don't have a live concert DVD from all of their reunion shows, says they've been playing yearly since '98, says they haven't released any new material & may've had 1 new record, but he or anyone
probably don't remember it & thinks it was called "Hollyweird". He says they don't even wanna release a new record & says they don't care & says they'll just tour & play the same songs every round. He says people will dig & love it, says Bret Michaels' a great guy & is down with him when he had the famous Iron Maiden vs Judas
Priest argument with Eddie Trunk, Eric Loveglass, Don Jameson & a whole s***load of New Yorkers on 1 side standing for Priest. He says he was the only lone Maiden
fan that was getting berated, says the thing that turned the tide was when Bret Michaels of all people called on Eddie's show & asked "Bret, who do you like better Priest or Maiden". He says Bret's response was Maiden, says it was like "YES" & says Bret's a Maiden fan & all's well in the world. He says again Bret's a great guy,
great songwriter & a great frontman & says enough great, let's just play some Poison because you don't hear enough Poison on "The ROJ". He says this is from the "Flesh & Blood" record, it's Bret & the boys & it's for a fan named "VH" in Winnipeg, right here on "The ROJ".

15.Plays Poison's "Let It Play" & Pain Of Salvation's "Inside Out".

16.Y2J says Pain Of Salvation's "Inside Out" is a request from a fan named Rod & it's the debut of Pain Of Salvation on his show. He says we've never heard Pain Of Salvation before, says he's checked them out in the system & asked if you liked it. He says they're a very prog rock type band with a great singer named Daniel
Gildenlow, who gets the stamp of approval in the prog rock world because when Mike Portnoy did his Hammer Of The Gods/Led Zeppelin tribute & asked as to who sang for it, it was Daniel. He says if you're working with Portnoy you know you're a fine musician, says Portnoy's working with the "G3" tour again in Australia: www.g3tour.com , says he's touring with John Petrucci & Dave LaRue & formed a little 3 piece power trio. He says also going with them is Joe Satriani who he played
last week with Mike Martin & Steve Vai & says Portnoy's a non-stop workaholic, that's churning out fine product after fine product & continues with "G3". He says it's
similiar to listening to Pain Of Salvation, the Hammer Of The Gods record that Portnoy did, etc. He says he played lots of requests tonight, says thanks to the fans for
emailing them in & again says to email him your requests & again plugs his 2 sites. He says this is your show, says you can come on & do his show if you wanted to & says he'll just stay there & collect the cash & says to believe him when he says there's a huge amount of it & laughs. He says a long time fan named "Songe" wanted to hear some Dream Theater, says he's been talking about them & says everything's very organic on his show. He says he puts it together like a jigsaw puzzle of rock,
where 1 thing leads to another & says as soon as he gets to the next song, you'll understand as to why he played the last 1. He then says "OHHH, I understand why you played Pain Of Salvation", because it gives you a nice little segway into Dream Theater & says yes that's true & correct. He says Dream Theater's working on a new record & heard rumors that they've written some songs that're the sickest songs that they've ever written. He says for them to say that, he wonders as to how sick are these songs. He says he expects nothing less from them then some sick, heavy awesome songs & says this is 1 of them ["Mew Millennium"]. He says it's from the much controversial "Falling Into Infinity" record that's the only Dream Theater record that had keyboardist Derek Sherinian, then mentions the "Change Of Seasons" mini-record & says the 1st & only full length record to have Derek was "Falling Into Infinity". He says it was produced by Kevin Shirley, had songs by Desmond Child on it & asks if you see as to how everything fits & calls himself a friggin programming genius. He says he's over, finished, gone, done & out, tells "Songe" that his request's coming up & thanks the Rock Of Jericholics for joining him in this fight. He then thanks them for joining him to keep rockesity alive in the new millennium, right here on
"The ROJ" on XM 41 Da Boneyard & says good night.

17.Ends with Dream Theater's "Mew Millennium" & the show ends at 9:56PM.

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