Lena (Holliday) Garrett
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Date Posted: 15:25:36 04/29/03 Tue
In reply to:
D'juana Watts
's message, "upcomimg events" on 20:22:45 04/28/03 Mon
>Hey everyone long time no hear, so I finally ran into
>someone from school. so how's everyone? Sorry I missed
>all of the events,but I will try not to miss another
>one. Anyway I'm in the military, no I did'nt have to
>go to war thank god for that. I'm in the National
>Guards, sometimes I love it sometimes I hate it, but I
>travel alot, I've been to
>Iowa,Califonia,Tennesse,Washington DC, Baltimore
>Maryland, Fort Jackson South Carolina, too many places
>to name. I'm a heavy wheel mechanic, can you believe
>that, but anyway enough about me, just wanted to fill
>everyone in on how I am doing. Life for me is ok for
>now. Hope to get a response from everyone. It's been
>real nice talking to ya, I will try my hardest to come
>to the reuion Halla back, peace
Hey girl,
It is good to here from you. Sounds like you have been living a very busy life. It is a good thing that they did not send you over to Irac. Take care and God Bless.
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